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2010.1 Not booting alone [solved]


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Just upgraded (by remains of re-installing /) from 2009.1 to 2010.1 and have one major issue (in addition to the usual changes to get used to): PC hangs during the early stage of booting. I get the option to login as root and am then dumped in run-level 1. At this stage rsyslog is not yet running; starting it (service rsyslog start) causes the bootlog to be written to syslog & messages, but no clues as to what happened. A telinit 5 causes my system to continue booting normal and system functions correctly. Attached picture shows the error message. I have been able to trace this back to following lines in /etc/rc.sysinit (line 890 and below):

# Check filesystems
# (pixel) do not check loopback files, will be done later (aren't available yet)
if [ -z "$fastboot" ]; then
       gprintf "Checking filesystems\n"
       Fsck -T -R -A -a -t noopts=loop $fsckoptions

This causes an fsck on all file systems apart from root and it somehow fails on my /home partition (which is an XFS file system). A manual xfs_check shows it is in good shape - no errors.


I can obviously comment this out, but I would like to understand what is happening here and why it fails. Any advice? More info available on request.

post-17854-001828000 1278968068_thumb.jpg

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It could be worthwhile while booting normally, to press the ESC key so that we can see verbose mode of it booting, and see if there are any errors at this point. Seems strange, perhaps it's not completely upgraded correctly.

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It could be worthwhile while booting normally, to press the ESC key so that we can see verbose mode of it booting, and see if there are any errors at this point. Seems strange, perhaps it's not completely upgraded correctly.

The screenshot I attached shows a full boot (i.e. after pressing Esc). The upgrade was by means of complete re-install (root partition got formatted). I have added some more debug statements to rc.sysinit and think it tries to fsck something with wrong arguments. Not quite clear what though (need to study code and the output in more detail). Have established that rc,sysinit did not change materially between 2009.1 and 2010.1.


request: can somebody post /etc/fstab -- want to check that what I have is OK. Believe it to be OK (as telinit 5 runs OK, mounts all missing partitions and results in a working system), but just to eliminate this as cause.

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I think it s telling you that it has a problem with a Windows partition which is shown as fat32.


I had a similar problem just recently. The Windows partitions were corrupted and Mandriva trys to fix it during the boot up. Fortunately it was on another drive so I was able to temporarily disconnect it and after that I removed the reference to it in fstab. Rebooted with no problems after that. Reconnected the HD and since I had no important data on that HD, I wiped the disc completely and reformatted it to its original layout using the Mandriva Control Centre.

It has worked AOK ever since.


I don't know if you have Windows installed on your particular drive, but if you have and Windows is still working on it, it doesn't mean that Mandriva is at fault, because Windows is so sloppy technically that it often ignores problems and just moves on until it gets so bad that you get the famous BSOD.


I hope this helps. John.

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I think it s telling you that it has a problem with a Windows partition which is shown as fat32....

Thanks John -- this was the right track (though the cause was slightly different): my fstab had an entry to mount an external HDD (vfat file systeem) in a known place. This had been defined with the option noauto, i.e. do not mount during booting, but mount on request. This was the drive fsck was probing and got stuck on (as it was not connected). Not quite clear whether this is really the right behaviour but as I didn't need it anymore have removed the line and am now booting as per normal (still much slower than 2009.1; being investigated and may be hardware related).

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