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MCN live kris RC1


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I just got the mcnlive-kris-rc1.iso and put it on a USB stick (with a method that works for me on netbooks) it booted fine and setup

the wifi network with no issues. Great Job HighKing. tests all positive on the Acer Aspire One netbook.

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Yes. however a different stick, same manufacturer, I have three sticks that seem to work ok, I know it must have something

to do with the partition structure, on the sticks that work I seem able to put other hybrid-isos on them too using the DD

method, mandriva seed, image-writer and yes even net-booten however it seems to have issues with mandriva's iso and fails on it

but not on others (shakes head) I have had to resort to labeling the sticks and what package i used to put the .iso on it.

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Using the mandriva seed script and mandriva 2010 beta i was able to create a bootable usb stick (unmounted sdb first) it looks

like the manner in which the usb sticks are originally created has a lot to do with this, knowing this i will be using the seed

for creation, i have not been able to successfully reuse sticks created that didnt work, ive tried using fdisk /dev/sdb and completely removing everything and recreating a FAT partition and then using mandriva seed, guess i will have to be really careful in the future.

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