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Posts posted by kristi

  1. EDIT: was mumble mumble grumble grumble bitch whine

    (info on dual kern is in Tips and Triks - Basics)




    [moved from Software by spinynorman]

  2. Ok....back the train up here a minute. Timeout.

    nvidia.ko is built by the nvidia-installer.

    The error you are getting is not that it can't find the nvidia.ko, but that it can't load it. This error is usually caused by having the wrong kernel sources installed, as your error points out.

    First. Do


    uname -r


    Before I had my presently mixed system, I had a virgin 10.2b3 install, and a source from the cd3 of the 10.2b3, thus implying to me that since it had the same numbers and came from the same download, they were the same. I got the same old nvidia.ko missing message.


    Because a lot of folks suggested I use the mm source, I now have the mm source in /usr/src/linux. naturally it does not agree with what uname -r says since the system installed by the 10.2b3 CDs is 10.2b3 with a 2.6.10-3 source.


    Kristi :wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall:

  3. I am trying to play with 10.2b3


    I go to http://www.mandrakeusers.org/easyurpmi/


    I select cooker


    I select some stuff


    I select "STEP 3"


    It gives me

    urpmi.addmedia main http://carroll.aset.psu.edu/pub/linux/dist...i586/media/main with media_info/hdlist.cz

    urpmi.addmedia contrib http://carroll.aset.psu.edu/pub/linux/dist...6/media/contrib with media_info/hdlist.cz

    urpmi.addmedia --update updates http://carroll.aset.psu.edu/pub/linux/dist....1/main_updates with media_info/hdlist.cz

    which is all 10.1 official.


    I scroll back to the top of the page and I find that "COOKER" has been changed to "10.1 official"


    How the :furious3: do I get cooker???


    Kristi (please - only someone who has actually done it answer)

  4. Sorry, I was a bit concise :). rolf's pretty much nailed it, his link is the right fix for -3mdk, and as he said, you can get kernel-multimedia from Cooker contrib. 10.1 contrib will only have 2.6.7, obviously, as contrib gets frozen for release like main does. Whenever you use betas, you should use Cooker mirrors as urpmi sources, not stable, as the betas are effectively Cooker. http://easyurpmi.zarb.org/ to set up Cooker sources, of course.


    Adam, thanks, could you flesh this out a tad, as on one attempt I did indeed use "cooker" to build my urpmi but with no joy. You have mentioned "multimedia" source - can you give me a name?



    Gonna go try b3 again cause it feels so good when I stop!



  5. As adamw and I have said, there is a problem with the kernel-source that comes with beta 3.  It is a typo, which can be fixed.  The link I gave describes how.  It will not work unless you edit a file in the source.  It does not matter by which method you install the source; it will have that typo.  The kernel-multimedia-source rpm is in the contrib section of cooker, along with the multimedia kernel.  Look on your mirror in mandrakelinux/devel/cooker/cooker/media/contrib/


    I did make that mod in my last attempt. I noticed that is in a 64 bit area and has nothing to do with the fact the nvidia.ko is missing from 2.6.10-3,-4 kern source.


    Do a google on 2.6.10 kernsource and nvidia - lots of stuff - even nforce stuff. Apparently 2.6.11 rocks. Dunno


    Also could you please give me mandrakelinux/devel/cooker/cooker/media/contrib/ as a real url addy?



    Hope that helps.


  6. EDIT - reading this on 14 Mar 05 - just ignore everything I said - I'm happily on 10.2rc1


    quote]Not an uncommon occurrence with Mandrake Cooker repositories, which is basically what the 4th CD is.


    I wish I'd been aware of that before I popped my $66 for it but hey, live and learn!!!


    I'm going to just re-install 10.1 OI and leave it at that. I was beginning to get the feeling that they put it on the 4th CD cause they couldn't get it to work on the release... :cheesy: Enough of this garbage!!! :drum:


    10.1 works just fine for my purposes. I just like to play with new stuff and that got me in trouble.


    Thanks much for your time and thoughts!!!!!!!!!



  7. Further flounderings:



    [root@h00301b24a03f kristi]# cd

    [root@h00301b24a03f root]# urpmi --media /media/kde3.3 kdebase

    trying to select nonexistent medium "/media/kde3.3"

    no package named kdebase

    [root@h00301b24a03f root]# cd /mnt/cdrom/media/kde3.3

    [root@h00301b24a03f kde3.3]# urpmi --media kde3.3 kdebase

    Some package requested cannot be installed:

    libkdebase4-kate-devel-3.3.0-24mdk.i586 (due to unsatisfied devel(libkscript))

    libkdecore4-devel-3.3.0-10mdk.i586 (due to unsatisfied devel(libjack))

    Continue? (Y/n)

    The following packages have to be removed for others to be upgraded:

    kdetrayproxy-0.2-6mdk.i586 (due to conflicts with libkdecore4-3.3.0-10mdk.i586)

    kdevelop-3.0.4-15mdk.i586 (due to missing kdelibs-devel)

    libkdecore4-devel-3.2.3-93mdk.i586 (due to unsatisfied libkdecore4 == 30000000:3.2.3-93mdk)

    libkdeedu1-devel-3.2.3-7mdk.i586 (due to missing devel(libDCOP), due to missing devel(libkdecore), due to missing devel(libkdefx))

    libkdegames1-devel-3.2.3-9mdk.i586 (due to missing devel(libDCOP), due to missing devel(libartskde), due to missing devel(libkdecore), due to missing devel(libkdefx), due to missing devel(libkdeprint), due to missing devel(libkdesu), due to missing devel(libkdeui), due to missing devel(libkio), due to missing devel(libkparts))

    libkdegraphics0-common-devel-3.2.3-16mdk.i586 (due to missing devel(libDCOP), due to missing devel(libkdecore), due to missing devel(libkdefx), due to missing devel(libkdesu), due to missing devel(libkdeui), due to missing devel(libkio), due to missing devel(libkparts))

    libkdegraphics0-kooka-devel-3.2.3-16mdk.i586 (due to missing devel(libDCOP), due to missing devel(libkdecore), due to missing devel(libkdefx), due to missing devel(libkdesu), due to missing devel(libkdeui), due to missing devel(libkio))

    libkdegraphics0-kview-devel-3.2.3-16mdk.i586 (due to missing devel(libDCOP), due to missing devel(libkdecore), due to missing devel(libkdefx), due to missing devel(libkdesu), due to missing devel(libkdeui), due to missing devel(libkio), due to missing devel(libkparts))

    libkdemultimedia1-common-devel-3.2.3-18mdk.i586 (due to missing devel(libDCOP), due to missing devel(libartskde), due to missing devel(libkdecore), due to missing devel(libkdefakes), due to missing devel(libkdefx), due to missing devel(libkdesu), due to missing devel(libkdeui), due to missing devel(libkio), due to missing devel(libkmid), due to missing devel(libkparts), due to missing devel(libnoatunarts))

    libkdemultimedia1-noatun-devel-3.2.3-18mdk.i586 (due to missing devel(libDCOP), due to missing devel(libartskde), due to missing devel(libkdecore), due to missing devel(libkdefx), due to missing devel(libkdesu), due to missing devel(libkdeui), due to missing devel(libkio), due to missing devel(libartsbuilder), due to missing devel(libartsgui), due to missing devel(libartsgui_idl), due to missing devel(libartsgui_kde), due to missing devel(libartsmidi_idl), due to missing devel(libartsmodules), due to missing devel(libartsmodulescommon), due to missing devel(libartsmoduleseffects), due to missing devel(libartsmodulesmixers), due to missing devel(libartsmodulessynth))

    libkdenetwork2-kopete-devel-3.2.3-19mdk.i586 (due to missing devel(libDCOP), due to missing devel(libkabc), due to missing devel(libkdecore), due to missing devel(libkdefx), due to missing devel(libkdeprint), due to missing devel(libkdesu), due to missing devel(libkdeui), due to missing devel(libkhtml), due to missing devel(libkio), due to missing devel(libkjs), due to missing devel(libkparts), due to missing devel(libkresources), due to missing devel(libkutils), due to missing devel(libkwalletclient), due to missing devel(libvcard))

    libkdepim2-common-devel-3.3.0-26mdk.i586 (due to missing devel(libDCOP), due to missing devel(libkabc), due to missing devel(libkdecore), due to missing devel(libkdefx), due to missing devel(libkdeprint), due to missing devel(libkdesu), due to missing devel(libkdeui), due to missing devel(libkio), due to missing devel(libkparts), due to missing devel(libkresources), due to missing devel(libkspell), due to missing devel(libkutils), due to missing devel(libkwalletclient), due to missing devel(libvcard), due to missing devel(libkabinterfaces))

    libkdepim2-kaddressbook-devel-3.3.0-26mdk.i586 (due to missing devel(libDCOP), due to missing devel(libkabc), due to missing devel(libkabc_file), due to missing devel(libkdecore), due to missing devel(libkdefx), due to missing devel(libkdeprint), due to missing devel(libkdesu), due to missing devel(libkdeui), due to missing devel(libkhtml), due to missing devel(libkio), due to missing devel(libkjs), due to missing devel(libkparts), due to missing devel(libkresources), due to missing devel(libkutils), due to missing devel(libkwalletclient), due to missing devel(libvcard), due to missing devel(libkcal), due to missing devel(libkdepim))

    libkdepim2-kmail-devel-3.3.0-26mdk.i586 (due to missing devel(libDCOP), due to missing devel(libkabc), due to missing devel(libkdecore), due to missing devel(libkdefx), due to missing devel(libkdeprint), due to missing devel(libkdesu), due to missing devel(libkdeui), due to missing devel(libkhtml), due to missing devel(libkio), due to missing devel(libkjs), due to missing devel(libkparts), due to missing devel(libkresources), due to missing devel(libkspell), due to missing devel(libkutils), due to missing devel(libkwalletclient), due to missing devel(libvcard), due to missing devel(libgpgme++), due to missing devel(libkcal), due to missing devel(libkdenetwork), due to missing devel(libkdepim), due to missing devel(libkleopatra), due to missing devel(libkpimidentities), due to missing devel(libksieve), due to missing devel(libmimelib), due to missing devel(libqgpgme))

    libkdepim2-kontact-devel-3.3.0-26mdk.i586 (due to missing devel(libDCOP), due to missing devel(libkabc), due to missing devel(libkdecore), due to missing devel(libkdefx), due to missing devel(libkdesu), due to missing devel(libkdeui), due to missing devel(libkio), due to missing devel(libkparts), due to missing devel(libkresources), due to missing devel(libvcard), due to missing devel(libkcal), due to missing devel(libkdepim))

    libkdepim2-korganizer-devel-3.3.0-26mdk.i586 (due to missing devel(libDCOP), due to missing devel(libkabc), due to missing devel(libkdecore), due to missing devel(libkdefx), due to missing devel(libkdeprint), due to missing devel(libkdesu), due to missing devel(libkdeui), due to missing devel(libkio), due to missing devel(libkparts), due to missing devel(libkresources), due to missing devel(libkspell), due to missing devel(libkutils), due to missing devel(libvcard), due to missing devel(libgpgme++), due to missing devel(libkcal), due to missing devel(libkcal_resourceremote), due to missing devel(libkdenetwork), due to missing devel(libkdepim), due to missing devel(libkleopatra), due to missing devel(libkorganizer_calendar), due to missing devel(libkpimidentities), due to missing devel(libktnef), due to missing devel(libqgpgme))

    libkdesdk1-cervisia-devel-3.2.3-14mdk.i586 (due to missing devel(libDCOP), due to missing devel(libkdecore), due to missing devel(libkdefx))

    libkdesdk1-devel-3.2.3-14mdk.i586 (due to missing devel(libDCOP), due to missing devel(libkdecore), due to missing devel(libkdefx), due to missing devel(libkdeui))

    libkdesdk1-kbabel-devel-3.2.3-14mdk.i586 (due to missing devel(libDCOP), due to missing devel(libkdecore), due to missing devel(libkdefx), due to missing devel(libkdesu), due to missing devel(libkdeui), due to missing devel(libkio))

    libkdeutils1-common-devel-3.2.3-28mdk.i586 (due to missing devel(libDCOP), due to missing devel(libkdecore), due to missing devel(libkdefx), due to missing devel(libkdesu), due to missing devel(libkdeui), due to missing devel(libkio))

    libkdeutils1-ksim-devel-3.2.3-28mdk.i586 (due to missing devel(libDCOP), due to missing devel(libkdecore), due to missing devel(libkdefx), due to missing devel(libkdeui))

    libkdevelop3-devel-3.0.4-15mdk.i586 (due to missing devel(libDCOP), due to missing devel(libkdecore), due to missing devel(libkdefx), due to missing devel(libkdesu), due to missing devel(libkdeui), due to missing devel(libkio), due to missing devel(libkparts), due to missing devel(libktexteditor))

    libquanta0-kommander-devel-3.2.3-12mdk.i586 (due to missing devel(libDCOP), due to missing devel(libkdecore), due to missing devel(libkdefx), due to missing devel(libkdesu), due to missing devel(libkdeui), due to missing devel(libkio)) (y/N) y

    To satisfy dependencies, the following 18 packages are going to be installed (83 MB):



















    Is this OK? (Y/n)

    Please insert the medium named "kde3.3" on device [/dev/hdc]

    Press Enter when ready... umount: /mnt/cdrom: device is busy

    umount: /mnt/cdrom: device is busy

    eject: unmount of `/dev/hdc' failed


    Please insert the medium named "kde3.3" on device [/dev/hdc]

    Press Enter when ready... umount: /mnt/cdrom: device is busy

    umount: /mnt/cdrom: device is busy

    eject: unmount of `/dev/hdc' failed


    umount: /mnt/cdrom: device is busy

    umount: /mnt/cdrom: device is busy

    eject: unmount of `/dev/hdc' failed

    Please insert the medium named "kde3.3" on device [/dev/hdc]

    Press Enter when ready...

    umount: /mnt/cdrom: device is busy

    Please insert the medium named "kde3.3" on device [/dev/hdc]

    Press Enter when ready... umount: /mnt/cdrom: device is busy

    eject: unmount of `/dev/hdc' failed


    while I didn't go far enough the first time, it appears that while hdlist.cz is located at /mnt/cdrom/media/kde3.3/media_info it has told urpmi that everything is at /mnt/cdrom/kde3.3 which, of course, doesn't exist. unless of course I burn a new cd with the kde3.3 folder... In the meantime I have hosed my kmix! LOLOLOLOL


    Thanks for your time!!!


  8. Mr T,

    Open a console, insert cd 4 and browse to it. Su to root use urpmi to install the new base package. It will also ask to install the depends. Let it do its thing. I know, it's not gui, but it'll install kde3.3!!
    resulted in
    [kristi@h00301b24a03f kristi]$ cd /mnt/cdrom/media/kde3.3

    [kristi@h00301b24a03f kde3.3]$ su


    [root@h00301b24a03f kde3.3]# urpmi kdebase-3.3.0-24mdk.i586.rpm

    Some package requested cannot be installed:

    kdebase-3.3.0-24mdk.i586 (due to unsatisfied kdebase-kate[== 1:3.3.0-24mdk])

    Continue? (Y/n) Y

    [root@h00301b24a03f kde3.3]#

    which I don't think was what you had in mind.



    [root@h00301b24a03f kde3.3]# urpmi.addmedia kde3.3 removable:///mnt/cdrom with ./media/kde3.3/media_info/hdlist.cz

    added medium kde3.3

    examining synthesis file [/var/lib/urpmi/synthesis.hdlist.jpackage.cz]

    examining synthesis file [/var/lib/urpmi/synthesis.hdlist.Installation CD 4 (KDE 3.3) (cdrom4).cz]

    examining synthesis file [/var/lib/urpmi/synthesis.hdlist.Installation CD 3 (cdrom3).cz]

    examining synthesis file [/var/lib/urpmi/synthesis.hdlist.contrib.cz]

    examining synthesis file [/var/lib/urpmi/synthesis.hdlist.updates.cz]

    examining synthesis file [/var/lib/urpmi/synthesis.hdlist.plf-nonfree.cz]

    examining synthesis file [/var/lib/urpmi/synthesis.hdlist.main.cz]

    examining synthesis file [/var/lib/urpmi/synthesis.hdlist.Installation CD 2 (cdrom2).cz]

    examining synthesis file [/var/lib/urpmi/synthesis.hdlist.Installation CD 1 (cdrom1).cz]

    examining synthesis file [/var/lib/urpmi/synthesis.hdlist.plf-free.cz]

    computing md5sum of existing source hdlist (or synthesis)

    copying source hdlist (or synthesis) of "kde3.3"...

    ...copying done

    examining hdlist file [/var/cache/urpmi/partial/hdlist.kde3.3.cz]

    examining pubkey file of "kde3.3"...

    built hdlist synthesis file for medium "kde3.3"

    found 0 headers in cache

    removing 0 obsolete headers in cache

    write config file [/etc/urpmi/urpmi.cfg]

    [root@h00301b24a03f kde3.3]#

    not sure if that was right. I forgot that I was still CD'ed to kde3.3 .

    Doing the rest gave me

    [root@h00301b24a03f kde3.3]# urpmi --media kde3.3 kdebase

    Some package requested cannot be installed:

    libkdebase4-kate-devel-3.3.0-24mdk.i586 (due to unsatisfied devel(libkscript))

    libkdecore4-devel-3.3.0-10mdk.i586 (due to unsatisfied devel(libjack))

    Continue? (Y/n)

    The following packages have to be removed for others to be upgraded:

    kdetrayproxy-0.2-6mdk.i586 (due to conflicts with libkdecore4-3.3.0-10mdk.i586)

    kdevelop-3.0.4-15mdk.i586 (due to missing kdelibs-devel)

    libkdecore4-devel-3.2.3-93mdk.i586 (due to unsatisfied libkdecore4 == 30000000:3.2.3-93mdk)

    libkdeedu1-devel-3.2.3-7mdk.i586 (due to missing devel(libDCOP), due to missing devel(libkdecore), due to missing devel(libkdefx))

    libkdegames1-devel-3.2.3-9mdk.i586 (due to missing devel(libDCOP), due to missing devel(libartskde), due to missing devel(libkdecore), due to missing devel(libkdefx), due to missing devel(libkdeprint), due to missing devel(libkdesu), due to missing devel(libkdeui), due to missing devel(libkio), due to missing devel(libkparts))

    libkdegraphics0-common-devel-3.2.3-16mdk.i586 (due to missing devel(libDCOP), due to missing devel(libkdecore), due to missing devel(libkdefx), due to missing devel(libkdesu), due to missing devel(libkdeui), due to missing devel(libkio), due to missing devel(libkparts))

    libkdegraphics0-kooka-devel-3.2.3-16mdk.i586 (due to missing devel(libDCOP), due to missing devel(libkdecore), due to missing devel(libkdefx), due to missing devel(libkdesu), due to missing devel(libkdeui), due to missing devel(libkio))

    libkdegraphics0-kview-devel-3.2.3-16mdk.i586 (due to missing devel(libDCOP), due to missing devel(libkdecore), due to missing devel(libkdefx), due to missing devel(libkdesu), due to missing devel(libkdeui), due to missing devel(libkio), due to missing devel(libkparts))

    libkdemultimedia1-common-devel-3.2.3-18mdk.i586 (due to missing devel(libDCOP), due to missing devel(libartskde), due to missing devel(libkdecore), due to missing devel(libkdefakes), due to missing devel(libkdefx), due to missing devel(libkdesu), due to missing devel(libkdeui), due to missing devel(libkio), due to missing devel(libkmid), due to missing devel(libkparts), due to missing devel(libnoatunarts))

    libkdemultimedia1-noatun-devel-3.2.3-18mdk.i586 (due to missing devel(libDCOP), due to missing devel(libartskde), due to missing devel(libkdecore), due to missing devel(libkdefx), due to missing devel(libkdesu), due to missing devel(libkdeui), due to missing devel(libkio), due to missing devel(libartsbuilder), due to missing devel(libartsgui), due to missing devel(libartsgui_idl), due to missing devel(libartsgui_kde), due to missing devel(libartsmidi_idl), due to missing devel(libartsmodules), due to missing devel(libartsmodulescommon), due to missing devel(libartsmoduleseffects), due to missing devel(libartsmodulesmixers), due to missing devel(libartsmodulessynth))

    libkdenetwork2-kopete-devel-3.2.3-19mdk.i586 (due to missing devel(libDCOP), due to missing devel(libkabc), due to missing devel(libkdecore), due to missing devel(libkdefx), due to missing devel(libkdeprint), due to missing devel(libkdesu), due to missing devel(libkdeui), due to missing devel(libkhtml), due to missing devel(libkio), due to missing devel(libkjs), due to missing devel(libkparts), due to missing devel(libkresources), due to missing devel(libkutils), due to missing devel(libkwalletclient), due to missing devel(libvcard))

    libkdepim2-common-devel-3.3.0-26mdk.i586 (due to missing devel(libDCOP), due to missing devel(libkabc), due to missing devel(libkdecore), due to missing devel(libkdefx), due to missing devel(libkdeprint), due to missing devel(libkdesu), due to missing devel(libkdeui), due to missing devel(libkio), due to missing devel(libkparts), due to missing devel(libkresources), due to missing devel(libkspell), due to missing devel(libkutils), due to missing devel(libkwalletclient), due to missing devel(libvcard), due to missing devel(libkabinterfaces))

    libkdepim2-kaddressbook-devel-3.3.0-26mdk.i586 (due to missing devel(libDCOP), due to missing devel(libkabc), due to missing devel(libkabc_file), due to missing devel(libkdecore), due to missing devel(libkdefx), due to missing devel(libkdeprint), due to missing devel(libkdesu), due to missing devel(libkdeui), due to missing devel(libkhtml), due to missing devel(libkio), due to missing devel(libkjs), due to missing devel(libkparts), due to missing devel(libkresources), due to missing devel(libkutils), due to missing devel(libkwalletclient), due to missing devel(libvcard), due to missing devel(libkcal), due to missing devel(libkdepim))

    libkdepim2-kmail-devel-3.3.0-26mdk.i586 (due to missing devel(libDCOP), due to missing devel(libkabc), due to missing devel(libkdecore), due to missing devel(libkdefx), due to missing devel(libkdeprint), due to missing devel(libkdesu), due to missing devel(libkdeui), due to missing devel(libkhtml), due to missing devel(libkio), due to missing devel(libkjs), due to missing devel(libkparts), due to missing devel(libkresources), due to missing devel(libkspell), due to missing devel(libkutils), due to missing devel(libkwalletclient), due to missing devel(libvcard), due to missing devel(libgpgme++), due to missing devel(libkcal), due to missing devel(libkdenetwork), due to missing devel(libkdepim), due to missing devel(libkleopatra), due to missing devel(libkpimidentities), due to missing devel(libksieve), due to missing devel(libmimelib), due to missing devel(libqgpgme))

    libkdepim2-kontact-devel-3.3.0-26mdk.i586 (due to missing devel(libDCOP), due to missing devel(libkabc), due to missing devel(libkdecore), due to missing devel(libkdefx), due to missing devel(libkdesu), due to missing devel(libkdeui), due to missing devel(libkio), due to missing devel(libkparts), due to missing devel(libkresources), due to missing devel(libvcard), due to missing devel(libkcal), due to missing devel(libkdepim))

    libkdepim2-korganizer-devel-3.3.0-26mdk.i586 (due to missing devel(libDCOP), due to missing devel(libkabc), due to missing devel(libkdecore), due to missing devel(libkdefx), due to missing devel(libkdeprint), due to missing devel(libkdesu), due to missing devel(libkdeui), due to missing devel(libkio), due to missing devel(libkparts), due to missing devel(libkresources), due to missing devel(libkspell), due to missing devel(libkutils), due to missing devel(libvcard), due to missing devel(libgpgme++), due to missing devel(libkcal), due to missing devel(libkcal_resourceremote), due to missing devel(libkdenetwork), due to missing devel(libkdepim), due to missing devel(libkleopatra), due to missing devel(libkorganizer_calendar), due to missing devel(libkpimidentities), due to missing devel(libktnef), due to missing devel(libqgpgme))

    libkdesdk1-cervisia-devel-3.2.3-14mdk.i586 (due to missing devel(libDCOP), due to missing devel(libkdecore), due to missing devel(libkdefx))

    libkdesdk1-devel-3.2.3-14mdk.i586 (due to missing devel(libDCOP), due to missing devel(libkdecore), due to missing devel(libkdefx), due to missing devel(libkdeui))

    libkdesdk1-kbabel-devel-3.2.3-14mdk.i586 (due to missing devel(libDCOP), due to missing devel(libkdecore), due to missing devel(libkdefx), due to missing devel(libkdesu), due to missing devel(libkdeui), due to missing devel(libkio))

    libkdeutils1-common-devel-3.2.3-28mdk.i586 (due to missing devel(libDCOP), due to missing devel(libkdecore), due to missing devel(libkdefx), due to missing devel(libkdesu), due to missing devel(libkdeui), due to missing devel(libkio))

    libkdeutils1-ksim-devel-3.2.3-28mdk.i586 (due to missing devel(libDCOP), due to missing devel(libkdecore), due to missing devel(libkdefx), due to missing devel(libkdeui))

    libkdevelop3-devel-3.0.4-15mdk.i586 (due to missing devel(libDCOP), due to missing devel(libkdecore), due to missing devel(libkdefx), due to missing devel(libkdesu), due to missing devel(libkdeui), due to missing devel(libkio), due to missing devel(libkparts), due to missing devel(libktexteditor))

    libquanta0-kommander-devel-3.2.3-12mdk.i586 (due to missing devel(libDCOP), due to missing devel(libkdecore), due to missing devel(libkdefx), due to missing devel(libkdesu), due to missing devel(libkdeui), due to missing devel(libkio)) (y/N)

    [root@h00301b24a03f kde3.3]#


    which I think was wrong.


    Would appreciate thoughts!!!


    Kristi (on 10.1)

  9. Hi and thanks for your reply.

    Right now your /etc/urpmi/urpmi.cfg file contains only references to the CD's you loaded.
    cd4 includes KDE3.3 stuff - urpmi doesn't show it.



    Then when you get your urpmi.cfg ready to go with the new ftp sources, you should be able to start the GUI Package Manager (Configuration/Packaging)and search for KDE.


    remembering that the window for urpmi still says 10.1,,, It doesn't chow me any KDE3.3 stuff - tons of 3.2 stuff.




  10. Did a new 10.1 install - first 3 cds came from regular download. Offered $66 sacrifice to Mandrake Paris and bittorrent (bit trickle?) downloaded all 4 CD's, burned the 4th CD and used that.


    The install dutifully asked for all 4 CDs but installed KDE 3.2

    How do I get it to install 3.3? (4th CD is indeed chock full of 3.3 stuff)




    EDIT - sorry - posted to Hardware, pse move to software. Thanks

  11. acrtually, the previous attempt at 10.2b2 I used cooker to get urpmi stuff,. This time I just used 10.1 . Maybe that's a prob in itself


    Yeah, if you installed 10.2b2 and then added only 10.1 sources to urpmi to update stuff, this could very well be your problem.You should be using 10.2 sources or Cooker. Unfortunately, I don't see the multimedia kernel on my favorite mirror, but look on yours. It should be 2.6.10-3

    Nope, the only 2.6.10 I found was the kern source on CD3 of 10.2b3 (forget about b2 - that's gone.)


    I wonder what would happen if I installed 10.1, installed 2269 to that, and then "upgraded" to 10.2b3 ? Might be an interesting way to kill an hour! :cheesy:


    But first I will go try the one Steve pointed to...

    :wall: it feels so good when I stop! :mr-green:

    bak soon!


  12. it's a screwup with the kernel 3mdk build. Read Cooker list for details and a fix. Alternatively, just install kernel-multimedia from contrib. nvidia builds fine on that, and it's all around a better kernel anyway.

    Thanks Adam - which one? I only see 2.6.7-1 as the latest. source?


    "Read Cooker list" (where do I find that?

    acrtually, the previous attempt at 10.2b2 I used cooker to get urpmi stuff,. This time I just used 10.1 . Maybe that's a prob in itself.


    Could very well be that I don't know enough to be playing around with this yet.



  13. <I was away for a bit>

    Only a little experience using camstream with my CS330 cam, (bad) and gqcam with my new Labtec Pro cam - seemed fine. I did at one build have gnomemeeting up and that seemed to work fine as well.


    <at the moment I'm playing with 10.2b3. let us know what your experiences are.


  14. Nope, same error.

    Download isos, check sums and burn.

    Install 10.2b3 (I did not choose "upgrade")

    log into root and start kde

    install source for (from CD3)

    run make prepare-all against the source.

    log out of kde

    sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-6629-pkg1.run


    usual msg: no precompiled interface.

    usual msg: nothing on Nvidia site, will have to compile one.

    -does its thing-

    msg: unable to load the kernel module nvidia.ko kernel built using wrong kernel source files.


    msg: Installation failed

    /var/log/nvidia-installer.log :


    EDIT - (2 weeks later) removed a huge log here the simple answer was that my source did not match my /lib/modules release - I just couldn't see it back then.



    So I am wondering how you got it to work? or did you "upgrade" from 10.1 and leave the 10.1 /usr/src/ intact?




  15. EDIT a month later - I did not have the correct source for my system, so it gave me the message that nvidia.ko was missing What follows is a bunch of nice guys trying very hard to tell me that!!! :woops:


    I am hot to try MDK 10.2b3 . The only thing holding me back is installing the Nvidia driver. Do I have to wait for Nvidia to creat this interface, or is there something I can do?



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