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Posts posted by Murda

  1. Just a silly suggestion, but the username you're trying to connect as is available on the server machine isn't it?


    Yep, the username is Murda on my Linux machine. I've logged in KDE also with that one. But i also tried to log in thru ssh when i was logged out from KDE. And didn't work. And I'm sure that the user Murda has enough privileges. It's almost root now.


    I am not familiar with putty as i don't use windoze, but have a look in the logs on your Linux box in /var/log it should at least tell you that the windoze IP tried to connect to it and hopefully a clue as to why connection was refused.


    This was an interesting one. I didn't know that the logs are there. I'll check them out. Thanks.

  2. Hi again.


    I reinstalled OpenSSH and OpenSSH Server yesterday and configured it as I want it (no X11 or anything else, I just wanted to see Konsole, bash or anything what u want to call it). My client on XP is PuTTY and it still cannot connect to my MDK 10.1 Server. Everything else works just fine (not thru ssh though), like ProFTPD, Apache, VNC etc...

    So it can't be any connection or firewall problem. I'm not a Linux expert so if someone who had same problems could help me..



  3. If i try to uncomment that "PermitRootLogin without-password" and restart the sshd process, it adds that line to the end of the file. So there must be "PermitRootLogin without-password" always. And there's also a file called "denyusers" and the only line there is root. So root login isn't even allowed. And I've also tried to comment those lines, same response from the server. I have shorewall but there's a port opened for Secure Shell connections. And i just wanted to get to console through SSH, not any graphical environments. And i don't have any other firewall or router out there.


    Tricky one.. :wall:

  4. Hi.

    I've been trying to get sshd in MDKLinux 10.1 to work very long, configuring those files but it doesnt work. I also copied one IT professional's ssh_config and sshd_config and made mine look like them but still it disconnects my ssh client (I've tried many of those). My ssh client says:



    Connecting to xxxx.xxxxxxxxx.com:22 ...


    [sSH] CONNECT xxxx.xxxxxxxxx.com

    [sSH] ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host







    I didn't know what else to do so I decided to ask from here.

    If someone likes to see my ssh_conf and sshd_conf, they are here.



    Moved from Software to Networking - Artificial Intelligence

  5. Hi.


    I'm a complete noob with Linux and so i'm asking for help on how to add programs to startup when i log in (not as root).

    I'd like to run ventrilo_srv from /home/murda/software/ventrilo

    but i don't know how to do that. And I'm using KDE 3.2 on MDK 10.1.

    And i'm logging in as me (murda), not root. But if root is needed, i can do that too.


    I couldn't find any topic matching this, so i decided to create one.





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