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Everything posted by Rainer

  1. Looks like there's a new version of Guarddog out: http://www.simonzone.com/software/guarddog/
  2. After a little reading, and in the context it's in, yes "fw" does seem to represent "my end" after all. (solved) ;)
  3. Thanks guys - I've created a Bugzilla account - probably will look towards the 10.2 ideas page here first: http://qa.mandrakesoft.com/twiki/bin/view/...andrakelinux102 Btw - do the devs tend to add a little feedabck over the months in the Status column or have we sort of missed the boat for 10.2 ideas. Also - does anyone know whether there's a Cooker snapshot out before Beta 1. Thanks.
  4. Heh..heh urpmi.update -a that did the trick ;)
  5. Just a quick question really - is it common for there to be a sizeable lag regards security update advisories etc and the packages appearing on your chosen update mirrors - there's advisories out today but: urpmi --update --auto-select produces: Everything already installed
  6. Thanks Adrian, good information - I'll into those - on a similar point - do you have to have some king of Bugzilla account etc to submit ideas to this page here: (ideas for 10.2) http://qa.mandrakesoft.com/twiki/bin/view/...andrakelinux102 Thanks.
  7. For interest - does anyone here test the beta's and send bug reports in and such - any starting point tips etc - thanks
  8. Bit of a vague query really - how flakey does everyone think 10.2 beta 1 'll be in early January - worth installing for play etc on another partition, or possibly better waiting for RC1.
  9. This is what I've had some luck with tonight: (after a few retry's/reboots/ etc) - - drop them in at a root prompt - bit adhoc but worked in the end. urpmi.addmedia --update updates http://www.sunsite.org.uk/package/mandrakelinux/official/updates/10.1/main_updates with media_info/hdlist.cz urpmi.addmedia main http://www.sunsite.org.uk/package/mandrakelinux/official/10.1/i586/media/main with media_info/hdlist.cz urpmi.addmedia contrib http://www.sunsite.org.uk/package/mandrakelinux/official/10.1/i586/media/contrib with media_info/hdlist.cz and take it from there - good luck.
  10. Cheers guys - after some tweaking/different mirrors/database locked and what not, have finally got everything updated, ending with "Everything already installed" from a final urpmi --update --auto-select ;)
  11. Hi all - just installed 10.1 official - set up an urpmi update source from Easyurpmi: ie urpmi.addmedia --update updates http://www.sunsite.org.uk/package/mandrakelinux/official/updates/10.1/main_updates with media_info/hdlist.cz Then issued: urpmi --update --auto-select Says it's got to install around 73 packages for dependancies (around 240mb) - now - it seemed to be updating succesfully and then near the end it errored - so I then issue urpmi --update --auto-select again to see what updates were left and I get: To satisfy dependencies, the following 5 packages are going to be installed (20 MB): drakxtools-10.1-27.1.101mdk.i586 drakxtools-backend-10.1-27.1.101mdk.i586 drakxtools-newt-10.1-27.1.101mdk.i586 harddrake-10.1-27.1.101mdk.i586 harddrake-ui-10.1-27.1.101mdk.i586 Is this OK? (Y/n) y I then get these errors on "yes" http://www.sunsite.org.uk/package/mandrakelinux/official/updates/10.1/main_updates/./harddrake-10.1-27.1.101mdk.i586.rpm http://www.sunsite.org.uk/package/mandrakelinux/official/updates/10.1/main_updates/./drakxtools-backend-10.1-27.1.101mdk.i586.rpm http://www.sunsite.org.uk/package/mandrakelinux/official/updates/10.1/main_updates/./harddrake-ui-10.1-27.1.101mdk.i586.rpm ...retrieving failed: curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404 http://www.sunsite.org.uk/package/mandrakelinux/official/updates/10.1/main_updates/./drakxtools-10.1-27.1.101mdk.i586.rpm http://www.sunsite.org.uk/package/mandrakelinux/official/updates/10.1/main_updates/./drakxtools-newt-10.1-27.1.101mdk.i586.rpm ...retrieving failed: curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404 ...retrieving failed: curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404 0% of 14 completed, ETA = --:--:--, speed = 182 ...retrieving failed: curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404 ...retrieving failed: curl failed: exited with 22 or signal 0 Installation failed, some files are missing: http://www.sunsite.org.uk/package/mandrakelinux/official/updates/10.1/main_updates/./drakxtools-backend-10.1-27.1.101mdk.i586.rpm http://www.sunsite.org.uk/package/mandrakelinux/official/updates/10.1/main_updates/./harddrake-10.1-27.1.101mdk.i586.rpm http://www.sunsite.org.uk/package/mandrakelinux/official/updates/10.1/main_updates/./harddrake-ui-10.1-27.1.101mdk.i586.rpm http://www.sunsite.org.uk/package/mandrakelinux/official/updates/10.1/main_updates/./drakxtools-10.1-27.1.101mdk.i586.rpm http://www.sunsite.org.uk/package/mandrakelinux/official/updates/10.1/main_updates/./drakxtools-newt-10.1-27.1.101mdk.i586.rpm You may want to update your urpmi database ...retrieving failed: curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404 Does anyone know what those final few update errors are and any remedy etc. Thanks alot.
  12. Thanks guys - I'll have a look back through the msec documentation - think it was updated 2002 or something last time I checked - is there a "solved" button or something for members to finish a thread or do the mods do that - thanks.
  13. Thanks all - does anyone know the specific reason why in the MCC, the "Higher" reccomendation is: "If your machine is only a client on the Internet, you should choose a lower level." Is it just that using "higher" on a daily basis is too awkward for a typical desktop computer/user - ie being restricted to your home directory etc?
  14. Hi - I'm unsure as to what constitutes a "local" zone in shorewall (for my comp) - after setting the default outbound policy to DROP in /etc/shorewall/policy with: fw net DROP you can then allow basic web surfing by adding this to /etc/shorewall/rules: ACCEPT fw net udp 53 ACCEPT fw net tcp 80 ie you're allowing outbound DNS queries and outbound connections to port 80 - now, this works fine/good and everything's ok - but - what I am unsure about is whether "fw" is definately the correct representation of my local zone (in the above rules), as opposed to say "loc" or "eth0" or a private ip adress like "". Thanks.
  15. Rainer

    URPMI updates

    Thanks guys. Marked the thread Solved - Artificial Intelligence
  16. Hi - any advice on whether to run on "Standard", "High" or "Higher" for an ordinary web surfing, email, etc computer on the net (Mandrake 10.1 CE) ? - in the MCC, the "Higher" wording says: "If your machine is only a client on the Internet, you should choose a lower level." So, is it ok to use "Higher" or would everyone reccomend just using "Standard" or "High". Thanks.
  17. Rainer

    URPMI updates

    Hi all - just a couple of questions: 1) - Are there any security updates for 10.1 Community Edition? - have used EasyUrpmi to add Main & Contrib repositories - but after a month of checking regularly there still isn't an "updates" respository on EasyUrpmi for 10.1 CE. 2) - In the absence of an updates repo. for 10.1 CE, should you just manually update the security advisory packages using urpmi/rpm? - would like to update libxpm4. 3) - Does anyone know when 10.1 Official will come out in a .iso format for general download? Thanks for any help.
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