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Posts posted by ramfree17

  1. another goody thread!!!!


    ok, let me add some things


    - i think ranger has his own site for the packages that he made. i havent used any of them but it should be added as well as from what i am hearing its a nice source of packages. (ranger also uploads on the mdkclub site, isnt it right?)


    - for downloader apps, there is prozilla which might be curses-based but has some advantages (and disadvantages) of its own.


    - abiword was removed from the released distro because it was not playing ball with the other apps when it comes to fonts. or that was what i heard.



    keep up the nice work. (maybe the thread could also get some cleanup when the changes have been incorporated to zero's posts).




    [edit] daily rpm and src.rpm packages of wine can be found at wine.dataparty.no. im sorry for not mentioning this earlier. :oops:

  2. as the club-nihil is slated to go down on jan 18, here is the full quote of tYY's post


    3 buttons + wheel (button). i want to use the 3rd button and not the wheel as the 3rd button.

    OK. So you want the thumb button to be number 3?



    The solution is in two steps:


    - step 1: configure properly your mouse, so that all your buttons are recognized, whatever the numbers assigned to them.

    - step 2: use the xmodmap command to reassign the buttons numbers.



    I think I can help you for both steps, but I have a Logitech optical USB MouseMan+ (code M-BD53) with wheel and thumb button (the one which is for right-handed persons only), and I don't know how much of my experience will apply to your mouse. I'll try to explain all along, so that you're able to adapt. Here's how I would do that:


    step 1


    Login as root (or better: su - root, if you know what I mean). In /etc/X11/, there should be a XF86Config-4 file: that's XFree86 version 4 config file. In this file, there is a section named Section "InputDevice", with Identifier "Mouse1". In my case, here is the total section:

    Section "InputDevice"
     Identifier "Mouse1"
     Driver "mouse"
     Option "Protocol" "ExplorerPS/2"
     Option "Device" "/dev/psaux"
     Option "Buttons" "8"
     Option "ZAxisMapping" "6 7"
     Option "Resolution" "400"


    I'll now comment it. Identifier and Driver can (must?) be left unchanged. Protocol and Device are totally unrelated: you can perfectly use the "PS/2" protocol (a good thing to begin) with an USB device.


    Normally, Device should be left unchanged if your mouse works (else is wouldn't work...). But if that's not the case (you're in "keyboard-only usage"), try putting the good device (usually /dev/usbmouse for USB or /dev/psaux for PS/2).

    Here I use the "ExplorerPS/2" protocol, which enables me to use all buttons (the "MouseManPlusPS/2" protocol does not allow the usage of the thumb button for me).


    First remove the ZAxisMapping line. Restart X. Open "xev" program (from X11 contribs package) from a command line: all events (mouse mouvements, mouse clicks, keys...) should be written to a small window. Note what button number is reported when you do one click up (wheel), one click down (wheel), and clicks with any button you have. Let those numbers be LB (left), MB (middle), RB (right), UB (up), DB (down), and TB (thumb).


    You can now put the Option "ZAxisMapping" line again. After "ZAxisMapping", put "UB DB", that is "6 7" in my case.


    You're done with this file: all your buttons should have a number, hence be recognized.


    step 2


    Now you should know that all applications expect LB, MB, RB, UB, and DB to be 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 in that order. But it is not the case for all protocols (eg. my mouse's protocol). So you have to tell X to adjust to your protocol. The way to do that is to execute a command similar to the following:

    xmodmap -display :0 -e "pointer = 1 2 3 8 7 4 5 6" >/dev/null 2>&1


    This is the line for me. With this line, I tell that the 8 buttons of the protocols are to be rearranged:


    1 becomes 1 (no change because LB was already 1)

    2 becomes 2 (no change because MB was already 2)

    3 becomes 3 (no change because RB was already 3)

    4 becomes 8 (none of my mouse's buttons is numbered 4 in xev, so I replace 4 with a number unused by X: 8 )

    5 becomes 7 (none of my mouse's buttons is numbered 5 in xev, so I replace 5 with a number unused by X: 7)

    6 becomes 4 (xev reports UB to be 6, but I need it to be 4, so that it can be used by X)

    7 becomes 5 (xev reports DB to be 7, but I need it to be 5, so that it can be used by X)

    8 becomes 6 (xev reports TB to be 8; X does not use button 6 but well... maybe it will be of some use one day).



    You have to adapt this command to your needs, and to the numbers xev reports. In your case, I understand you want the thumb button to replace the middle button (number 2), probably because it is easier to click on the thumb button than clicking on the wheel. In that case, using the numbers reported by xev for my mouse, I would have written (remember that TB is 8 for me):

    "pointer = 1 6 3 8 7 4 5 2"

    That way, button 8 becomes button 2. Cool, isn't it? And the whell button (MB) is assigned the number 6 (who knows, maybe some application will make use of it one day...)


    There remains to place this command in a file, so that it gets executed each time you login to your window manager, or better yet: each time you start X. I tried to find such a place (if possible independant of the window manager I use), and I did not find it. So I finally placed the command in /etc/profile. In Mandrake8.1, it works for all users except root (but then, I never login as root, I only su, so that's OK) but in other versions of Mandrake, or other distributions, you may have to place the command somewhere else.


    Note also that I executed the command with parameters -display :0 and with >/dev/null 2>&1. That's because I expect DISPLAY to be not set and errors to occur when I log in the console. If you find a better place for executing your command, where you're sure that it is executed only if X is running, then I strongly advise to replace -display :0 with -display $DISPLAY (if $DISPLAY is set of course, which it should); and please tell me about this better place Smile


    That's all. I hope this helps.





  3. tYY:


    the link documents states

    I've just added a test widget for phoenix which adds the bar as a customizable bit of Phoenix. This is so much more pleasant to have installed than uabar on Mozilla!. Download it into Phoenix here.
    . i clicked it nonetheless but how do i use it? i cant even find the box listing the user-agent string being used by mozilla. any direction is appreciated. i am using mozilla 1.2.1 in a win2k machine.



  4. streetfighter? yeah i remember that. i had my ass kicked by a gradeschool pupile 4 years younger than me. thats how much i suck at games requiring lightning fast reflexes. now i just watch as the new incarnations of those games ( the versus stuff) leaves me dizzy just watching. :(



  5. ...which makes them a rather expensive purchase for a University Student.


    i know the feeling. i was one of the first to have a computer in our batch (a speed demon Pentium 166 with 16MB ram!!!) as a gift from my parents for finishing high school with, lets just say, good standings. when i graduated from college, nothing has changed because i cannot save enough to buy a single accessory (cheap speakers dont count) while my batchmates were sporting Pentium II 3?? machines with whooping 128MB ram. :(


    the first upgrade that i did with my second paycheck was to buy a larger harddisk because 2.1GB wasnt cutting it anymore for me and my brother. hopefully you can quickly get a job when you finish school. :)



  6. Next you need a good newsserver with binary news. I found that most isp are bad in terms of providing good binary news. You may need to subscribe to a newsserver such as supernews or easynews. If you are lucky, you may be able to find free ones but they will either be closed quickly or slow. 


    deadend here. i dont have a credit card and i dont know a newsserver in the philippines. thanks anyway.



  7. expect? is that a bash command/function? i dont have a linux machine so i cannot check.


    not use it after i have petitioned it for so long? you are really nuts and i dont listen to the whimperings of a nut. :mystismiles:


    but i have to admit that nuts are very useful. look im learning another new linux thing from a nut. :mystilol:



  8. wild idea:


    if the script needs the password then the sudo package might help you since i seem to recall that crontab can run a task under a certain user. you can create a dummy user and let sudo allow that user to do the task with root level authority without using a password.


    regarding the syntax, ill leave that to other people who excels in this stuff as im running a little bit out of time. (look for aru, he's a nut at this) :mystismiles:



  9. hmmmm Funny that ppl have have it running, but I am not a programmer either, will email error to icculus and team and see what they say. Thanks.


    you must be missing a header then. the header might be in your partition but it couldnt be seen by the compiler. this usually happens when the header is from a rpm package and the installation hasnt updated the variable used to search for header files. or something.


    im ashamed that im a programmer and i dont know these things for certain. :oops:



  10. but I prefer usenet.


    dm can you teach me how to get files using usenet. does this need a news server? i think only one news server exists in the philippines and they are not my isp. :(


    i have been meaning to get some files (text-based games actually :mystismiles:) from a usenet archive but i still dont know how and i dont have the time to hunt around (i did for a moment but didnt understand much).


    please, please, please , please? :(




  11. Don't get me wrong


    dont worry, i didnt. i was also merely pointing some of my opinions.


    i gnash my teeth when i see a (windows) partition spanning more than 5 GB. and then they will complain that their system is slowing down after some use! when i try to teach them the benefits of splitting down a partition (wear and tear, defragmentation time, data encapsulation, etc.) i only end up wasting my breath and being frustrated (well most of the time).



  12. Wow 9.0 hasn't been out that long has it?


    its a point release which means its composed mainly of fixes for the previous release. MDK9.0 isnt exactly 'sterling' for many people although it seems to be for the other side. maybe this can convince those who gnashed their teeth trying to install/upgrade to mdk9. :smile:



  13. point taken. and although i still have around 20GB laying unused in my system back home, having enough room to play around with some tools/apps/source codes is great without of having to choose which files could be archived for the moment so new potential useful app could fit in your system.


    i still think the technology is good but technology is like a sword. its up to the user how it is used. :)



  14. What the heck would you do with a 200gig drive anyhow? Certainly not have it one big 200g partition I trust.


    I remember a common saying like this during my college days. Somebody who is buying 2.1GB HD drives are sure to get a lot of 'what are you going to do with a 2 gig drive? are you setting up a server?!?!'. and that was only about five or six years ago. what a great leap the technology is taking the computing industry. :smile:



  15. Hey, where else could you have this much fun with a computer?


    where else could you have so much fun with a production computer?


    dude, what are you doing experimenting with a production computer? even if you only have one computer you should have a backup plan (dual-booting perhaps) in place.


    anyway, havent read the whole thread so it might be a joke and im biting it. :mystismiles:



  16. Point 9 could be interesting.


    but like shooting at the moon. or filling a wicker basket with water.


    but then again, you could shoot at the moon from an orbiting space station or do something to the basket so it wouldnt leak. :grin:



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