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  1. i d/l the nmap 3,70 and i ./configure ; make ; make install it. In the make install it said for a nmapFE something but it had (ignored) near. After i ran nmap but i still had the nmap 3,50. I updatedbd but it wasnt that. I d/l then the rpm of nmap 3.70.. [root@supermario xon]# rpm -i nmap-3.70-1.i386.rpm error: Failed dependencies: libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3 is needed by nmap-3.70-1 [root@supermario xon]# i search for that but i didnt find something :unsure:
  2. xon

    Adding fluxbox

    So for opening fluxbox i should do it from console? There isnt any way to add fluxbox into the options of the X window managers?
  3. xon

    Adding fluxbox

    [root@supermario xon]# uname -a; whereis fluxbox; Linux supermario.party.com 2.6.3-7mdk #1 Wed Mar 17 15:56:42 CET 2004 i686 unknown unknown GNU/Linux fluxbox: /usr/local/bin/fluxbox I downloaded and installed the latest fluxbox version. I ve chosen to automatically run startx everytime that the b0x is booting and i want to add the fluxbox into the list of the X managers so i can open it. Do you know which file is that?
  4. yes i used chkconfig finally, but still are services that arent in mcc and chkconfig :(
  5. Which devel packages? For gnome?
  6. is there any manager for doing that? mcc doesnt.. or i should use chkconfig ? cause im running smtp sshd sunrpc blahblah and i dont need them at all!
  7. Outputs hostname supermario.party.com cat /etc/hosts localhost gnome still is doing the same thing. :|
  8. i have the 0982 usb supra max modem but i still havent find any driver for it.. i ve read one older msg that was sayin that it depends from the chipset that has inside cause supramax was sold out with 2 different chipsets (one rockwell i think and the other i dont remember).. any suggestion?
  9. btw a13x i know what u mean well since im coding modules (lkms) and one mistake dealing with system calls has not so many fun ;)
  10. i re-install it from the start and i put kde for the default X (heh) bvc i did it before reading this replies so i put again "supermario" hostname ahahah (im MarioLands fan :D) but kde worked fine.. i ll try gnome again to see if the same errno msg will be printed. Another new measure was that i tried to compile a .c code with -static flag and it didnt find a lib*blahblah.. i ve put the development tools all.. and thats bad for mandrake cause -static flag is needed many times.
  11. Finally my mandrake died. It freezes when gnome is opening and no other tty works then. I ll try re-installing them or upgrade.
  12. With few words, can i installed them? (after mandrakes installation it didnt detect and the 2 of them..)
  13. gnome system tools? u mean all the gnome-* packages? i tried that but it needs the 4th cdrom :| i cant get to internet still with mandrake for using easyurpmi.. so dunno what to do:( i have one USB Supramax modem (mandrake doesnt detects it) and one Zoom internal 56k (doesnt see it either!@#!#) ? (i ll post it in hardware section too but it was the answer for the easyurpmi :D
  14. hi there, this is my first post here and i hope ill find some answers. [its my first time using mandrake] First about hostname: i installed mandrake 10 and when it asked me for hostnames blahblah i put in all fields "supermario" (lol). After i finished the installation when the gnome started up it said that it could connect and that adding `supermario` to /etc/hosts maybe it was the solution. I did that and reboot again and same thing happened. Second about networking: with /sbin/ifconfig i saw that my eth0 inet_addr was somethin like H45:B34:blahblah.. (not the hardware MAC addr,i meant the inet_addr) it looked like ipV6 ip.. anyway i opened the configuration tool and in eth0 configuration i saw that it had the well-known addr. I have a second b0x in my house with win98 and i want to share files between them (i ve never connect a *nix box with a win box) and i knew from connecting 2 win b0xes together they needed to have the same workgroup name. (supermario is my workgroup or what?) btw i didnt find any mp3 player like wine for example.. all above turn me a bit but i hope i ll fix all these probs.
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