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Everything posted by DOlson

  1. Yes, and you can also use the df command. But that's not the point. Some people (ie: my sisters) might like to know how much space is free without knowing much about Linux... This is why I wrote this.
  2. They won't charge for Windows Messenger (aka MSN Messenger), and that is the problem - everyone will still be using it, and Linux users won't be able to communicate with those people without convincing them to use ICQ or AIM or something... And then those people won't want to use Linux either because all of their friends use Microsoft's Messenger crap... It's going to suck and slow us down. Then again, maybe it won't, but I see that it will... My sisters will give up Linux just to talk on MSN to their little friends.
  3. You copied and pasted my script, and it doesn't work? Why does it work for everyone else? Maybe you have an old version of zenity? I don't know... If the slashes were wrong, then that would have explained it.
  4. Yes, typo it is. You put /n when it should say n.
  5. Sure: #!/bin/sh FREE1=`df -h | grep hda3 | awk '{ print $4 }'` USED1=`df -h | grep hda3 | awk '{ print $5 }'` NAME1=Home FREE2=`df -h | grep hda1 | awk '{ print $4 }'` USED2=`df -h | grep hda1 | awk '{ print $5 }'` NAME2=Root FREE3=`df -h | grep hdc2 | awk '{ print $4 }'` USED3=`df -h | grep hdc2 | awk '{ print $5 }'` NAME3=Backup zenity --info --title="Disk Usage Report" --text=" You have $FREE1 free space on $NAME1, $USED1 is in use.n You have $FREE2 free space on $NAME2, $USED2 is in use.n You have $FREE3 free space on $NAME3, $USED3 is in use." Now, just edit each thing how you want it, and you'll get a screenshot like this: EDIT: I noticed just now that you mentioned a label... Well, as you can see, the script allows you to put anything you like as the label, but if you meant some other label, then I don't know. It can be done, but I don't see any labels in my output of df.
  6. To my knowledge, there is no program called GDF, so I did this: save that script as /usr/local/bin/gdf chmod +x /usr/local/bin/gdf Now I can just run it anytime by typing gdf. I meant to write this script like a year ago, but yeah, here it is now. :)
  7. They probably just blocked the message, or they just enabled SSL logins. Either way, the October 15th deadline is approaching, at which point Microsoft said they will cut off all unauthorized MSN clients.
  8. Here is a simple script I wrote today while setting up my sisters' computer with Debian. What it does is checks the freespace on a given partition, tells how much is left, and what percentage is in use. It should be good enough for them. I know a few times I wanted something simple like this without opening a terminal (I have a commandline at the top of my screen, so it's easy to run a command) or without running a full-blown app like kdf. Here's a screenshot: Here's the script: #!/bin/sh FREE=`df -h | grep hda3 | awk '{ print $4 }'` USED=`df -h | grep hda3 | awk '{ print $5 }'` zenity --info --text="You have $FREE free, $USED of your space is in use." --title="Disk Usage Report" That script will show the space of partition hda3, so modify it to your own delight. :) You'll need zenity installed too.
  9. Nah, my bad. I should have posted that it was LGP porting it. I forget that not everyone knows about them and their current projects. :) Just FYI: Hyperspace Delivery Boy is nearly done beta, as is SoulRide, and NingPo MahJong.
  10. I wouldn't post a Windows game on a Linux forum, silly rabbit! :)
  11. Well, it's a futuristic racing game. There are no cars in the future. ;)
  12. "For those that don`t make it into the beta, you will be able to send us a proof of preorder of Ballistics from any of our resellers, and you will be admitted into the beta as a registered owner." So there ya go! Preorder, and get automagically accepted into the beta. Sounds fair to me. If you wanted a racing game (albeit not with cars) then this is your chance.
  13. DOlson

    Worms 3D

    "A Linux version is not planned. Discussion regarding this can be found here" http://forum.team17.com/showthread.php?threadid=10094 Register and put in your two cents, and maybe we can get the game ported...
  14. You need WineX, and it is hard to get working, if you can get it to go at all. The multi-disc install is a pain in the ass with WineX, because you need to copy everything to the hard drive first and then run the install from there. If you have a really fast computer, it will be playable if you get it to run, but for my system, it was horribly slow... But this was with a slightly outdated WineX version (I no longer support Transgaming for various reasons) and on a 1.2GHz system with only 512MB of SDRAM and a GeForce4 Ti4200 with 128MB, so YMMV. BTW, Wine is starting to get more and more DirectX support, so it might work someday, but since I think this game uses InstallShield, you still need WineX.
  15. I'm guessing you gave up, or it's all working properly?
  16. Yeah, it will support Spearhead, but the beta doesn't. That's what Ryan said, anyhow, and TuxGames sells both.
  17. You will need to add an entry to /etc/fstab for your CD-RW drive to work... Can you tell me what your layout is for your drives? Like: primary master (hda) = 80GB hard drive primary slave (hdb) = DVD-ROM drive secondary master (hdc) = 8GB hard drive secondary slave (hdd) = CD-RW drive (that's for my system) I need to know yours, otherwise your options file might be wrong (if your CD-RW drive isn't hdd, then you need to change it, and so on).
  18. WHOA, this post was way wrong. The correct syntaz is that: options ide-cd ignore=/dev/hdd Then update-modules, and it should go... The other option is to use a 2.6 kernel, where you no longer require SCSI emulation for burning (at least not with my new favorite GUI program, X-CD-Roast).
  19. Well, I think we all know who is really behind SCO's actions, don't we? I mean, it's plainly obvious. My guess is that Microsoft saw a dying company and decided to put this whole plan into action, and I bet Darl and co. get a pretty nice paycheck from Billy boy when this is all over.
  20. Okay, post your /etc/fstab file to me, and post your /etc/modutils/options file, and your lilo config, and I'll look at it and see what's going on. Now, why did you say you uninstalled the NVidia drivers? The idea is to install them, and get them working... I thought you started over from scratch? What kernel are you using now, and how did you install it? And are you using devfs?
  21. Okay, I don't understand what you've done this time, so let me explain the steps that I do(did) when I install(ed) Debian. 1) Download Woody CD. 2) Boot CD using the "bf24" option. 3) Install only the base system, skip dselect and the other thing. 4) Reboot the system to make sure it will boot. 5) Edit my apt sources. 6) apt-get dist-upgrade 7) apt-get install grub and make it work properly. 8) Reboot the system to make sure it will boot. 9) Get the official kernel source. (using lynx) 10) Get the pre-empt kernel patch. (using lynx) 11) Compile the kernel and install the resulting debs. 12) Add an entry to my grub menu, making sure that devfs is set to nomount. 13) Reboot using the new kernel. 14) Fix the problems with the CD and CD-RW stuff. 15) Check my fstab to ensure that the devices and mount points match up. 16) Test the CD and CD-RW (for read access, writing comes later). 17) Reboot to make sure everything is working. 18) Install XFree86. 19) Get the NVidia drivers. (using lynx) 20) Install the NVidia drivers. 21) Run xf86config, selecting nv as the driver and setting up everything how I like it. 22) Edit the XF86Config file to use the nvidia driver, the glx module, and my mouse. 23) startx and see that it works. If not, I read the README file to see what to do about whatever problems I have, 24) apt-get install gnome 25) echo gnome-session > .xinitrc 26) startx And that's it... If I can't use the mouse, or the sound, I add my user to the appropriate group(s). Etc. Etc. General troubleshooting may be required.
  22. Just go into the directory where you installed Army Ops and run ./uninstall or whatever it is in there.
  23. http://www.theage.com.au/articles/2003/08/...2050642514.html I wonder if all these reports had anything to do with this change in tone from SCO... Let's hope that all of their lying backfires on them.
  24. You shouldn't run games or programs as root unless you really need to. Try running TeamSpeak as your regular user.
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