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Everything posted by DOlson

  1. DOlson

    Battle Pong

    We've moved! http://battlepong.sourceforge.net/ I'm about to attempt adding in keyboard support. It won't be too great for now, but at least it'll be a start.
  2. You should maybe ask to find out if it can be played in Linux before you buy next time. Or you can just play it in Windows, which is what a lot of people do. I don't dual boot, but I had to give up a lot of games (I owned over 100 - legally too, not this pirate every game under the sun crap). I don't have time for gaming much anymore anyhow, so I don't notice it really. LGP did not port Creatures 3. They published it. There is a difference. And my wife likes the game, so far, but it's too complex for me to sit down and play. I have no time. But I did buy Creatures 2 for Windows a while back, and I tried it then, and I couldn't figure it out. If you haven't played it, you maybe should look into the game first... It seems really cool, and my wife was telling me what all you can do in it. I'm glad she likes it. I fully agree. I've posted there, but I will email them about it later. I'll email Ray to be exact. It is sad it is taking so long for NWN, and I, too, would have waited, had I known I could have saved $20 to $30 by waiting. That's cool. Yeah, I have 10 games for PSone, and I'm getting a few more this weekend. I like my PSone. Good ol' RPGs like Legend of Dragoon take me right back to the FF/DW/FF3/BoF days. I've seen a lot of games come and go, and I just decided it's too damn bad for the companies making them. If they don't support Linux, I don't support them. It saves me a LOT of money too (I used to buy Windows games every week).
  3. Whatever... Ask them for yourself. Either way you look at it, LGP is doing something right. I don't buy Windows games, therefore if LGP ports a game that has been out for Windows for some time already, it won't make any difference at all to me, since I only buy what games come to Linux now. Of course we want developers to port in-house, but a LOT more games get canned in-house than from a porting company like LGP who gets a contract to do it... I'm honestly surprised that BioWare didn't ever scrap the Linux idea. Oh, and LGP would prefer that developers port games themselves too. But remember that LGP is a publishing company, and they publish games that they don't port, therefore it's more than a porting house. They didn't port Creatures 3. But they know how to get the game to Linux users, or at least the ones who don't refuse to order online. Therefore, LGP is a good idea for companies who want to publish Linux games. Not every development company has a publisher that would publish for Linux. Ryan Gordon now contracts his labour, but unfortunately he is paid for server ports more than client ports. There are others too, like Dan Olson who is porting Payback, so developers have options. If they want a contractor, there are people to do it. If they want someone else to port and publish it, there is that option. To just throw your hands up and say "Oh, LGP is a porting company, so they suck" is just stupid. To say that the only stream of good games for Linux will come from companies like Epic, BioWare, and id is just ridiculous. LGP is porting games, and they are good games. Maybe not marketed games, but after all, we aren't just sheep doing what everyone else is doing, else we wouldn't be posting on a Linux forum in the first place, would we?
  4. For your information, there was one person at Loki who ran how the business ran. Tell me then, how does Mac Play succeed? They do the SAME THING that Loki did, but for Mac. I didn't claim that the entire reason that Loki went under was because of lack of sales, but you can NOT deny the fact that their lack of sales hurt them in a big way. If people were buying their games, they WOULD NOT HAVE GONE UNDER. Period. But there were not enough people to buy the amount of games they published. I suppose you would argue that LGP is doing business ass-backwards, since they're doing essentially what Loki did, but with cheaper titles. This way, they don't have to sell nearly as many to recoupt their costs. And why are they doing this? Because they learned from LOKI'S MISTAKE. The mistake being that they worked on expensive titles. Mac users don't buy Windows games, and neither should Linux users have to. Oh, and Loki's best selling game was Civilization: Call to Power.
  5. I can't find the game anywhere... If I can find it, or if TuxGames starts selling it and I can get a copy, I'll write a howto. Assuming I get it working.
  6. I doubt it'll be GTA3, since that game would cost a small fortune to license... and no one will buy it anyhow, since they've already bought the Windows version to play in WineX. But yes, you are supposed to guess. If you guess correctly, you win the first copy, signed by the dev team. See their site for more details.
  7. Here is from LGP: People said that we made the clues for Disciples 2 far too easy, so your clues for these games are: 1. One game is a racing game, the other has cars but isnt about racing. 2. One was released in the US towards the end of 2001, the other was released much more recently. 3. Both games were made by the same European developer.
  8. If you are so concerned about money, and playing games on Linux, then WHY did you buy the Windows version? I have the Windows version of Heretic II. I also have the Linux version of Heretic II. I have the Windows version of Soldier of Fortune. I also have the Linux version of Soldier of Fortune. Loki doesn't exist now because of many reasons, one of them being people like you who shunned the idea of actually PAYING for Linux software. Do you think that Loki got to port these games to Linux for free? Hell no, they had to pay through the nose, and look where it got them? Surely, it would have been better for them to have not ported any games at all than to have gone under, and to still hear your whining. What I find genuinely amusing is how you you seem to think that Linux can actually get somewhere without someone paying somewhere down the line. You say that emulation hurts Linux gaming, but the truth is that refusing to buy Linux games does even MORE damage. Think about it. How is LGP supposed to buy licenses to port games when Linux users refuse to pay for the games they are releasing??? DOESN'T MAKE SENSE ONE BIT, DOES IT? What it boils down to is this: If you truly believe in Linux, you'll support the OS. If you don't, you'll blame other people for wanting money. If you truly believe, then money is the least of your worries.
  9. /usr/local/bin is where you want to put your links to games. That's where the Loki games go by default, and that's where I put mine. The games themselves don't go there, they go into /usr/local/games/. And for Egoboo, there was a precompiled binary, and all you had to do was copy it from that directory to the directory above it. That's how I remember it going anyhow, since I've never compiled it before. I'm thinking it was an older 2.X release that I played on my LAN... I'm sure of it... Bah, maybe I'm wrong, but I'm really quite sure.
  10. I'm pretty sure I was playing 2.22, or 2.21 at the time. Maybe it only has LAN play? I was playing it over a LAN, and I wasn't using the Linux version. I do remember that it was a little bit of a pain to get working though.
  11. That isn't true! Look here: http://aslan.no-ip.com/~dana/mdkxp/?c=artcls/gamelist How many games are there? How many are Quake games? And I'm missing some from the list too.
  12. 1) Majesty rocks. 2) Egoboo has netplay! At least the last time I played it, it did... but that was well over a year ago, and that was in Windows...
  13. For the love of all that is good in this world, if you're going to use WineX, follow this tutorial: http://aslan.no-ip.com/~dana/mdkxp/?c=ttrls/winexcvs Don't support the death of Linux gaming with your wallet.
  14. DOlson

    Battle Pong

    This page has all the info you need to know: http://aslan.no-ip.com/~dana/pong/ It's a beta, blah blah. Need a game pad. Blah blah. Game sucks.
  15. DOlson


    I've contacted Gavin from http://scorched3d.co.uk/ and he said that they are almost done with the Linux port. Keep your eyes out! It looks like it's gonna be great fun. Here are some direct links to screenshots: http://www.doc.ic.ac.uk/~glc1/scorched/news/roam29.JPG http://www.doc.ic.ac.uk/~glc1/scorched/scr...shots/tank2.JPG http://www.doc.ic.ac.uk/~glc1/scorched/scr...nshots/nuke.JPG
  16. I kid, I kid. :) I got some cool games for my PSone yesterday (bolded). Here's my full list so far: $13 - Dino Crisis $10 - Wipeout 3 $5 - WWF Warzone $20 - WWF Smack Down 2: Know Your Role $20 - The Legend of Dragoon $18 - Syphon Filter 2 $15 - NHL Faceoff 2001 $20 - Final Fantasy Tactics $25 - Metal Gear Solid $20 - You Don't Know Jack Mock 2 w/ memory card --------------- Total: $166 Canadian (the same price I paid for two Linux games... Interesting...) Avg: $16.60 per game not including taxes. Total: $105 USD approximately. That's not too bad, I'd say. The money was given to me as my Christmas gift. :) I wanted to get Vigilante 8, but I ran out of my money, and my wife is too cheap to buy a game for us to play together. :P She wants to buy clothes. Fooey. Anyhow, still no idea when the site is coming back.
  17. SoulSe, if you want good games, then that is what LGP is about - read some reviews, try the demos when they release - you'll see how smart they really are. Instead of just pumping out the expensive games, they'll put out games they can make a profit on. These games have to pass their tests - if they don't like a game enough, they won't port it. For example, they were going to publish Tzar, which was to be ported by Hyperion (IIRC), but gamers said no. I think that was a mistake, since it would have given us yet another game to buy, and it doesn't look too bad. Yet, I still voted no... At the time, I didn't understand LGP's strategy nor other things, like turning down a port could cost them the relationship with that company, and therefore no more port contracts from them. If LGP is publishing a game, the prices *should* be lower (hopefully) than the Loki games still are, and therefore more sales for them, more games for me. LGP was looking at a game by Dreamcatcher Interactive, and they decided against it because of bad AI and possibly other issues. So they aren't just porting whatever they want, but they are testing the games themselves to assure a certain level of quality. If you haven't played Majesty (I hadn't until the beta), then you should try the demo at least. Even though, as a beta tester, I can assure you that the full game has a much better feel, atmosphere, and playability to it, as it's much more polished and has more features and so forth. The demo certainly doesn't do the full game any justice, but it's better than not having tried it at all. The game should be getting out of beta soon, as we've found mostly all the bugs I'm sure, and let me tell you, we're nitpicking because they did a great job on it in the first round. I love Majesty. It reminds me of when I used to play Lords of the Realm 2, and yet also reminds me of playing Age of Empires. This is a very welcomed addition to the Linux game library, and a nice change from the constant bombardment of FPS games. Don't get me wrong, I like FPS games, but it's great to have variety. Also, LGP has told me that they don't plan to port many FPS games, if any. And that's a good idea, at least at the start. If an FPS game is good, it'll probably be ported in-house (ie: UT2003, Doom 3), and if it's not so good, then at least LGP isn't wasting their time. Anyhow, that's my opinion.
  18. http://forums.bioware.com/viewtopic.html?t...178596&forum=27
  19. You may want to email their CEO. His name is ray. BioWare emails end with @bioware.com. ;)
  20. Oh yeah, the games section isn't done yet... But it will be soon. For instance, there are no screenshots for the games yet. There will be. And one other thing; if you want to buy games from TuxGames, go to that page and click on the links there, and I'll get a 5% donation when you buy. :) (same thing in my signature) My server was down last night for a while, but it's back online now. Stupid DSL. ramfree17, I nearly crapped my pants when you said that. >:| Now go away. :P
  21. Okay, the server that hosts my site has disappeared from the face of the planet. It's going on a month or so, and I figured that it's about time I provide an alternate URL, since many people have been contacting me via email, instant message, private message, and IRC about it. I wanted the new design to be a surprise, but sometimes I have to sacrifice things like that... The link may not work all the time, since it's on my home internet connection, and sometimes I disconnect, and the site is still under development, so it's not totally complete. Don't contact me with issues about the translations or whatever since it's not done yet. Please keep in mind that this is only a TEMPORARY link. Whenever Tom Berger returns the server to Afrosheen, you can resume using the old URL. (this is a lame attempt at a joke; Tom didn't really take the server, even though it sure seems like it). Anyhow, here is the link. Be happy. http://aslan.no-ip.com/~dana/mdkxp/ I will post in here once the normal server comes back to life.
  22. DOlson

    Game icons

    when you do, let me know. i need to work on getting freespace 2 working..along w/some other games i hear work. I'll be posting it here. :) It uses the same CVS source as Freespace 2 does, but there is a patch for it or something. I have the files, but I'm busy programming a game for school right now.
  23. I never said you're not worthy. I think I'll shut up since everyone seems to think I'm trying to be all high and mighty here, and trying to own the forums. Well, I'm not. I'll shut up. Blah.
  24. You use Windows as opposed to WineX? Wow. What a concept! Using the right tool for the job. :roll:
  25. ral, if you can't find a copy to borrow, email me. I'm a firm believer in try-before-you-buy. I have AVP Gold, btw. I assume it works with normal AVP, but try for Gold. And you'll need to have installed it in Windows at least once (burn it to a CD after) to get the data files.
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