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Posts posted by daniewicz

  1. I used a GeForce4 card very recently with the 96.43.11 driver without problem on Mandriva 2008.1.


    I think there is more going on here than simply the wrong video driver. However, you could always try using a older driver from the NVidia website.

  2. Welcome to the MUB B)


    There are GUI tools to help you configure Mandriva. I assume you are using KDE 4? I have an older KDE 3.5.9 so my menus will look different than yours, but you should have a menu item such as "Configure Your Computer" which will open the Mandriva Control Center.

  3. So you have seen the same slowness and heavy swap usage with GNOME, KDE3, and KDE4 when running

    knoppix, mandriva, and ubuntu?


    Makes me think you have a hardware problem. Are there any warnings or error messages in /var/log/messages?


    I am just grasping here, but I think I would try clearing the CMOS on my motherboard.


    And is my graphic memory of 256 MB used at all isnt that what the basic GUI rely on?

    I don't know.


    Also I sum up the values "top" cmd gives and the net values don't match with the current processes sum of memory usage. by it does for System monitor.

    I don't have an answer for this either.

  4. Mem: 967780k total, 915256k used, 52524k free, 128888k buffers

    Swap: 979924k total, 335456k used, 644468k free, 366588k cached


    Well your slowness is probably due to the fact that your system is using its swap file so heavily (335456k used). This is because nearly all your RAM is used up (915256k used). 1 GB is apparently not enough for your OS/DE to function properly. I assume the DE you are using is the new KDE? You may need to think about using a DE that is less RAM hungry like XFCE.

  5. Yes, UDMA6 is the current mode, that is good.


    Do you know how to see what services are active on your system?


    What kind of video card do you have? Have you installed the proper driver?

  6. I have downloaded the OOo_3.1.0_LinuxIntel_install_wJRE_en-US.tar.gz, but Im not sure how to install it correctly.


    From the KDE gui, If you double-click on this file, ark should offer to extract the contents to a location of your choice. In those contents will be a readme file with instructions for installation.

  7. I have two of them (both AGP 8X) sitting idle, and I won't mind giving away one of them at just the cost of the mail expenses.


    I would be interested in getting that card from you, but I am not comfortable just taking it at no charge. Could we do a swap? I have a fair collection of older hardware. Do you have any legacy hardware needs?

  8. I would like to update this thread.


    I was seeking to update compiz as a possible solution to a window decorator problem I was having as discussed here link


    I am not sure if the compiz update would resolve my problem, but I felt this option was worth pursuing initially. I have since decided that an easier path would be to try emerald rather than KDE for my window decorator. So far, so good! I have seen no decorator problems and emerald offers more ability for customization. :D


    I know it is vain and silly, but I like the eye-candy B)

  9. I am running Mandriva 2008.1 with KDE and compiz 0.7.6 (0.7.6-1mdv2008.1). I would like to update compiz to the 0.8.2 version.


    I have found a 2009.1 rpm (0.8.2-1mdv2009.1.i586.rpm). Will this package work under Mandriva 2008.1, or am I just asking for trouble?


    Herein lies a fundamental problem with linux. I don't want to update my entire OS, but the repositories eventually limit the versions of software available for installation. I have made the jump and installed the newest versions of Openoffice using their rpms. Firefox and Thunderbird are easy to update, just download and drop the folder in the correct location. But when it comes to compiz I worry that things may be more complicated.

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