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Posts posted by phunni

  1. It looks like a custom option which means you probably have to use a very specific JVM... Having said that - I would have thought their support would have told you that if it were true...


    I'm pretty sure (although not certain - it's only from memory) that -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize is not a standard option - hence the error message. You would need a JVM that's expecting this option...

  2. I assumed there would be loads of discussion here about good, linux compatible, MP3 players. There are, but they all seem to be old - so I thought I'd start a new thread...


    I want to replace my Ipod mini with something a bit bigger - 4Gb is proving far too small...


    What I (ideally) want is:


    Drag and Drop support

    High capacity - minimum of 20Gb, preferably 60+

    Ogg support

    Video - ideally Xvid and/or DivX support

    Relatively cheap...

    An FM radio


    The radio and Ogg support are not essential. The reason I'm not keen to go for another ipod is that I'd like the drag and drop support, and they're too expensive...


    I've already googled extensively and reviews about the latest iriver's aren't positive - plus I'm not sure they're drag and drop these days. As far as I can make out Creative's high capacity aren't d&d either...


    I was quite excited to discover a reference to the Neuros player in a thread around here - but they're discontinued... :sad: Equally the Iriver h340 looked a reasonable option but they're also discontinued and not that cheap anyway...


    So - what do you think? And SoulSe - I already know that you think I should go for an ipod anyway ;)

  3. Actually I think the main reason a lot of phones are locked into contracts is because it guarantees income... Which is also why so many phone companies subsidise the phone. If I give you £200 towards your phone but can guarantee that you'll spend at least £250 then it' worth it for me...

  4. I have to say that I genuinely don't think I've been a party to FUD - I just really can't understand the fuss about this phone or why it's so special... Unless it's just 'cause it's Apple's first phone...


    I suppose my opinion may well be coloured by a completely different experience of WM to SoulSe - for example I have imov installed and it works without problems... Generally I have found my phone to be pretty much all I wanted it to be... I can't see what the iPhone can do that mine can't - or many others for that matter...

  5. So your WM device has never crashed? Mine hangs all the time. The interface is clumsy and using it as an everyday mobile phone is a nightmare.


    A stylus requires two hands, which is my problem with it. I need to be able to read / reply to SMS and make calls with one hand. Using your fingers is logically a better approach.


    I'm not saying you need an iPhone - each to their own. But I can't imagine why anyone would prefer a WM device and I'd like to see some links about third party software on the iPhone, because I can't find any.


    I wouldn't say never - but almost never and, when it has, it's always been due to resource hungry 3rd party apps...


    I can read/reply to SMS (OK - I can't actually reply to them without the stylus, but it doesn't bother me...) and make calls wth one hand - I can actually do most things without the stylus - it just doesn't bother me to... Actually I don't really use the stylus for when I use the phoen features at all (except, as I say, writing SMS...)


    In fact I only really use the stylus when I'm using it as a PDA - and not even al lthe time then. Which doesn't seem unreasonable to me at all - but as I say, I can't really see what the problem is with a stylus. OK - I guess it would be annoying for having to make/answer calls - but I really don't...


    WM5 is a big step up from previous versions - I would agree with you about how it sucks if we were talking about previous versions...

  6. All I'm hearing is personal opinion. What I do find hard to believe is Linux users defending Windows Mobile.


    I have an iPaq hw6915 - and I would argue that it is currently the best Windows Mobile device available (from what I've seen) - and it blows! Why? The operating system is quite simply the worst I have ever used. Hands down. How could you even begin to compare the iPhone to a WM device?


    I've had no problems with my WM device. I've seen no problems with regular use of the fingers (although who cares - this idea that no one wants to use a stylus is so alien to my experience...). I find it does everything I want and it does it well...


    I also think it looks pretty cool. Sure It'd prefer it if it wasn't a Microsoft device, but I'm not that bothered. I honestly can't see a single reason why I'd ever want an iPhone over my current phone/PDA...

  7. Well apparantly it's now called Bon Echo. Just like Mozilla is called Sea Monkey. Weird.


    Firefox is called Bon Echo in Arch as well - although I think Sea Monkey is actually the official name for the new Mozilla suite...

  8. My two cents:


    Video tutorials are useful for some people, while written tutorials (with or without pictures) are useful for other people. There are millions of users out there. Every user has a different approach to computing, a different level of knowledge. There won't be ONE tutorial that will satisfy all users. ;)


    You're just plain wrong! This ONE single tutorial will satisfy all tutorial needs you might ever have!

  9. I think it's something to do with the fact that an Array is itself an Object (and therefore a type) so it's not quite as simple as with other objects...


    You'd be better off creating a Vector full of the Strings and then converting that to an array of Strings:


    String[] colouredStrings = (String[]) myColoursVector.toArray(new String[0];


    Actually, you'd be better off just starting with an array of Strings - but I'm assuming there's a reason you're not...

  10. Perhaps I'm misunderstanding you, but I just want to clarify that neither free BSD nor Solaris are Linux distros. They are both "flavours" of Unix - and are very similar to Linux, but are not the same.


    I've only got experience of Solaris and Linux and would, personally, always use Linux over Solaris as I just find it easier to get it set up how I like...

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