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Posts posted by SoulSe

  1. If all you want to do is share files, setup ssh and use sftp to log into each other's machines.


    As for the server, there is a lot of guidance in this thread already, but if you just want simple DHCP, routing, Internet sharing and firewalling, look at Smoothwall. Although a cheap hardware router will do everything that Smoothwall can. If you need basic serving, go with a router. If you want to do print and scanner serving, web serving, game serving or the like, then use that third box.


    I guess the best thing is to get stuck in and post as you encounter areas you need help with...

  2. Jsut visited the site - Gnome Meeting is now known as 'Ekiga'. From the site: "Ekiga (formely known as GnomeMeeting) is an open source VoIP and video conferencing application for GNOME. Ekiga uses both the H.323 and SIP protocols. It supports many audio and video codecs, and is interoperable with other SIP compliant software and also with Microsoft NetMeeting."

  3. I use Skype in Linux all the time and without a problem - perhaps you could give us more information as to why it wasn't working for you?


    I also have some experience with Gnome Meeting - it does audio, video and works very well - afaik it is compatible with Window's conferencing software, but check out the site for more detail.


    I'd hate for you to have to go back to Windows, and I doubt you will have to..


    Also, have you made sure your audio devices are working in Linux? Mic?

  4. The iPod will display that screen under Linux, even if unmounted. You can write a little script to completely release the device and get it to act more like it would on a Mac, but this isn't necessary. You are not damaging your iPod by disconnecting it when it says 'Do not disconnect'. So long as you have unmounted it you should be fine.


    On the subject of Amarok - ditch it. And don't use gtkpod either - it's very messy. The best application for managing an iPod under Linux is Banshee. Once you see how well it works you won't want to take your pod near anything else ;)

  5. Red Hat and SuSe are used widely in the enterprise space, but I would argue that they aren't as widely used by home users... or on desktops in general, so Ubuntu's stats might not be that inaccurate.


    I've heard Ubuntu getting a lot of press lately with version 6 being super-stable and easy to install. It really is very popular, polls aside.

  6. I would basically want it to take care of the things that are specific to some operating systems - kind of like the best of all worlds.


    So my favourite OS is OSX - but I miss the flexibility of Linux and the ability to keep my entire system up to date with one centralised package manager, as well as the accessibility to open source. Then I also want it to be compatible with Windows' software as much as possible and have the support for gaming that Windows has.


    So I basically want OS X + the best things about Linux + the only good thing about Windows (good support from the game developers).

  7. Nice idea... most of what you are trying is already possible in OS X though.


    I do it on my Powerbook all the time with Smart Folders.


    It's not exactly like what you're suggesting, because it doesn't actually place a physical copy of the files in the folder, a smart-folder just basically herds them all up. You can get a folder to show all of one filetype automatically, by date range, by size, etc. etc.

  8. The command Lex gave you will remove Gnome.


    But I would advise you to try and fix it, especially if you prefer using it.


    You could try updating it with urpmi and this would essentially replace anything that has fallen by the way. Otherwise, uninstall and reinstall it. This is, of course, presuming that it is broken.


    Have you tried adding any panels or menus to Gnome?

  9. No chocolate fish, but I could give you a kick in the nads and a pancake.


    And to state the obvious: I would unmask the posts from this user in other areas of the board - obviously, being a moderator I have to review posts where necessary. :beer:

  10. There is a very handy and lesser-known feature of this board that might be useful to some of you, as it is to me.


    It essentially allows you to ignore a specific user, so that their posts will be masked from your view. This is especially handy if you're trying to ignore someone who is flame-baiting or just generally being a nuisance.


    To ignore them, click on their nick to take you to their member listing. On the top right there is a drop-down menu that says 'Profile Options'. On this menu is the option to add this user to your ignore list, which can also be managed from your profile page.


    I've just enabled this for one of our OTW subscribers, and my blood pressure is much better now. Try it, it's fun :D

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