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Everything posted by kaba_desu

  1. I only have one problem with the default look of mandrake. The web fonts. I'm sure there is a way to change them... I've changed things is "configure your desktop" and also in Mozillas appearance menu... but where ever a bold font is used... It's just so ugly. Especially in my mozilla mail, the account name is humungous! Does anybody else have this problem?
  2. I am at a loss. All I have is 'old wives tales'. I did read a thread somewhere which said "remember to unplug your speakers during install." I have no idea why that would matter. But you could give that a go. I still have no idea why it would be any different for you. It's the same mobo!! Does the sound work fine in windows?
  3. I just don't get it. You have the same motherboard, kernel, and mandrake version as me yet you're having all this trouble. I'm going to be re-installing my computer at some stage - so I'll keep an eye open for anything that seems odd. You may also want to look at you bios settings? hmm... another thing to try is. start xmms. Go to xmms preferences (you get to this the same way as you do in winamp) The output should be OSS Driver... (I think) Click configure. Then make sure that xmms is using the C3media thing for both. Sorry I can't be more descriptive than that. I'm going by memory. I think your number one priority should be the modem for now. Do you have that working yet? I remember how much it used to suck to have to reboot to windows to get the information I needed for stuff... Plus, I didn't have a printer so I had to write a lot of stuff down. Last year I had rh9 and I used the ltmodem drivers to connect to the internet. This year however I decided that I wouldn't mess around with winmodems anymore, and I picked myself up a cheap external modem that required nothing more than my username, password and phone number to connect to the internet. It was well worth it... and an investment.
  4. Unfortunately I'm not at home right now... and I won't really get a chance over the weekend. load xmms, and then in another terminal type kmix, the controls your sound, have a fiddle with it. My only suggestion to you is this: Re-install madrake. and then. Install your modem. then. Install xmms. I really don't think there's anything wrong with your sound. I haven't had any problems with mine at all. I think that perhaps you need to stop comparing linux to windows... you don't always need the official drivers to make stuff go. Not trying to be rude, just sayin.
  5. Your enthusiasm is insane Have you had any problems with it so far? Knoppix is awsome for detecting hardware, how's mandrake treating you?
  6. yeah, I'm so used to using the command line for running apps I don't even know why I bothered to use the button.Though having said that my partner is going to be using this too so I guess I'd better make sure things work for her!!
  7. Hmm. I have the same mobo and sound worked without a problem for me. It seems a little weird that it would be any different for you. Do you have xmms installed? If not try: su <enter> urpmi xmms let that install then open a new shell and type: xmms Be sure not to use the program icon to load xmms for now. I tried to use that, it actually executes the command 'soundwrapper xmms', which didn't work for me. I just want to know if your sound is working or not. Bare with me dude, I'm not that good at teaching.
  8. Heh, I'd like to know what you've been led to believe. :lol:
  9. Hey dude, Firstly I don't want to step on Gowators toes but I have a question. Are you actually having stability issues? By stabilty I mean... does your computer randomly lock up? I know it seems annoying to answer a lame little question, but there is a point to it. By the way forcedeth 14304 0 from your lsmod would indicate that your install has good motherboard drivers.
  10. I'm not sure but I may have fixed the stability issues... 3 instances of chromium 1 xmms playing from another drive 2 glxgears 1 Gimp 1 Konqueror Load average is 3. I'll leave this running all day and see if it's still up when I get home in 13hours. I also noticed something a little annoying when I installed xmms. It might be the cause of some peoples problems with playing sound... I know it gave me trouble. The icon it sets up in the k(star)t button executes the command 'soundwrapper xmms'. When I used that to launch xmms it just crashed, so I loaded it from command line without any problems. I might be a good idea to check that out if you're having trouble. If the command line works then edit the icon and remove soundwrapper from the command. I don't know, just a thougt.
  11. Okay... so I've just read something on another forum about formating... could all my stability problems be coming from doing a "quick" format rather than a long format? Does Mandrake 10 install give you the option to do a long install? Hmmm... It might be this. I remember last year that every time I installed rh9 the computer would feel completely different. I would have a whole bunch of new problems while the old problems fixed themselves. Just a hunch? This is just so frustrating. Perhaps something hasn't been detected right.. grr. I don't know. I wish I was sitting at my computer messing around with it... but instead I am sitting in front of a rock solid customised rh7.3 computer that laughs at me everytime I type uptime. [10:54pm up 106 days, 9:28, 19 users, load average: 0.46, 0.63, 0.71]
  12. I've used Knoppix and it seems to be fine, no freezes or anything like that. Hmmm... I just can't work out where the source of this problem is. Perhaps I should just wait until I have a bit more time before I worry about it.
  13. I might end up doing what? (sorry - I'm totally tired)
  14. The only reason I'm try to add the nforce drivers is because the stability issues I'm experiencing. I'm not worried about ethernet or anything like that. I just want to be able use my computer without having a complete meltdown. Did you do anything particularly special with your bios/lilo/other settings to get it stable? In the end it could be that my motherboard doesn't like the newer kernel. I just really need some help. As for "Sorry ..busy week..." , I know how you feel. Don't worry too much about quick answers I don't have that much time to spend on my computer at the moment. It's really quite frustrating.
  15. That junk is exactly what I get. I can't help but I hope someone else can! I am really considering go back to the 2.4 kernel to see if that works better for me. I'm having major stability issues with the same motherboard.
  16. The name.here stuff is an example of the file you should download. Just so that it applies further down the track, when the new nforce drivers come out. You need to download the latest one called: NVIDIA_nforce-1.0-0261.src.rpm Su to root means that you need to become the super-user... What you need to do is start a new terminal or konsole session. There's a button for this on the task bar thingy... it looks like a monitor with an > symbol. When the prompt comes up type: su <enter> Then enter the root password. <enter> I'm interested to see how this all pans out for you. I have the same motherboard am I am finding that mandrake 10 locks up quite a bit. I would be interested to know if you manage to install the nforce drivers too - I can't managed it.
  17. Ack - In the end I just want a stable install which has no really major problems. I think I'll just go back to the 2.4 kernel and see if I have the same sort of trouble. If I don't then I'll stick with it. My only concern is that I'll be missing out on something if I go back... but then I suppose having an unstable computer is missing out on something. My last question is: If I do go back to 2.4 and download updates... will that update my kernel back to 2.6? Or will it install updates for my kernel? The later being the prefered answer.
  18. Does anybody else have any suggestions. I would like to try as many as possible. I really want to use mandrake 10, it looks and feels awesome. I just want to get it stable.
  19. Okay, so I've had a search around and I can't find any how-to's for forcedeth. Do you run forcedeth and then run the nforce drivers? I'm having major stability issues and I really need some help to fix it. It just seems to lock up randomly. Can you suggest the correct forcedeth for 2.6.3-7mdk?
  20. I'm not trying to be an idiot. I just really need to know what would be better. Any help would be much appreciated.
  21. I'm using the stock 2.6 kernel that comes with M10, I just want to know what I would be missing out on if I used the 2.4 kernel instead? Would the 2.4 kernel be more stable for my nforce2 board? I have read that the reason I can't install nvidia's nforce drivers is because it wasn't really written for 2.6 kernels. I've also read in this forum that people using nforce boards must install the latest nforce drivers to stop freezing... (other than noapic nolapic) I am a mandrake newbie... I've been using redhat for ages and it seems that I have to re-learn a lot of what I know. Any advice about the kernel stuff would be cool.
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