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Everything posted by GoldenEye

  1. Hi there, In the pc you do: open a console (as root = #) # ifconfig eth0 In the laptop: open a console (as root = #) # ifconfig eth0 then try to ping each one using the ping command like this: from pc: # ping you should see something like: 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=1.94 ms untill you force the ping stop using <Ctrl> + <c> from laptop try the same but using this time the pc ip address: # ping you should see something like: 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=1.94 ms untill you force the ping stop using <Ctrl> + <c> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For sharing files using the console you can use sftp, you should have the ftp server enable. try man sftp or by searchig on google for "ftp linux" and you get all you need. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm a portuguese linux user/administrator so don't look at my bad english ok. jcmail@iol.pt
  2. Hi there, I'm using dhcpd and named (Bind) in the same Mandrake 10 machine. My question is how to set up the dhcpd to register new host names in my dns ethernet zones ? Thanks a lot for any help...
  3. Hi there... I thing that you can use dhclient as SU for ask a new offer from your DHCP Network Server. But for that you have to verify the cable and if that server is well working and full operating.
  4. And here in Portugal we have to deal with a lot of poor equipment such as pppADLS USB-Modems ou Routers not supported and most no well documented i'ts frustrating. The good equipment it's so expensive to us that we don't have other way... This is a chalange to any company to come here and get all the market... ;)
  5. Thanks... I'm working on it, im studing/trying OpenVPN. Mdk comes with Freswan but the project is over and I'm planing to deal with this more often in the fast future and as a professional offer to enterprise clients. The major problem here are all the other concepts we have to control like iptabels or other filtering technics. Once more don's look at my pore english :)
  6. Hi there, I'm a new registered user from Portugal, I'm using Mandrake since 8.1 version and it's my choice. I'm trying to get some help on a VPN over ppp A-DSL with Mandrake 10. Anyone can give-me an option a good point to start!? Any experience? Any comments ? Thanks... And don't look at my english writing mistakes...
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