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Posts posted by rockybalboa

  1. OK I'll post the idea I've come up with for critique and fine tuning.

    My idea is that I'll leave the primary master in place (it has my Win partitions, and they don't need t be moved).

    I'll connect the CD as primary slave

    New hard drive Secondary master (this will have fresh install of MDK 10) and old

    Old drive that I am replacing as secondary slave (holds current install of MDK)

    With the ability to read the partitions of secondary slave, can I copy any of the old stuff over to the new MDK install. Like a one for one file copy. Or will that corrupt the new MDK install?

    I've pretty much decided to go with the fresh install. Just not sure what I can keep from my current MDK configuration. Obviously data files are easy enough to address. Just wondering how many of teh extras I've installed can be kept.

    You were right, I forgot my motherboard requires RAID config, even if you use RAID 0 or what ever it is that actually bypasses RAID.

    As ever, Thanks for the advice. It will keep me out of the "lost partition" club.


  2. I am running an Abit KT7A, not using RAID. Athlon Tbird processor, (will be AthXP next month).

    Single CDR Nothing out of the ordinary. NVidia GeForce3 if that matters. Using this machine as an internet gateway for another Win box.

    Most of this won't matter, but it's obviously a custom built machine. I built it so I know most of it like the back of my hand.


  3. My own two cents.

    My first experience has been MDK 10, I am amazed how smooth this has all been. And I've learned more from the people on this board than anywhere else. Keep in mind this is a FREE OS so complaining about bad support will create more enemies than friends. Most of what we use is developed over many hours by people who are not getting paid. And still they turn out a proffessional level product.

    If you plan to do any gaming, use Win32. The little Linux support for gaming I've seen is archaic. Wine and XWine are good concepts but are not very far in development (regarding gaming), Wine is great for most other applications. This is not knocking their work; however, you won't load up Tribes, MOHAA, or any other "game of the week" and run it.

    NVIDIA is the way to go with Linux. They actually have a proffesional "paid" staff developing drivers. And they earn my allegiance for that.

    If you lack patience, avoid MDK (or any other *nux distro). If you have just a little tweaking time, jump in. The water's great.


  4. Her it is

    /dev/hdg5 / ext3 defaults 1 1
    none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
    /dev/hdg10 /home ext3 defaults 1 2
    /dev/hdc /mnt/cdrom auto umask=0,user,iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850,noauto,ro,exec 0 0
    none /mnt/floppy dev=/dev/fd0,fs=ext2:vfat,--,umask=0,iocharset=iso8859-1,sync,codepage=850 0 0
    /dev/hde1 /mnt/win_c vfat umask=0,iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850 0 0
    /dev/hdg6 /mnt/win_c2 vfat umask=0,iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850 0 0
    /dev/hde5 /mnt/win_d vfat umask=0,iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850 0 0
    /dev/hde6 /mnt/win_e vfat umask=0,iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850 0 0
    /dev/hde7 /mnt/win_f vfat umask=0,iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850 0 0
    /dev/hde8 /mnt/win_g vfat umask=0,iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850 0 0
    /dev/hde9 /mnt/win_h vfat umask=0,iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850 0 0
    /dev/hde10 /mnt/win_i vfat umask=0,iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850 0 0
    none /proc proc defaults 0 0
    /dev/hdg9 /tmp ext3 defaults 1 2
    /dev/hdg7 /usr ext3 defaults 1 2
    /dev/hdg8 /var ext3 defaults 1 2
    /dev/hdg1 swap swap defaults 0 0


    Thanks for looking at it.

  5. Hi,

    I have been running MDK10 OE for about a month now I made the foolish mistake of instlling it to my old/slow hard drive.

    Now I've decided to install a new (faster/larger) drive.

    By now my problem is probably obvious. Should I risk moving my MDK setup or just reinstall? Either way, I know I'm in for a little work.

    I should also mention that this is a dual boot WinXP/MDK 10 setup. I want to go the least risk route. I have alot of stuff on the Win partitions that I can't afford to loose.

    The one lucky part for this is that WinXP and MDK are on different hard drives and will be when I m finished. I have all the Win32 partitions shared so the data access isn't really important.

    I thought I had seen somthing on this subject here before but I can't seem to find it anymore.

    Any advice is welcome,

    Thanks ,


  6. I am using a standdard 101 (non-Win key) keyboard. Since instaling MDK 10 my left Alt key hasn't worked. I was just going to copy the command for the right key but I can't seem to find the utility that will allow that. I can find a couple ways to set shortcuts to the keys but no where to adjust standard key behaviour.


    Any advice?



    Oops I meant the left one is working and not the right one, if it makes a difference.

  7. Sorry for all the questions, but I will borrow your knowledge as long as you'll give it.

    If I compile my own kernel I'm assuming I can set up the bootloader to boot either one. That way if the new one won't work I can boot the original "stable" one to recompile. Also, how do I find the path to my new kernel once installed?

    Thanks for all the information,


  8. Just for my own curiosity. Does the fact that it would be customized make it run faster, more stable? I'm trying to weigh the advantages. I saw the new kernel source posted. Not sure if I'd do it just for the sake of having the latest one. But if I decide to do it, what is the selection criteria for which kernel source to use?

    Funny thing. I started to load slack ware in 1998. For whatever reason building the kernel was a requirment. I screwed it up about 6 times and then gave up. It was another 5 years before I even looked at Linux again.

    Thanks for all the advice.


  9. Well I converted to MDK because I'm a tinkerer. Now I'm interested in compiling custom kernels. Is this advisable for a rookie? What are the advantages? Can one take a shortcut by using a custom kernel designed by someone else? Just some ideas. Also, some entry level tutorials might be good. Found some through Google but most are over my head. At this point I have no justification to do this, other than my obsession with tweaking. And I want to bench my MDK install against my Windex XP setup.

    Thnx, Dan


    [moved from Software by spinynorman]

  10. I noticed security alerts and fixes listed on this website but when I tried to update the lazy way (MDK GUI updater) it doesn't list any available. Am I missing something or am I just special. I used the mirrors as recently as 4-5 days ago and got updates so I don't think there should be a problem.

  11. For the record I downloaded my 10 OE isos using BT. It took 37 hours, and I'm on a cable connection. I don't think BT was designed with isos in mind. It was interesting to learn, but I doubt I'll use it again. I'll come back later and post what front end I used for BT. But I remember from my research that Azureus was well regarded.

  12. Think I need to try a different build then. Looks like it's not an overall problem, and I hate the thought of giving up my FFox. I can't recall how I installed, but I think it was from .tar.bz. Should I uninstall before going to a new one? Or can I just overwrite? I hate the thought of manually moving all my configs but won't gamble the loss, I did one time and lost alot of settings and scripts.

    Another problem, and I'm not sure what all it's connected with, I have had browser/X server crashes, frequently while loading up large images. I gave up on flash and java back on my eXPee partition a while back. Is it any easier in MDK?

    Thanks again for all the help.


  13. I am a long time fan of FF. I even quit using IE in Win eXPee a year ago. So when I loaded up MDK 10 Official I couldn't wait to get rid of bloated Moz. However, I can't stand how slow FF is in MDK. I'm ready to go to Opera, although I tried it for two days and didn't care much for it. Bottom line is - if FF is running good for you please let me know what build you're running. I'm running "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.6) Gecko/ 20040402 Firefox/0.8" which is basically plain vaniilla official build. My system is an Athlon Tbird with plenty of memory.

    Could some of you FF fans save me from Opera confusion? To much on the screen for my taste.



  14. The MDK network "wizard" has failed me multiple times. I am not using shorewall. I loaded Firestarter, but have kept it off during network setup. The wizard will reconize my LAN NIC but the signal doesn't get through for whatever reason. It hosed my modem->machine connection twice. When I get the server machine(MDK 10) set up I still can't ping the client (Winduhs 98SE).

    I decided to abandon the wizard and do it manually. Problem is there are about 10 different ways suggested around the web, and none of them mention MDK 10. I went to linux man pages and they seem to written for something prior to MDK 10 also. I'll read and apply anything that may work at this point.

    Also, in the course of troublshooting I physically uninstalled the two NICs and reinstalled them. I doubt it's hardware because it still works in Winbloze XP.



  15. Worked like a charm. Took two tries. I thought I had restarted the X Server the first time, but the change didn't start working until after I rebooted. Still shows "Any PS/2 mouse" in harddrake, but all the functions work aside from that crazy press down middle button/scroll thing. Wheel works fine though.



  16. OK first I'll admit that I am using a MicroShaft Optical USB Wheel Mouse.

    Problem is that whenever I set X up the way it should be, the mouse wheel doesn't work. Upon reboot X has reselected it's own mouse driver; usually PS/2.

    I've tried numerous edits to my XConfig file and most of them have resulted in Xserver not being able to start. I'm tired of gambling on hosing up my XConfig since it took me two days to get the NVIDIA install to work correctly.

    Anybody have any experience with the above mentioned Mouse probs? Most of the solutions I've found were listed in Suse and Fedora boards and none of them worked. Looks like the MDK community hasn't had this problem as long as the others.



  17. Does anyone have the Bugzilla report number for USB Mouse problems in MDK 10?

    I have searched over an hour and can't find it. There's supposed to be a recent one but I sure can't find it. Found alot of refferences to it, but no real report.





    I mean the Antihill number or whatever th official bug tracking system name is.

  18. Hello, I wanted to chime in on this one.

    I had the same problem last night after installing the 5336 drivers. I hadn't found an answer yet, until I saw this.

    However, during my "troubleshooting" I also found the XFree86-Config-4 file had been rewritten. So I changed it back per the driver installation instructions. Rebooted, had same problem as before, including change of Config file. I swear I saved the changes.

    So I ran DrakX. This is the one thing I liked in 9.2 more than 10. Anyway, I change Config again, rebooted. Had same results as above.

    At 1:30 AM I gave up for the night.

    Any idea how the Config file could get rewritten?

    Crock, are these drivers good?

    My WinBlows experience is that NVIDIA releases alot of drivers and it's hit and miss until you get the one that works for the individual system best.

    Thanks, Dan

  19. OK this is getting interesting. I did what was said and removed the wrong kernel-source. Then I updated my sources. Then I downloaded the kernel source again, problem is it downloaded the -9 source again!@! Not the source for my -7 kernel. Then I entered

    urpmi kernel

    and it says everything already installed. So I'm basically stuck in a loop. I'll try the instructions bvc gave and see if that cures the problem.

  20. Forgive my "Windows-ness". I assumed having run the update tool after install that the kernel was updated (if necessary). Can anyone point me to the shell commands or instructions to do it right the first time?

    Thanks for the responses,


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