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Posts posted by Greg2

  1. I just checked CNN, and they have changed to Adobe Flash. However I can still watch it with both the Firefox2.0.0.1(Mandriva 2007), and Iceweasel2.0.0.4 (Debian Etch) using the Adobe Flash player plugin without any problems.

  2. I downloaded btnx-0.2.5.tar.gz and did the make and make install, but blow up with the make install. Obviously we don't have a "build-essential" but am not sure what I need. Do you know if an install of gcc would do the trick?

    If you didn't receive any errors with 'make' you should have everything installed that you need to build this.


    I don't have that mouse to try this, but I believe if you d/l the new version btnx-0.2.11 from ollisalonen.com.

    Then follow the same instructions, except instead of doing

    make install


    make install-generic

    it should work for you?

  3. Since your last post was only 2 minutes after mine, I'm not sure you've tried the modification? It doesn't matter, it wouldn't work for you anyway. :P


    I've never used AOL, but in theory this should work...


    I've d/l the file and took a peek inside. It's GPL code that was written in 2004 with python 2.3. You could open the losaol python script in the los-aol directory and change the first line to

    #!/usr/bin/python2.4 -O

    and then open all binary files with a hex editor and change 2.3 to 2.4


    You must still make the change to the shell script listed in my other post. You have to move the entire los-aol directory to /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages and make sure all permissions are for the user.


    It's not as hard as it sounds. :rolleyes:

  4. I'm not sure I understand your problem? Close the 'Mandriva control center' and go to System > Configuration > KDE > Appearance and Themes > Launch Feedback, and the only thing that should be on your KDE kicker is 'Configure-KDE Control Module' while your making the change.

  5. It runs yes..but the hourglass thing does too, which leads me to believe something is wrong ?

    I believe you missed ffi's point? Go to Appearance and Themes->Launch Feedback and uncheck 'Enable taskbar notifacation'. Your hourglass will vanish!

  6. The problem is that I can't find any program that can monitor my CPU temperature.

    Using your gui package manager or urpmi, install lm-sensors and gkrellm 'or' ksensors. Then as root run


    then open gkrellm or ksensors and set it up the way you want.

  7. run alsaconf as root. make sure that the channels are unmuted. If everything is set, type as root


     aslactl store


    this will save the setting.


    alsactl store

    I was searching for a sound related problem, and found this typo that could cause a newbie problems. Maybe some admin/mod could edit this?

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