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Posts posted by Cannonfodder

  1. The debug output is saying that an error occurred during unpacking.. So, either your computer can't unpack it because its a corrupted file or something on your computer is not working for unpacking.


    Why don't you go get the file manually and manually install it? If its installed via RPM then its installed. You don't have to get it from that source necessarily. If you can't install it and get an error during installation,, then you can focus on why that is happening rather than skippig an update..

  2. Osom, part of the problem is focus. You are all over the place with problems. Start with one task and learn it then you can re-apply the knowledge to other tasks. Lets look at getting software.. I'm using Studio64 Linux (deb/Ubunto). It does not use RPM but the concepts are the same.


    Getting software in Linux works in one of two ways.


    In linux, you have registered repositories which are basically pre-compiled catalogs of software that are designed for your distribution. You can run the package manager (someone else chip in here because I havent used Mandriva since it was Mandrake) GUI that will allow you to search for software in the repository and it will install it for you.


    When this doesn't work, usually because the software you want is new or not specific to the distro you can go to a website and download a file to install. However, at that moment, you might notice several different types of files to install. E.g. RPM is the best way for you, because then you can install and uninstall through the package manager or by using the URPMI program. It keeps track of the files just like windows installer does. A tar.gz file is a compressed file that uncompresses into individual files. But it is not registered with the system like a Windows installer. Instead it just puts files where they belong.


    So, start with the program you want the most and see if you can use the Mandriva Package Manager (someone else chip i here, I'm rusty). Is it in there? If not, then go to the web site and get the RPM. If it's not available, look for the tar.gz.


    Regarding playing of AVI, try downloading and installiing VLC Movie player. Very robust, gets codecs for you and shouldn't have any problem playing avi..

  3. so anyone can reset my root password just by restarting my computer and entering a few commands at lilo?!



    This is often the subject of debate but with Linux, physical access and a litttle knowhow means you are root..


    However, accessing the box through network communcations means you have to deal with linux security..

  4. I tried Firefox for awhile but even though I was able to get it to do many of the same things that opera uses (long time opera user), the big thing I didn't like about Firefox is the lack of an email client within the same process. The opera email client is a big part of my decision to stay with opera. It's right there and supports views. I don't have to launch it separately.


    At work, I tried Firefox for awhile, but ended up going back to IE for speed and compatibility. *SHOCK* *THE HORROR!*


    Before you guys pile on me :)


    I think Firefox had to negotiate the company's firewall so it often took way too long to start up. I had issues with some password negotiations too. SO the real reason is that my company favors IE and has designed their interfaces to work with it.


    However, to play devil's advocate, firefox is a nice browser. I like that its open source too. I wonder how much my decision to stay with opera is simply based on what I'm used too. But I ain't kidding about how much I like opera email..

  5. The way LILO works when you use the default settings is:


    BIOS starts with the first drive (windows). It grabs the first sector and gets information on where the boot menu program is located. This boot sector will have a pointer to to your linux drive. From there, it runs the lilo program on your linux drive.


    In this fashion, windows remains the first drive and lilo exists on the second drive. That's why the default settings look confusing as you may assume that you want lilo on the second drive. It really is on the second drive, but to get there BIOS has to go through the first drive. It's just a daisy chain process.


    Thus, some caveats


    1. You can't change the order of the drives and expect LILO to keep working. The pointer definitely points to the second drive address.


    2. You can't unplug or remove the second drive. If LILO can't be found, it won't boot.


    3. You can't delete linux and expect LILO to keep working. Same reason, LILO can't be found. The fix for this is to boot off the Mandrive/drake CD 1, hit F1, type rescue, and then select from the menu the option to restore the Windows Boot Loader. This reprograms the boot sector to point to the first partition of the first drive (windows).


    4. Each time you make a change to the lilo text configuration file /etc/lilo.conf, you need to follow up with the text command




    This processes the lilo.conf file and rewrites the boot information to update it.


    Additionally, if you don't understand partitions, do a search on the board for partitions and author is cannonfodder. I think I've written it up a few times..

  6. Regarding your prompt (GUI isn't work). When linux starts up, it goes through what is called run levels. Runlevels go from 1 to 5 (roughly, and skipping some numbers)... if your configuration file has a inittab value of 3, it will never even startup the GUI and you are placed into a command line prompt. The prompt allows you to type commands you would normally do though a GUI (actually other way around, GUI came second).




    init 5


    would put you in a run level 5. But if your video board configuration is screwy, then it will just fail when it tries to start the GUI, so that's a separate issue.


    So, what you would need to do is learn to configure your video.. gotta run!

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