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  1. :unsure: Hi, pals. I am trying to install MDK 9.2 in a 686 box, that will be a router of a 4 MDK 9.2 boxes. But it don't connect. Watching the log of the NFS server with the cdrom shared, I found this message: Apr 17 15:47:01 xxxxxxxxxx rpc.mountd: getfh failed: Operation not permitted Apr 17 15:47:12 xxxxxxxxxx rpc.mountd: authenticated mount request from for /mnt/cdrom (/mnt/cdrom) I searched with google, but no answers. This are additional information: # cat /etc/exports /mnt/cdrom *(ro,no_root_squash) # rpm -qa | grep nfs nfs-utils-clients-1.0.5-1mdk nfs-utils-1.0.5-1mdk Whatever is needed to explain better my problem, just ask and I will provide. Tks
  2. Cool, guys. I got the solution for the problem. For some reason, realtek module was not started. Modifying /etc/modules and /etc/modules.conf made it. Really good, thanks 4 helping you all !!!
  3. :D HI !!! Have you tried the drakconnect program ? This gui is really cool for network configuration at MDK 9.2, and I am yet to install version 10. If it does not solve, send the list of loaded modules. Hope it helps. B)
  4. Wow, B) this is at the same time wonderful for I am really getting ready for MDK10, but indeed disappointing, because my customers are using MDK9.2 already. This problem is not solved with "service network restart" at /etc/rc.local. I would like to know if thereis any workaround for this issue. I will not install a new version at customers equipment unless I have stressed the version by myself. I keep on begging for help ...
  5. Yes, it is. I didn't know about drakxservices but what it provides I had already configured with: #chkconfig --level 35 network on That means this service will be ready at the beggning of the system.
  6. When I start my MDK 9.2, ifconfig just shows me lo configuration. But when I installed it I did entered correct configs. Take a look: # cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 DEVICE=eth0 BOOTPROTO=static IPADDR= NETMASK= NETWORK= BROADCAST= ONBOOT=yes MII_NOT_SUPPORTED=no To get it working, I must just start drakconnect and select autodetection. I said just start. No configuration is needed. Afte autodetection, I can leave the program and eth0 is ready to work. How can I have my eth0 ready at system start ?
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