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Everything posted by iApple

  1. iApple

    New To Linux

    Ya I went to install, and my cd broke I read all about it and got a replacement. I just want to make sure I won't kill something this time :)
  2. iApple

    New To Linux

    So I tried installing Mandrake 9.2 last week, ending up with a broken CD-Rom drive. So I got a new one and Downloaded Mandrake 10, my new CD Lite-On drive is a Lite-On LTN486S. I just want to make sure theres no know problems with this drive before I try to install this time :) I also have a USB M$ 802.11b networking card, I was wondering if theres any way to get this to work in Mandrake Linux? http://www.microsoft.com/hardware/broadban...ls.aspx?pid=007 I will be wanting to install drivers for my nVidia GeForce 4Ti 4600, and installing UT 2004 both of which I hear work very well on Linux, if you have any other suggestions post them also. Thanks :) Oh and I have an HP PSC 750, and saw they don't make Linux drivers, I don't really need this to work, but is there any way to make it work? And this is on my PC if my name makes you think differently Thanks again :)
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