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  1. Thank you very much for your interest! This is strange, no? I have also tried to launch latex2html as root just for testing and I observe the same problem. Is it possible that the configuration of netpbm or of Latex2html in Mandriva 2008 is faulty?
  2. Hello, I have some difficulty to use latex2html in Mandriva 2008. It creates the HTML files but png files are not correctly generated. L2H tells me that there is "no implementation for style 'graphicx' (even if I can see graphicx.pl in /urs/lib/latex2html/styles/ ) and generation of png graphics (from eps figures or for equations) gives the following error: Error while converting image Converting image #14 pstoimg: Error: "/usr/bin/ppmquant -floyd 256 < /var/tmp/l2h1735/p2285.pnm | /usr/bin/pnmtopng -interlace -trans 'gray85' > img14.png" failed: Bad file descriptor I have this problem even with a simple latex file with some math : %% This document created by Scientific Word ® Version 3.0 \documentclass[12pt]{report}% \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage{amsmath} %\usepackage[square,agsmcite,agsm]{harvard} \usepackage[francais]{babel} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb}% \setcounter{MaxMatrixCols}{30} %TCIDATA{OutputFilter=latex2.dll} %TCIDATA{Version=} %TCIDATA{CSTFile=LaTeX Report.cst} %TCIDATA{Created=Fri Feb 05 09:45:15 1999} %TCIDATA{LastRevised=Sunday, July 08, 2007 20:58:21} %TCIDATA{<META NAME="GraphicsSave" CONTENT="32">} %TCIDATA{<META NAME="SaveForMode" CONTENT="1">} %TCIDATA{BibliographyScheme=BibTeX} %TCIDATA{<META NAME="DocumentShell" CONTENT="Other Documents\Report - Standard LaTeX Report">} %TCIDATA{Language=French} %BeginMSIPreambleData \providecommand{\U}[1]{\protect\rule{.1in}{.1in}} %EndMSIPreambleData \newtheorem{fait}{Fait} \newtheorem{proposition}{Proposition} \newtheorem{remarque}{Remarque} \newtheorem{conjecture}{Conjecture} \newtheorem{hypothese}{Hypoth\`ese} \newtheorem{definitfr}{D\'{e}finition} \begin{document} \title{bla bla} \author{Me and my dog} \date{Juillet 2007} \maketitle \tableofcontents \part{Croissance, \'{e}quilibre et convergence dans le mod\`{e}le de Solow} \chapter{Le mod\`{e}le de Solow} Solow, Robert, 1956, \textit{A Contribution to the Theory of Economic Growth}, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 70, 65-94. (Prix Nobel : 1987) Il s'agit d'un mod\`{e}le tr\`{e}s simple qui fournit d\'{e}j\`{a} des intuitions fondamentales \`{a} notre question initiale : ``Pourquoi certains pays sont-ils si riches tandis que les autres sont appauvris ?'' \section{Le mod\`{e}le de base} Le mod\`{e}le fait un certain nombre d'hypoth\`{e}ses: \begin{description} \item[$\left( H1\right) $] Les pays produisent et consomment un seul bien homog\`{e}ne (le produit $Y$); \item[$\left( H2\right) $] La production se fait en concurrence parfaite; \item[$\left( H3\right) $] La technologie est \textit{exog\`{e}ne}; \item[$\left( H4\right) $] La technologie peut \^{e}tre repr\'{e}sent\'{e}e par une fonction de production de type \textit{n\'{e}o-classique} bas\'{e}e sur des facteurs substituables\thinspace: le capital $\left( K\right) $ et le travail $\left( L\right) $; \item[$\left( H5\right) $] La consommation agr\'{e}g\'{e}e est repr\'{e}sent\'{e}e par une fonction keyn\'{e}sienne\thinspace:% \begin{equation} C=c.Y\Rightarrow S=\left( 1-c\right) Y=s\cdot Y \label{S}% \end{equation} \item[$\left( H6\right) $] Le taux participation \`{a} l'emploi de la population est constant. Si la population cro\^{\i}t au taux $n,$ l'offre de travail $\left( L\right) $ augmente aussi \`{a} ce taux $n\,:$% \begin{equation} \frac{d\log\left( L\right) }{dt}=\frac{dL/dt}{L}=\frac{\dot{L}}{L}=n \label{L}% \end{equation} \end{description} Pour le propos du cours, nous le simplifierons encore en supposant que la fonction de production est de type \textit{Cobb-Douglas}\thinspace:% \begin{equation} Y=F\left( K,L\right) =K^{\alpha}L^{\left( 1-\alpha\right) },\quad\alpha \in\left[ 0,1\right] . \label{Y}% \end{equation} Les rendements d'\'{e}chelle sont donc constants $\left( \alpha+\left( 1-\alpha\right) =1\right) $. En concurrence parfaite, les firmes sont preneuses de prix et elles maximisent le profit% \[ \max_{K,L}F\left( K,L\right) -rK-wL \] o\`{u} $r$ est le taux d'int\'{e}r\^{e}t r\'{e}el et $w,$ le salaire r\'{e}el. La maximisation de profit implique% \begin{align*} w & =\frac{\partial F}{\partial L}=\left( 1-\alpha\right) \frac{Y}{L}\\ r & =\frac{\partial F}{\partial K}=\alpha\frac{Y}{K}% \end{align*} De plus,% \[ wL+rK=Y \] du fait de l'homog\'{e}n\'{e}it\'{e} et de la constance des rendements d'\'{e}chelle (identit\'{e} d'Euler). Cette technologie avec des productivit\'{e}s marginales d\'{e}croissantes est la diff\'{e}rence principale de ce mod\`{e}le par rapport au mod\`{e}le de Harrod. Plusieurs de nos faits stylis\'{e}s \'{e}taient exprim\'{e}s en termes de produit par t\^{e}te (\textit{per capita}). Pour cette raison, nous allons utiliser une version de ce mod\`{e}le exprim\'{e}e en termes de valeurs per capita\thinspace:% \begin{align} \,k & =\frac{K}{L}\quad\,(\text{avec }\frac{L}{L}=1).\nonumber\\ y & =\frac{Y}{L}=f\left( k\right) =\frac{F\left( K,L\right) }{L}% =\frac{K^{\alpha}L^{\left( 1-\alpha\right) }}{L}=\left( \frac{K}{L}\right) ^{\alpha}=k^{\alpha}\nonumber\\ & \,y=f\left( k\right) =k^{\alpha} \label{y}% \end{align} % \end{document}
  3. I have checked this database but I do not know the manufacturer of the integrated RAID system that comes with the PE 1600... Only very few RAID adapters appear under this item and I cannot check the compatibility of the DELL PE1600 system with RAID from the database... (by the way the database does not yet include MDK 10). I have wanted to know if someone else has used a similar system with MDK... I would be very unhappy to have to install RH instead of MDK :-( Best regards, Murat
  4. Theoretically, you are right... But practically things can be a little bit more complex: in order to install MDK, I will need the driver and if it does not already exist in binary, to compile it, I will need MDK... I do not in general like this kind of snake Or am I missing something? Murat
  5. Hi, I am a long term MDK user (my first version was 2.0 if I remember well, but I am not a technician). For the first time, I am willing to adopt a RAID system for superior security and DELL proposes such systems that are vey nicely priced but they only provide compatibility with RedHat. They use RAID cards of type PERC4 SC and I have not been able to check their compatibility with MDK before buying the system. Has anyone been able to install MDK on a DELL Poweredge 1600 with PERC4 SC RAID card (SCSI system) ? Best regards, M
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