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Everything posted by zombie_geek

  1. I have a P3-600 with 256megs of RAM and MandrakeMove boots really quick. I don't have a USB drive.
  2. What's a good, cheap USB key/drive to use with MandrakeMove?
  3. I'm on MM right now with a Bansee. :P
  4. I read about the sound being muted from other people's experience, so I checked, and sure enough it was muted. I never realized that the speaker icon was missing. :P
  5. How do I check my settings? I think I used Kaffine for mp3s in SuSE.
  6. I'm a newbie, so take it easy on me. :D I'm trying to use MandrakeMove to see if I want to buy Mandrake, but I can't get any sound. Anytime I try to play an mp3, Totem spits out errors. They're different error numbers, too. I also have a live eval of SuSE, and I have no problems with sound there. Does anyone have any idea what I need to do, or what is going wrong?
  7. I think I'm going with the Discovery version. I'm new, so it probably won't matter to me. I'm going to buy the retail version because of the guide/manual. You can download the manual and print it out, but I'd rather have one that comes with it.
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