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Posts posted by Urza9814

  1. Ok, I decided my KDE desktop for some reason reminded me of a Brick, where WinXP seems to flow pretty nice...and Linux is always more customizable, so I decided to see if I could de-brick my desktop. I decided to change the main color of the windows to a nice light blue, and it works great for KDE programs, and it's working fine on Firefox, but gaim for some reason, though the borders have changed, the inside is still that dark grey....how do I make it obey my KDE settings, or where can I adjust it's settings?



    One more thing...how do I resize the icons on the taskbar? The ones on the bottom left...it's got console and firefox and stuff, but it's making the icons so big they all run into each other and the sides of the firefox globe are being cut off and it's just not good. lol

  2. Well, I checked that file, it showed:

    urza9814:x:500:500:  :/home/urza9814:/bin/bash

    so looks like it was fine. So I tried running the installer again, just telling it not to format anything, and it ran fine, but when it got to installing the bootloader, I got the following message:

    mkinitrd failed:
    (mkinitrd -v -f /boot/initrd- --ifneeded

    So I'm guessing Xen was the source of the problems. However, the installer got far enough that I can now boot fine, though my internet connection is there but not connecting...but I think I just need to re-configure it...which I'll do once I figure out what driver I need to use for it again.

    Other problem though is that Windoze no longer boots. I hit 'Windows' on lilo and it brings up a blank screen that says 'sfh>' and I tried typing stuff or something, nothing happened, it just drops back to lilo.



    well, all it took to fix my internet was an 'ndiswrapper -m'...

    Anyone got any ideas on my bootloader?

    I hate bootloaders....

    Might have to run the repair from the WinXP CD....but that can wait until I actually need XP. lol

  3. Ok, I was on my comp, and everything was fine...and suddenly the internet connection died. So I get on the other computer...works fine there...it's happened before, I figure I'll just try a reboot. So I fire up konsole...it won't open. Well, I already have a window open on my other desktop, so I hit 'su'...and get an error saying permission denied to /bin/su. Soo, being a long time windoze user, I close everything, hit the reset button, and pray. My prayers were denied. It boots up, and I get the CLI login prompt, which is already a bad sign. I type in my user name, put in my password, it flashes an error message and clears the screen and asks for my login again. I type in root, put in my root password, and it says 'Login incorrect' . So, now I'm freaking out...so I take out my camera and record myself keying in my username and password...and through the magic of Windows Media Player (it allows slowing down video), find that the error message it flashes before clearing the screen is 'login: no shell: Permission denied'.

    I can still login to root through the failsafe option, but I don't know what to do from there. Anyone have any idea what the heck is going on, or am I gonna be stuck doing a reinstall?

    The only thing I can think of that may have caused this was my install of Xen...and that was about 2 hours before I started having any problems. But after that I wasn't logged into root at all, and all I was doing it running freenet, gaim, firefox, and amarok...which is what I do every day with no problems. And no, none of those were running as root.

  4. I'm trying to install Xen, and the install is failing. Here's the install log:

    Xen CHECK-INSTALL  Tue Aug 8 16:56:42 EDT 2006
    Checking check_brctl
    ./check_brctl: line 9: brctl: command not found
    Check for the bridge control utils (brctl) failed.
    Checking check_curl_lib
    libcurl.so.3 (libc6) => /usr/lib/libcurl.so.3
    Checking check_iproute
    1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP> mtu 16436 qdisc noqueue 
    link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
    inet scope host lo
    inet6 ::1/128 scope host 
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    2: wlan0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast qlen 1000
    link/ether 00:40:f4:dd:68:e4 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    inet brd scope global wlan0
    inet6 fe80::240:f4ff:fedd:68e4/64 scope link 
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    3: sit0: <NOARP> mtu 1480 qdisc noop 
    link/sit brd
    6: vmnet1: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast qlen 1000
    link/ether 00:50:56:c0:00:01 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    inet brd scope global vmnet1
    inet6 fe80::250:56ff:fec0:1/64 scope link 
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    7: vmnet8: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast qlen 1000
    link/ether 00:50:56:c0:00:08 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    inet brd scope global vmnet8
    inet6 fe80::250:56ff:fec0:8/64 scope link 
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    Checking check_python
    Python 2.4.1
    Checking check_twisted
    Checking check_zlib_lib
    libz.so.1 (libc6) => /lib/libz.so.1
    libz.so.1 (libc6) => /usr/lib/libz.so.1
    libz.so (libc6) => /usr/lib/libz.so


    So anyways, it appears that I need brctl...but from what I've found on google and stuff, it appears that it's part of the kernel or something, not just a package you can download? I dunno...I'm kinda confused. I found a lotta stuff on how to use it...but not really anything on how to get it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  5. try:

    'chmod 757 /'

    'chmod 757 /mnt'

    'chmod 757 -R /mnt/windows' or whatever. This one might take a while to complete.


    I'm sure there's security reasons why you shouldn't do that, but that's what I had to do to be able to access my music stored on my windoze drive. It should give read-only access to everything.

  6. Well, generally there's a reason you can't run them as a user...

    You could always just do use sudo or something....maybe...don't actually know if that'd work....


    Try 'locate [command]' to find where it is and just run if from there.

    For example, I know urpmi can only be run as root....I did 'locate urpmi', lotta results, one being /usr/sbin/urpmi....


    [urza9814@Arochone ~]$ urpmi
    bash: urpmi: command not found
    [urza9814@Arochone ~]$ /usr/sbin/urpmi
    urpmi version 4.7.15
    Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Mandriva.
    This is free software and may be redistributed under the terms of the GNU GPL


    They might all be under /usr/sbin, I'm really not sure...just a bit of exploration on my part...hope it helps :)

  7. Just follow the advice in either of these posts. It'll lock them into their home directory (or any other directory of your choosing), so they won't be able to access yours.


    Though they won't have permission for any of the files in your home anyways...

  8. This is all for ProFTPD...I don't know if there's a difference:

    There's an option in the config file where you can lock them into a directory. I would suggest making a separate user account, lock them into that user's home directory, and, if needed, set all the files to be owned by root and give read-only access.


    If you're in webmin, the option is under 'Files and Directories'....you can limit to their home directory or to any other directory (so you could create a /ftp/ directory for example)....


    Here's the setting in the config file (line 33):


    # To cause every FTP user to be "jailed" (chrooted) into their home

    # directory, uncomment this line.

    #DefaultRoot ~


    just replace that ~ with whatever directory you want if you don't want it to be the home directory.

  9. I wasn't sure which package you meant to install with --prefx=/usr, so first I tried it on gtk...didn't change anything. So I reinstalled atk using it, and then tried to install gtk normally, still failed, so then I tried installing gtk with the --prefix=/usr option, and still get the same error.


    I'm starting to feel like either the package or my mandriva install is screwed up....

  10. Well, that didn't work, so I rebooted just to be sure, and now whenever I try to run gaim or firefox I get the following error:


    symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0: undefined symbol: g_option_context_new



    Appears to be a problem with glib, which is one of the things I updated, though I've rebooted since installing that...

    Ah! after a bit of google, it seems a 'export PKG_CONFIG_PATH' fixed it up.

  11. Well, it wasn't appearing when I did 'pkg-config --list-all', so I removed the folder, installed it all again from the tarball (about the 5th time I've done that...), and ran ldconfig afterwards, with no luck.

    I did manage to find atk.pc though, after scanning the output from make install, I found it in /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig


    Don't know what exactly /etc/ld.so.conf is, it currently has:

    include ld.so.conf.d/*.conf


    and I tried pkg-config --help, no update option, not sure how to do that....

    I tried doing both 'pkg-config update' and 'pkg-config /usr/lib/local/pkgconfig/atk.pc' with no results.....



    Installing on Mandriva 2006, all from the tar.bz2 files. Everything else seems to be working fine, just this atk.pc that I'm having trouble with.

  12. That's pretty much normal for any OS. Some background program accessing the hard drive....it happens I don't think it's anything to worry about.


    Hah...my hard drive activity lights almost never go dark.. I've almost always got a few downloads running on freenet. heh :)

  13. I added:

    ALL ALL=NOPASSWD: /home/urza9814/shtest.sh


    I get the following error:

    [urza9814@Arochone ~]$ sudo sh /home/urza9814/shtest.sh

    Sorry, user urza9814 is not allowed to execute '/bin/sh /home/urza9814/shtest.sh' as root on Arochone.



    aight...the problem is I have to add /bin/sh to that list to run the script as root....which probably isn't good, because it seems that that would allow any script to be run....but...I'm sure I'll figure something out.

  14. yea, still won't work though.

    Maybe it'd help if I told you what I'm trying to do...

    I'm trying to create a PHP script that, through the system(); command, will run a script in my user home directory. But in order to do that, the user has to be either me or root. So, I figure I can either find a way to run it from the PHP script as another user, or have the PHP script run another script which will run it as the user.

    Problem is, there's no way to type in the password there. So I need it to be included in the script.


    It's only gonna be temporary, and I'm probably gonna throw some kinda password on it, so security isn't really a concern for me.

  15. Is there any way to make a script run a command as root without having to type in the password when it runs?

    I know, this is a huge security risk, but...I'm aware of it and it's only gonna be temorary and stuff.

    Anyways, I just need some way to either have the password in the script or have the script run as root when run by another user so that I don't have to manually type in the password when it runs.



    [moved from Software by spinynorman]

  16. Ok, so I'm trying to install gtk+-2.0.9...so I download it, and find I need atk, glib, and pango. I get the lastest version of each of those from the same site I got the gtk package (ftp://ftp.gtk.org/pub/gtk/v2.0/) and install them, with no problems. They all install to /usr/local/lib. But when I try to install the gtk package, on the ./configure step I get the following error:

    checking for glib-2.0 >= 2.0.6 atk >= 1.0.1 pango >= 1.0.1... Package atk was not found in the pkg-config search path. Perhaps you should add the directory containing `atk.pc' to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable No package 'atk' found

    configure: error: Library requirements (glib-2.0 >= 2.0.6 atk >= 1.0.1 pango >= 1.0.1) not met; consider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if your libraries are in a nonstandard prefix so pkg-config can find them.


    Here's the contents of my /usr/local/lib folder:

    glib-2.0			  libgmodule-2.0.so.0.0.7	libgthread-2.0.so.0
    libatk-1.0.la			   libgobject-2.0.la		libgthread-2.0.so.0.0.7
    libatk-1.0.so			  libgobject-2.0.so			  libpango-1.0.la
    libatk-1.0.so.0				 libgobject-2.0.so.0		   libpango-1.0.so
    libatk-1.0.so.0.0.3	   libgobject-2.0.so.0.0.7	 libpango-1.0.so.0
    libglib-2.0.la			   libgpod.a				libpango-1.0.so.0.0.5
    libglib-2.0.so			  libgpod.la			   libpangox-1.0.la
    libglib-2.0.so.0		 libgpod.so					 libpangox-1.0.so
    libglib-2.0.so.0.0.7	  libgpod.so.0				 libpangox-1.0.so.0
    libgmodule-2.0.la	  libgpod.so.0.302.0		   libpangox-1.0.so.0.0.5
    libgmodule-2.0.so	 libgthread-2.0.la		 pango
    libgmodule-2.0.so.0	libgthread-2.0.so		   pkgconfig

    libatk is there...but no atk.pc. And here's the worst part:

    [root@Arochone urza9814]# find / atk.pc


    find: atk.pc: No such file or directory

    So...how do I get this thing to install right?



    [moved from Software by spinynorman]

  17. I dunno...I usually kill it and nothing happens. But it usually starts up again on it's own later. It doesn't always cause problems....usually the CPU usage for it is around 8%...but whenever my computer does start running slow, it's ALWAYS because of Kded..


    Maybe I should just switch to IceWM...lol

  18. I've been noticing a process called Kded....and it's really quite annoying.

    By 'I've been noticing it', I mean whenever my computer starts running slow, I open ksysguard and sort by CPU usage, and Kded is right there at the top at about 80%. I kill it, and everything's fine again. So I'm wondering....I can kill it with no ill effects it seems....so what excatly is it, and how to I stop it from running?

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