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Posts posted by Urza9814

  1. here's my network...I disabled the firewalls on the router and this comp...



    here's that other stuff:


    [root@localhost urza9814]# ifconfig

    eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:C0:A8:89:4B:FE

    inet addr: Bcast: Mask:


    RX packets:3287 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0

    TX packets:6389 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0

    collisions:0 txqueuelen:100

    RX bytes:1741451 (1.6 Mb) TX bytes:635590 (620.6 Kb)

    Interrupt:3 Base address:0x7000


    lo Link encap:Local Loopback

    inet addr: Mask:

    UP LOOPBACK RUNNING MTU:16436 Metric:1

    RX packets:1509 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0

    TX packets:1509 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0

    collisions:0 txqueuelen:0

    RX bytes:90670 (88.5 Kb) TX bytes:90670 (88.5 Kb)


    [root@localhost urza9814]# route

    Kernel IP routing table

    Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface * U 0 0 0 eth0 * U 0 0 0 lo

    default UG 0 0 0 eth0

  2. Basically as far as I can tell the simplest way to do this is to just use a simple - single eth0 connection to your router.

    uh...I have no clue how to do that...I disabeled the firewalls and stuff...and it still doesn't work...and since ur saying it's something with my router...I'm gonna try to figure out how to get that other one working...

  3. I got a friend to do telnet...didn't work...

    My current router is a Belkin Wireless Cable/DSL Gateway router...I also have a SMC Barricade, but using that would involve plugging the belkin into a port on that...

    as for a domain for testing...I would just give you my IP if this forum was members only...but it's not...and .tk won't accept it...says it doesn't exist...so if you want, send me an IM:

    AIM: Urza4189

    MSN: Urza981@hotmail.com

  4. Hardware: a belkin wireless router, but im not using the wireless card on this comp

    Software: webmine, apache

    Only really using one comp...got one other in my network though

    only one router ATM...1 firewall on it, and the default linux...

    I tried the telnet myself...3 times...once to my network ip, once to my ISP assigned IP, and once to google.com...appeared to work each time...said "connected to _______. Escape character '^'"...

    If it has to be done from another comp...I only know one other person with linux...same ISP...but he's not very cooperative with this stuff...and he's 'playing xbox' right now...

  5. I set it to forward both TCP and UDP, private and inbound ports 79-81, to this comp...and it still doesn't work...and this comp is in the DMZ...any other ideas???




    hmm...mebbe if I take my other router...run this comp and the wireless router off that.... :-P


    [about 5 minutes later....]


    Ok, that's not really an option anymore...I can't find the disc for it...and I need it to install it...

    ...and I'd really like to have a 4th firewall for my other (well...more my brother's...he uses it...I take care of it :-P) computer...it's got windoze XP...so it needs all the firewalls it can get :-P

  6. I'm trying to get this thing working...but it's not...

    I'm on a network, and if I type in the comp's network IP from my other comp, it works...however, even using the router's DMZ (sets the comp outside of the firewall and all and SAYS it gives it a static IP) it still doesn't work...if I type in the IP from a network comp, I get the router setup page...I told a friend on AIM to try it...and it didn't work at all... :-S

    BTW - I recently discovered Webmin (in my essential progs discussion :-P) so I'm using that to set this up...but I don't understand most of it...so what I need is probably there :-P

  7. geez...heated debate here :-P

    yea...I kinda knew about su...but not really...like...I knew it was there...I've used it...but I still logged into root for some reason :-P

    probably should though...only times I use root is to install stuff or give permissions to my main user...though how do you change permissions in console? if you can tell me that, I won't need to log in as root...and I guess this'll kinda be solved...without me having to mess with anything else :-P

  8. So what you are saying is that on the login screen, root isn't an option although everyone else is?

    yea...but root has never been an option...but it used to let me type in the name...now it just gives me a list to choose from

  9. Aight, I'm a total idiot, you don't need to tell me my errors, for there are many...

    I'm one of those ppl that does stuff, and worries about what it's gonna do AFTER I do it...and now...I'm kinda locked outta root...I mean, I could still get there...but it'd be really hard...here's what I did:

    I was messing around in GNOME under root (yea, bad move...don't 'mess around' in root...especially if you've only had linux a few weeks) and I was looking and messing with the configuration files (you don't need to remind me how stupid I am, I already know :-P) and somehow I changed the screen as soon as you boot up, where it asks you to log in...instead of showing the users and pics on the left, and on the right having a place to type in the name and password, it first shows a box of the users (root isn't on there...just the normal users) then when you select one, it asks for the password...but you can't change the user name...so unless I set it to auto login to root...I'm stuck...I changed everything back that I remember changing...but I'm still stuck...I'm sure this isn't that hard to fix, right?


    If you're wondering why I was messing around in GNOME, under root, with the configuration files (sounds like a game of Clue :-P)...I was trying to find a way to get GNOME to go faster with my tiny 64MB RAM...I don't use it much...but it's helpful sometimes...

  10. lol...I realize I shouldn't need antivirus or a firewall on linux...but I'm paranoid...on windows I had 3 firewalls, 3 antivirus, and 2 spyware/adware scanners...and an IP tracker that I used with my firewall when it got a hack attempt (though the firewall's was better :-P)

    ...a firewall comes with linux??? :-P does it help with popups? I don't get many...mozilla stops most...but I still get some...

  11. lol...yea...I would do it anyways, if I had a major reason to...our site's almost out of room though, so I might use it for that...but I'm thinking of just getting it and using it for hotlinking files to friends, or projects to school :-P...I hate wasting an entire CD for an 80MB animated GIF :-P (I did that once for a school project :-P)

  12. yea...that's basically what I thought...though I have a dynamic IP, it's only changed once in the past year, so that shouldn't be much of a problem...but I have a feeling my ISP won't allow it...but I'll check...hopefully they do :-P




    we'd have to upgrade to a business package :-(

  13. Aight, my band website was just hacked by some retards...and I'm wondering...is there any way to make my Linux desktop a server? I know I'll have to use the IP as the URL, but I think I'll get a .tk addy to handle that or something...anyways, I want this so that I can block URLs with a firewall or something...and it's better space/bandwith...though I'd have to talk to my ISP about this, right? I'm just wondering, since they have server progs...

  14. ahhh...I use Windowmaker...it actually runs on this comp :-P

    I'm probably gonna be switching to GNOME whenever I get more RAM...but that won't be until my birthday, which is at the end of may...

  15. Thought this would be helpful to any newbies (like myself)...a topic for any progs you think are essential for any linux user...I myself am looking for firewalls, anti-virus, and just other cool progs I don't have :-P

    Even if it comes with linux, you can still say it (just make sure you specify that) because some newbies may not install it, or may not even know it exists...I always check my drive before I DL anything, because there are so many programs in there not listed on my menu thing :-P

  16. Aight, I just made my entire desktop and stuff black (I have a black bg P.O.D. wallpaper) and am looking for dark skins...first, I need a good site for black mozilla skins, and if anyone knows a way to get a skin on GAIM...the light grey really ruins the black :-P and...uh...that's about all I use...but feel free to discuss other skin stuff here

  17. I (er...my friend...but he's a wannbe geek...and I gotta help him if I want him to stay on linux) has a canon i860, but I/he/we can't find a driver for it anywhere...I've searched sites mentioned in other discussions...but can't even find it LISTED...most at least say they won't work...anyone know anything about this? PLEASE say there's a way to get it to work...

  18. ahhh...you can force RPMs... :-P

    that's what I'd do too :-P...my plan was to just delete the conflicting file :-P

    I'd already deleted /usr/lib/libgaim-remote.so.0.0.0 before realizeing that it was the package causing problems, not the file :-P

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