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Posts posted by tyme

  1. i finally got Xine playin' DVD's, but they skip...well...jerk. Basically, it seems like there are short spurts of pausing constantly, very short, but nearly constant.


    Anyone know a way to fix this problem?


    Hardware: AMD XP 1600+, 768MB DDR 2100 ram, Geforce 4 Ti4200 video card, ML 9


    Ogle doesn't work for sh*t, everytime I try to open a DVD it just dies. Any suggestions? Maybe I did something wrong trying to get Xine to play DVD's, I'm not sure....?

  2. Dang everything sounded great untill the last bit. That part sounded like a warning about another "funding" drive.

    what do you expect? if they need money, they're going to ask for it. because they know there are people using their product that aren't supporting them. simple facts :)

  3. The game reminds me of the days when I used to play games like Lords of the Realm 2 and Age of Empires... But it's not quite the same. I like it better, actually.

    my brother and I used to play LotR2 all the time. and Age of Empires was a fun one too. Maybe I'll give this game a try when I have a bit more cash in me pocket.

  4. I really get the feeling he's just trying to setup a network, not necessarily a file server. I could be wrong. But, if he just wants to do simple internet connection sharing, that can be done through the mandrake control panel (type mcc in a terminal window if you can't find it anywhere else).


    just look under Network & Internet->Connection Sharing

  5. Did you search for that file at rpmfind?  Pango is integral/related to xft font rendering which I discovered while installing Texstar's Mozilla XFT.


    I didn't really think about doing an rpmfind, as it seems the file is there, there just appears to be something wrong w/the code and gcc is not liking it.


    maybe i should have posted this in programming? I don't know...

  6. i use one of those online journal things, and i'm trying to compile one of the linux apps so i don't have to visit the website to post an entry. it's a livejournal one, www.livejournal.com, and i'm trying to compile either drivel or logjam to use for this purpose.


    both spit out the exact same message during a "make":

    /usr/lib/libpangoft2-1.0.so: undefined reference to `FT_Seek_Stream'
    /usr/lib/libpangoft2-1.0.so: undefined reference to `FT_Get_Short'
    /usr/lib/libpangoft2-1.0.so: undefined reference to `FT_Forget_Frame'
    /usr/lib/libpangoft2-1.0.so: undefined reference to `FT_Access_Frame'
    /usr/lib/libpangoft2-1.0.so: undefined reference to `FT_Get_Long'
    collect2: ld returned 1 exit status


    now, if they didn't both spit out this error, I would start out thinking this was a program error, but looking at it, this file seems to be a system file, not a program-specific one. anyone have any idea how to fix this issue?

  7. How long will NVidia support its older cards on Linux? Can I expect drivers will no longer work 2, 3 for more years from now?

    _as far as i can tell_ nvidia hasn't stopped making drivers or any of it's video cards which came out in the past...oh...4 or so years? but i'm no psychic, so, you never know. there's always that chance that nvidia could go under in the next 3 years. not likely......but, "hard to see the future is." It is clouded by the dark side!

  8. restore disks are not good for just installing the O/S on a section of the original hard drive. restore disks like to just write over the whole darn thing, and make it the way it was originally. your options basically are: 1)get yourself a windows XP install disk, not a restore disk, and start from the top again (i would suggest installing XP on it's partition first, then installing mandrake-avoids the use of a boot-disk to get back into mandrake and set up LILO again). 2)pick one of the two o/s's and stick with that.


    in most cases, i've found restore disks to be of litte or no use. i prefer installing an O/S from it's install disk, and then just adding in the things i want. restore disks tend to have a lot of extra crap i don't need.

  9. aight, so I want to install blender, but, to do so I need glibc 2.3.1


    well, trying to install the newer version of glibc, first attempt looks like this:

    [root@riesling Downloads]# rpm -ivh glibc*
    error: failed dependencies:
    initscripts < 6.91-18mdk conflicts with glibc-2.3.1-6mdk


    ok, let's try using urpmi and see if it picks up anything. well, it does, sort of.....


    The following packages have to be removed for others to be upgraded:
    <snip-there are a LOT more, but you get the point>
    do you agree ? (Y/n) n

    yeah, i wasn't about to uninstall all that crap. and xfree86 is in there somewhere too. so, i think, why not try to upgrade it? nope...


    [root@riesling Downloads]# rpm -Uvh glibc*
    error: failed dependencies:
    initscripts < 6.91-18mdk conflicts with glibc-2.3.1-6mdk
    glibc = 2.2.5 is needed by locales-
    glibc = 2.2.5 is needed by locales-
    glibc = 2.2.5-16mdk is needed by glibc-devel-2.2.5-16mdk


    so...i have no idea what to try next. i don't want to uninstall all that crap, i'm worried specifically about the initscripts dependency, afraid I'll break something. anyone have any ideas or know a way to get blender working?



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