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Posts posted by TopDog

  1. http://www.americasarmy.com/


    Anyone tried to install this and play on Mandrake 9.2?


    I see there is a 655MB .bin file to download, but haven't found any instructions on how to install, and I don't remember how to install .bin files...


    It's been a long time since I played any games, but this looks kinda cool, espesially since it's for Linux too, so I thought I might give it a go this weekend.

  2. In MCC, you can import windex fonts. Whether they are in a windex partition or on another device like a cdrom, you can bring them in. Check it out.

    Yes, it works very well, but if you have many windows fonts it can take a while and seem to have stopped, so be patient.


    I imported some couple of hundred font's and it took forever...

  3. My first distro was Mandrake 9.1, and I think that was very user friendly... although no matter what distro you choose I highly recommend buying a book! I bought the "Ultimate Guide to Mandrake Linux" from MandrakeSoft and that way I both supported Mandrake and got a very good newbie-book :thumbs:


    If you don't know Linux at all, it would also be a great idea to try out MandrakeMove first, just to understand the differences from Windows and to see how it looks. Also if you try MandrakeMove you will see what hardware you got that don't work "out of the box".

  4. I haven't really tried many distro's... Mandrake 9.1 was the first one I've ever installed, and 9.2 still sits very nice on my desktop.


    On my old laptop I run Fedora Core 1. After solving a problem with the sound-card, and setting up XMMS with Mp3-support, it actually runs very good an stable, though a bit slow. Nice as a stabel surf-box with WiFi (my card worked out of the box).


    Other than that I love Knoppix, it's saved me several times when M$ boxes crash completely... though I've had some networkproblems with the 3.3 version, so I still hang on to the 3.2 version.

  5. I use KDE on my desktop because I like the feel and look of it very much.


    Gnome on my very old laptop because I wanted to test it to (can't get it to work on my desktop).


    Been thinking about trying Fluxbox on my very old laptop, but haven't gotten around to it yet.

  6. I have two computers, one old laptop running Fedora (because I couldn't get MDK to install) and Fedora only. Love it.


    Then I have my desktop, there I still have dualboot with MDK9.2 and XP. The reason why I still have XP is two apps:


    Dreamveawer - I have to "clean up" the code on my pages before I can use Bluefish allround, I'm getting there slowly.


    Photoshop - I just don't get GIMP, have tried to install the 2.0 Beta, but no go so far... This is the main reason for keeping XP.


    ... oh, and once in a while I play NHL 2002... but thats it.


    I boot up XP maybe once/twice a week, other than that it's Linux all the way at home. At work it will forever be Microsoft platforms I'm afraid.

  7. Buy one LCD projector

    And you think my girlfriend would allow a prosjector in our ultra small 2-room flat? Fat chance :cry:


    Otherwise it's a really good idea, a friend of mine has a similar setup just with remote desktop and XP...


    What I need is a lappy to surf with while my girlfriend watches TV, because she is the TV-slave. I couldn't really care less about the TV.

  8. I like to build my barebones myself, so buying a desktop isn't an option for me, but next time I'm going to invest something at home it will be a wide-screen laptop with WiFi, good sound, good battery, DVD/CDRW, no floppy, USB2 and Firewire. Not because I'm going to take it with me, but because it's nice to have in the couch, etc...


    What I'm thinking is I don't want an HP, Dell etc with XP Home and lots of stuff I don't need. I would like a Powerbook, but they are just too expensive for me (at least if I don't get a big bonus or something), now if I could get a laptop like that with Mandrake pre-installed and cheaper... it would be a no-brainer :cheesy:

  9. set Xmms to use "arts" as output plugin.

    Yes, you are my hero! That worked perfectly, thanks :thumbs:


    Gowator: I have the SN41G2 that I just bought the new SilentX PSU for... now it's just that damned IBM Deskstar that makes a LOT of noise, it'll be the nex HW do be changed for me.

  10. Hi.


    I love to listen to webradio with XMMS, do it ALL the time. But my problem is that when I do that, there comes no sound from Kopete... I've set Kopete up to make sounds when a message arrives etc, but these sounds don't sound when I use XMMS.


    Isn't it possible to get two sounds at once, or is it a setting I've missed?


    Using Mandrake 9.2 with KDE 3.1, Nvidia nForce2 chipset btw...

  11. TopDog - you forgot to include the best browser in the World!

    Of course... I use Opera on every plattform! Currently using 7.50 P1 and it works great, even the built in M2 mailklient and IRC-klient :D


    Kristof: I understood that you where kidding, you just gave me an excuse for bragging about this great country :P

  12. He is the only good thing Norway has.

    I'm afraid we're going way off topic here, but I can't let this one stand without responding.


    First of:


    - Oil, Norway's got tons of oil!

    - We've got probably one of the best social security systems in the world

    - A very well working democracy and a freedom loving people

    - Quoting a foreign college of mine: "even the ugly girls in Norway are beautiful"

    - Amazing nature with VERY different seasons

    - Northern mythology and viking history

    - Turbonegro, the best hard rock band in the world :headbang:


    Kurt Nilsen is a product of the media. Yes, he is good, but not THAT good, we've got sooooo much more to offer.


    Sorry again for going off-topic here :oops:

  13. I am moderator of Norway's biggest forum for XP-users (yeah, I know, shame on me), and I've managed to make a lot of the forum-member to try Linux. Basically most of them like Linux, but since the average age of the forum-members are about 18, they all play games and keep dual-booting for this very reason.


    So the conclusion I draw from that is that if Linux shall conqueror the home-computers in every home, we need more popular game titles available for Linux.


    At the same time I read in a IT-related newspaper that PC's are loosing against game-consoles as gaming platform. Therefore I think it will be difficult to get the game-developers develop for Linux. They will rather put their efforts to developing for Xbox/PS2/Gamecube in addition to Windows. Especially now that these game-consoles start getting online...


    As long as 99% of all OEM-computers come with Windows preinstalled, I don't think this will change. If we could get the OEM's to deliver more home PC's with Linux preinstalled instead of Windows, we might have a chance.





    PS: Just love that "Spell Check" button :thumbs:

  14. ''IBM is saying to CEOs, 'Buy Linux and save your company,' '' said Linux consultant Bruce Perens. ''Microsoft is saying to technical users, 'Buy Windows and save your job.' ''

    Well I think every IT-professional should get to know Linux, espesially us that work in large corporations/goverment/etc... Because there is one thing I'm sure about, if Linux is to be implemented in your organisation in a big way, the organisation is going to need a lot of IT-professionals...


    This was the main reason I started looking at Linux 6 months ago, I wanted to know Linux (at least the basics) if one day, my organisation would change from MS based IS to Linux.


    Little did I know I would learn to love it as my main desktop OS at home :P

  15. if you boot up mandrake and find that it is too sluggish with kde, you can switch to gnome

    Are you saying that on a low-spec PC Gnome is faster than KDE?


    I have an old laptop (266Mhz, 128RAM) that I installed Fedora with Gnome (mandrake wouldn't install on the CDROM...) on and used as a surf-box with wireless LAN in my livingroom. Now it crashed, and I have to set it up again, and I heard that KDE was faster on a slow machine!? What would you suggest?

  16. Maybe I'm a idiot, but I still don't get it... this is my lilo.konf:

    disk=/dev/hdd bios=0x81
    append="devfs=mount splash=silent hdc=ide-scsi acpi=ht resume=/dev/hda7 splash=silent"
    append="devfs=mount splash=silent hdc=ide-scsi acpi=ht resume=/dev/hda7"
    append="failsafe devfs=nomount splash=silent hdc=ide-scsi acpi=ht resume=/dev/hda7"


    My new kernel is 2.4.22-26mdk


    What do I change?

  17. I've updated my kernel version from to!?) by using


    # urpmi kernel- like this page told me todo.


    The next step was to:


    This will install the new kernel alongside any old kernels that are currently on your system. Next, edit the /etc/lilo.conf or /boot/grub/menu.list file (depending upon your bootloader). Ensure that you will be able to boot your old kernel by making sure a stanza exists for it specifically. If this is your first kernel update on the system, you likely will have two stanzas that point to symlinks; the kernel installer always updates these to point to the latest vmlinuz and initrd.img files. Usually a copy and paste of the new kernel stanza and modifying the kernel number is all you will need. For instance, if the new kernel is 2.4.19-24mdk and the release kernel is 2.4.19-16mdk, copy the -24mdk stanza and replace -24mdk with -16mdk.


    If you use lilo, once you have modified your /etc/lilo.conf file, you must execute "lilo -v". Grub users do not have to do anything extra. Now you can reboot into the new kernel.


    Now I'm in trouble... I'm using LILO, but in "vmlinuz" there is no mention of kernel version!? I'm at work now, but when I get home, I can quote what exactly is in my lilo.conf file if needed.


    Any tips so far?

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