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Posts posted by medo3891

  1. I don't know if you are the same guy who posted an identical post at forum.mandriva.com so just in case:


    Open a terminal (aka konsole), press Alt+F2, type konsole and hit enter. Next use these commands as user (not as root):

    kquitapp plasma
    rm -fv ~/.kde4/share/config/plasma*
    plasma &

    (Just copy the three lines and paste them in terminal then hit enter for the last command).

  2. If you your own user account then no one can access your files except you and root. And you could lock the screen when you get away from the machine (if you are not shutting down the machine). That's not the answer you were looking for but ....

  3. In the link I posted the problem is when the user is trying to load the Save as dialogue. It's not beagle but libbeagle1 which you probably still have installed and can't uninstall it, it takes a lot of important system packages with it.

  4. I think beagle is the culprit in the "slowness" case. Install and run htop, and see what's consuming the CPU or RAM. If it's beagle (and system indexing and search tool) and you don't need it then uninstall it.


    For the removable drive icon on the desktop open system>preferences>configuration editor. Then expand apps>nautilus>desktop , uncheck volumes_visible .


    I think Alt+Ctrl+Esc works only in KDE. For Gnome, install xkill the press Alt+F2 and launch it, or launch it from terminal. There's also an applet "Force Quit" that you can add to the panel.

  5. A work around:

    urpmi --auto-update -v --skip /^cups-drivers/


    The bug in MandrivaUpdate is known and I only saw it in 2009.0, you deselect a package but it gets selected all the same when you hit Update.


    Alternatively you can update using rpmdrake by selecting All Updates from the drop down list on the left, then go through the categories, and in each one "select all" except the one you don't want to update.

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