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David Batson

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Posts posted by David Batson

  1. You should check /etc/fstab and have an entry such as the following:

    # Entry for /dev/sda1 :
    UUID=1EA4E764A4E73D41 /media/win_c ntfs-3g defaults,umask=000 0 0


    Notice that Windows is now located in /media. You may need to create a directory in /media. Make sure ntfs-3g is installed. The UUID number will be different for you. Run blkid from root to find the appropriate UUID for your Windows drive. Edit /etc/fstab as appropriate and reboot.

    [root@localhost david]# blkid
    /dev/sda1: UUID="6AAC73BDAC7381FD" LABEL="System Reserved" TYPE="ntf
    /dev/sda2: UUID="7074F5D974F5A250" TYPE="ntfs"
    /dev/sdb1: UUID="1EA4E764A4E73D41" LABEL="IBM_PRELOAD" TYPE="ntfs"
    /dev/sdb2: LABEL="IBM_SERVICE" UUID="460C-3761" TYPE="vfat"
    /dev/sdb5: UUID="e3297b9b-978b-497a-908d-757e3180fec9" TYPE="ext4"
    /dev/sdb6: LABEL="swap" UUID="660bb819-4642-4832-9efd-024ca14b6287" 
    /dev/sdb7: LABEL="" UUID="488F-0C33" TYPE="vfat"

  2. I was able to mount a Windows 7 RC1 partition by adding the following to fstab. There may be other ways to do this, but at least this works.


    # Entry for /dev/sdb2: 
    UUID="BE10805710801893" /mnt/windows_7 ntfs-3g defaults,umask=000 0 0


    I used the fdisk -l (that is a lower-case letter L) command to get the partition information needed.

    [root@localhost ~]# fdisk -l
    Disk /dev/sda: 60.0 GB, 60011642880 bytes
    240 heads, 63 sectors/track, 7752 cylinders
    Units = cylinders of 15120 * 512 = 7741440 bytes
    Disk identifier: 0xcccdcccd                     
      Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System
    /dev/sda1   *           1        4086    30890128+   7  HPFS/NTFS
    /dev/sda2            7098        7752     4951800   1b  Hidden W95 FAT32
    /dev/sda3            4087        7097    22763160    f  W95 Ext'd (LBA) 
    /dev/sda5            4087        5453    10334488+  83  Linux           
    /dev/sda6            5454        5731     2101648+  82  Linux swap / Solaris
    /dev/sda7            5732        7097    10326928+   b  W95 FAT32           
    Partition table entries are not in disk order
    Disk /dev/sdb: 160.0 GB, 160041885696 bytes
    255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 19457 cylinders
    Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
    Disk identifier: 0xdfbd9c43
      Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System
    /dev/sdb1               1          13      102400    7  HPFS/NTFS
    Partition 1 does not end on cylinder boundary.
    /dev/sdb2              13       12762   102400000    7  HPFS/NTFS
    Partition 2 does not end on cylinder boundary.
    /dev/sdb3   *       12762       12787      204800   83  Linux
    Partition 3 does not end on cylinder boundary.
    /dev/sdb4           12787       19457    53577720    5  Extended
    Partition 4 does not end on cylinder boundary.
    /dev/sdb5           12787       19457    53576704   8e  Linux LVM
    [root@localhost ~]#


    Once I determined that /dev/sbd2 was the partition I wanted to mount, I then used blkid command to get the UUID#.

    [root@localhost ~]# blkid
    /dev/sda1: UUID="1EA4E764A4E73D41" LABEL="IBM_PRELOAD" TYPE="ntfs"
    /dev/sda2: LABEL="IBM_SERVICE" UUID="460C-3761" TYPE="vfat"
    /dev/sda5: UUID="6fac9d46-945f-11dd-b256-a7f53cf1e588" SEC_TYPE="ext2" TYPE="ext3"
    /dev/sda6: TYPE="swap" LABEL="swap" UUID="660bb819-4642-4832-9efd-024ca14b6287"
    /dev/sda7: UUID="488F-0C33" TYPE="vfat"
    /dev/sdb1: UUID="6AAC73BDAC7381FD" LABEL="System Reserved" TYPE="ntfs"
    /dev/sdb2: UUID="BE10805710801893" TYPE="ntfs"
    /dev/sdb3: UUID="fe7a3d5e-a100-437e-8014-ea945d7cdba0" SEC_TYPE="ext2" TYPE="ext3"
    [root@localhost ~]#


    I used the mkdir /mnt/windows_7 command (choose whatever name you like for a folder under /mnt/) to create the mount point.

    [root@localhost ~]# mkdir /mnt/windows_7
    [root@localhost ~]#


    Now add the lines to /etc/fstab. I appended the ntfs-3g defaults,umask=000 0 0 part of the line from information I got elsewhere.

    # Entry for /dev/sdb2: 
    UUID="BE10805710801893" /mnt/windows_7 ntfs-3g defaults,umask=000 0 0


    If you have a fat partition, then this line would be a little different. Instead of ntfs-3g, you would use vfat. I have the following line for a fat32 partition that exists on my drive.

    # Entry for /dev/sda7 :
    UUID=488F-0C33 /mnt/win_d vfat umask=000,iocharset=utf8 0 0


    You may need to install ntfs-3g. You will need to reboot for changes to take effect.

  3. Mandriva 2010 final is slated to be released in just a couple of days. The mirrors might have been changed or removed for 2010 beta. Even if they have not, automatic mirror selection seems to be causing some users problems (myself included). I have manually selected my mirror for 2009.1 for the time being.


    If I were you, I would wait for the new release slated for Nov. 3rd, then try again.

  4. I have the Cyberlink Remote Control working in Fedora 12.


    I have the following lirc related rpm's installed.



    I created the file /etc/udev/rules.d/lirc.rules with the following content.

    KERNEL=="lirc[0-9]*",	NAME="lirc/%n"


    I added the following content to the file /etc/lirc/lircd.conf

    begin remote
     name  CYBERLINK
     bits          32
     eps           30
     aeps          100
     one           0     0
     zero          0     0
     gap           135995
     toggle_bit_mask 0x0
         begin codes
             KEY_EXIT                  0x80010066
             KEY_DVD                   0x8001018E
             KEY_FULLSCREEN            0x80010191
             KEY_RECORD                0x800100A7
             KEY_SHUFFLE               0x80010188
             KEY_MEDIA_REPEAT          0x8001016B
             KEY_EJECTCD               0x80010173
             KEY_BACK                  0x8001009E
             KEY_FULLSCREEN            0x80010082
             KEY_MENU                  0x8001008B
             KEY_VOLUMEUP              0x80010073
             KEY_VOLUMEDOWN            0x80010072
             KEY_MUTE                  0x80010071
             KEY_ZOOMIN                0x80010192
             KEY_ZOOMOUT               0x80010193
             KEY_PLAY                  0x800100CF
             KEY_REWIND                0x800100A8
             KEY_PAUSE                 0x80010077
             KEY_FASTFORWARD           0x800100D0
             KEY_PREVIOUS              0x800100A5
             KEY_STOP                  0x800100A6
             KEY_NEXT                  0x800100A3
         end codes
    end remote


    Here is the content of /etc/sysconfig/lirc (it is different than the Mandriva version).

    # Note: in addition to these parameters, you need to have working    -*- sh -*-
    # configuration file for lircd (and lircmd if enabled).
    # Options to lircd(8).  Typically, this will be empty, as which driver to use
    # should be specified using the LIRC_DRIVER variable below.
    # The infrared receiver (and/or transmitter) driver to be used by lircd(8),
    # similar to passing "-H driver" to lircd(8).
    # Run "/usr/sbin/lircd -H help" to get a listing of supported drivers.
    # Which lirc device will be used by lircd(8).
    # This is the same as passing "-d device" to lircd.
    # An empty value will use the default /dev/lirc0 device.
    # If "yes", the init script will try to start lircmd(8) too.
    # Options to lircmd(8).


    For the files /etc/lircrc and /home/~/.lircrc I have the following content for Totem Movie Player, Rhythmbox Music Player, and VLC Media Player.

    See /usr/lib/totem/plugins/lirc/totem_lirc_default for lirc settings to use with Totem Movie Player.

    See /usr/lib/rhythmbox/plugins/rblirc/rhythmbox_lirc_default for lirc settings to use with Rhythmbox Music Player.

    Run vlc --help in terminal as regular user to see "Hot keys" that can be used with lirc.

    # edit the "button =" part for each entry according to your remote, and stick
    # this stuff in ~/.lircrc
    prog = Totem
    remote = CYBERLINK
    button = KEY_PLAY
    repeat = 1
    config = play
    prog = Totem
    remote = CYBERLINK
    button = KEY_PAUSE
    repeat = 0
    config = pause
    prog = Totem
    remote = CYBERLINK
    button = KEY_STOP
    repeat = 0
    config = stop
    # For seek_forward and seek_backward you can
    # append ":20" to seek 20 seconds in the
    # aforementioned direction
    # Eg. seek_forward:60 -> seek forward 60 seconds
    # seek_backward:5 -> seek backwards 5 seconds
    prog = Totem
    remote = CYBERLINK
    button = KEY_FASTFORWARD
    repeat = 1
    config = seek_forward
    #FIXME (duplicate function)
    # 	prog = Totem
    # 	remote = CYBERLINK
    # 	button = KEY_FORWARD
    # 	repeat = 1
    # 	config = seek_forward
    prog = Totem
    remote = CYBERLINK
    button = KEY_REWIND
    repeat = 1
    config = seek_backward
    # Info/EPG Key
    prog = Totem
    remote = CYBERLINK
    button = KEY_FULLSCREEN
    repeat = 1
    config = fullscreen
    prog = Totem
    remote = CYBERLINK
    button = KEY_VOLUMEUP
    repeat = 1
    config = volume_up
    prog = Totem
    remote = CYBERLINK
    button = KEY_VOLUMEDOWN
    repeat = 1
    config = volume_down
    prog = Totem
    remote = CYBERLINK
    button = KEY_NEXT
    repeat = 1
    config = next
    prog = Totem
    remote = CYBERLINK
    button = KEY_PREVIOUS
    repeat = 1
    config = previous
    # Top Left *HOME* Key
    prog = Totem
    remote = CYBERLINK
    button = KEY_EXIT
    repeat = 1
    config = quit
    #	prog = Totem
    #	remote = CYBERLINK
    #	button = UP
    #	repeat = 1
    #	config = up
    #	prog = Totem
    #	remote = CYBERLINK
    #	button = DOWN
    #	repeat = 1
    #	config = down
    #	prog = Totem
    #	remote = CYBERLINK
    #	button = LEFT
    #	repeat = 1
    #	config = left
    #	prog = Totem
    #	remote = CYBERLINK
    #	button = RIGHT
    #	repeat = 1
    #	config = right
    #	prog = Totem
    #	remote = CYBERLINK
    #	button = KEY_SELECT
    #	repeat = 1
    #	config = select
    #	prog = Totem
    #	remote = CYBERLINK
    #	button = KEY_OK
    #	repeat = 1
    #	config = select
    prog = Totem
    remote = CYBERLINK
    button = KEY_MENU
    repeat = 1
    config = menu
    #FIXME (non-existent key on remote)
    #	prog = Totem
    #	remote = CYBERLINK
    #	button = KEY_PLAYPAUSE
    #	repeat = 1
    #	config = play_pause
    #	prog = Totem
    #	remote = CYBERLINK
    #	button = KEY_SELECT
    #	repeat = 1
    #	config = select
    # Angle Key
    prog = Totem
    remote = CYBERLINK
    button = KEY_EJECTCD
    repeat = 1
    config = eject
    # DVD/VCD Key
    prog = Totem
    remote = CYBERLINK
    button = KEY_DVD
    repeat = 1
    config = play_dvd
    prog = Totem
    remote = CYBERLINK
    button = KEY_MUTE
    repeat = 1
    config = mute
    # SAP Key
    prog = Totem
    remote = CYBERLINK
    button = KEY_SHUFFLE
    repeat = 1
    config = setting_shuffle
    # Last CH Key
    prog = Totem
    remote = CYBERLINK
    button = KEY_MEDIA_REPEAT
    repeat = 1
    config = setting_repeat
    # Channel Up Key
    prog = Totem
    remote = CYBERLINK
    button = KEY_ZOOMIN
    repeat = 1
    config = zoom_up
    # Channel Down Key
    prog = Totem
    remote = CYBERLINK
    button = KEY_ZOOMOUT
    repeat = 1
    config = zoom_down
    # edit the "button =" part for each entry according to your remote, and stick
    # this stuff in ~/.lircrc
    prog = Rhythmbox
    remote = CYBERLINK
    button = KEY_PLAY
    repeat = 1
    config = play
    prog = Rhythmbox
    remote = CYBERLINK
    button = KEY_PAUSE
    repeat = 0
    config = pause
    #FIXME (non-existent key on remote)
    #	prog = Rhythmbox
    #	remote = CYBERLINK
    #	button = KEY_PLAYPAUSE
    #	repeat = 1
    #	config = playpause
    prog = Rhythmbox
    remote = CYBERLINK
    button = KEY_STOP
    repeat = 1
    config = stop
    # SAP Key
    prog = Rhythmbox
    remote = CYBERLINK
    button = KEY_SHUFFLE
    repeat = 1
    config = shuffle
    # Last CH Key
    prog = Rhythmbox
    remote = CYBERLINK
    button = KEY_MEDIA_REPEAT
    repeat = 1
    config = repeat
    prog = Rhythmbox
    remote = CYBERLINK
    button = KEY_NEXT
    repeat = 1
    config = next
    prog = Rhythmbox
    remote = CYBERLINK
    button = KEY_PREVIOUS
    repeat = 1
    config = previous
    prog = Rhythmbox
    remote = CYBERLINK
    button = KEY_FASTFORWARD
    repeat = 1
    config = seek_forward
    prog = Rhythmbox
    remote = CYBERLINK
    button = KEY_REWIND
    repeat = 1
    config = seek_backward
    prog = Rhythmbox
    remote = CYBERLINK
    button = KEY_VOLUMEUP
    repeat = 1
    config = volume_up
    prog = Rhythmbox
    remote = CYBERLINK
    button = KEY_VOLUMEDOWN
    repeat = 1
    config = volume_down
    prog = Rhythmbox
    remote = CYBERLINK
    button = KEY_MUTE
    repeat = 1
    config = mute
    # Top Left HOME Key
    prog = Rhythmbox
    remote = CYBERLINK
    button = KEY_EXIT
    repeat = 1
    config = quit
       remote = CYBERLINK
       prog = vlc
       button = KEY_EXIT
       config = key-quit
       remote = CYBERLINK
       prog = vlc
       button = KEY_MUTE
       config = key-vol-mute
       remote = CYBERLINK
       prog = vlc
       button = KEY_PREVIOUS
       config = key-jump-medium
       remote = CYBERLINK
       prog = vlc
       button = KEY_NEXT
       config = key-jump+medium
       remote = CYBERLINK
       prog = vlc
       button = KEY_PAUSE
       config = key-play-pause
       remote = CYBERLINK
       prog = vlc
       button = KEY_REWIND
       config = key-slower
       remote = CYBERLINK
       prog = vlc
       button = KEY_FASTFORWARD
       config = key-faster
       remote = CYBERLINK
       prog = vlc
       button = KEY_PLAY
       config = key-play
       remote = CYBERLINK
       prog = vlc
       button = KEY_VOLUMEDOWN
       config = key-vol-down
       remote = CYBERLINK
       prog = vlc
       button = KEY_STOP
       config = key-stop
       remote = CYBERLINK
       prog = vlc
       button = KEY_VOLUMEUP
       config = key-vol-up
       remote = CYBERLINK
       prog = vlc
       button = KEY_FULLSCREEN
       config = key-toggle-fullscreen


    To restart lirc in Fedora 12 use the following command in terminal as root (which is different than the one for Mandriva).

    /etc/init.d/lirc restart


    When Totem Movie Player is running, the following buttons work.




    Seek Forward

    Seek Backward

    Fullscreen (Info EPG key)

    Volume Up

    Volume Down




    Quit (Home key)

    Menu (DVD Menu key)

    Shuffle (SAP key)

    Repeat (Last CH key)

    Zoom In (Channel Up key)

    Zoom Out (Channel Down key)


    When Rhythmbox Music Player is running, the following buttons work.

    Quit (Home key)

    Shuffle (SAP key)

    Repeat (Last CH key)

    Volume Up

    Volume Down








    When VLC Media Player is running, the following buttons work.

    To get VLC to use the remote, start VLC with the following command: vlc --extraintf lirc

    Quit (Home key)

    Fullscreen (Info EPG key)

    Volume Up

    Volume Down







    Step Backwards 1 minute

    Step Forwards 1 minute


    In Totem Movie Player the arrow buttons and OK button perform some actions. Left arrow is seek backwards, right arrow is seek forwards, up arrow is volume up, down arrow is volume down, and OK is select. In Totem Movie Player the arrow keys should work when at the DVD menu to navigate and select the menu choices, but I only get this to work occasionally. I have a bug report filed on this: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=550427'>https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=550427


    Note that using the Gnome Infrared Remote Control applet (System > Preferences > Infrared Remote Control) will stop the Cyberlink Remote Control from working and overwrite the following files. This is because the Cyberlink Remote is not in it's database. Probably works great if your remote is listed.





    FYI, there is a lirc startup script file at /etc/init.d/lirc


    For Totem Movie Player to use lirc, in Totem you need to go to Edit > Plugins and activate the ‘Infrared Remote Control’ plugin. Likewise for Rhythmbox music player.


    If you open Totem Movie Player or Rhythmbox Music Player and lirc is not running, the box to use the lirc plugin (Infrared Remote Control or LIRC) will automatically become unchecked. If irw works in terminal, but lirc is not working in Totem Movie Player or Rhythmbox Music Player, verify that the box for Infrared Remote Control or LIRC is checked for that applications plugins (Edit > Plugins).


    EDIT: If you have a problem with making selections in DVD menus, update gstreamer-plugins-good to gstreamer-plugins-good-0.10.17-4.fc12



    EDIT 2: Added info to enable VLC to use lirc. Changed files /etc/lircrc and /home/~/.lircrc above.

  5. Not all the mirrors are good. Manually add one of the mirrors using the site below. I recommend one of the French mirrors or the Carroll USA mirror. You can try the mirror's URL (html or ftp) in your web browser to make sure the site is up before adding it. The best way is to remove your existing mirrors first in MCC, then add the new ones. The best way to add a mirror is to copy the lines in the advanced box into terminal as root after manually selecting your mirror by clicking on "Switch to manual mirror selection".



  6. I have spent some hours working to get my Cyberlink Remote Control functional in Mandriva 2009.1. I have Googled half the internet in the process. I now have a measure of success with VLC. Still a couple of issues and unanswered questions, but I hope to get them sorted. I decided to document my progress to date before I forgot what I did.


    Here is what my remote looks like: http://www.altechco.com/images/cyber.jpg


    In the beginning, I was trying to install a tarball someone wrote at http://linux.thaj.net63.net/cyberlinkusb/ [cyberlinkusb-20081207.tar.bz2] to get this Cyberlink Remote to work. After a couple of hiccups I got the tarball installed successfully only to discover later it was superfluous since the driver has been incorporated into the kernel. http://www.xbmc.org/forum/showpost.php?p=302112&postcount=28


    Regarding this remote control: some buttons are seen as regular keypresses (such as the Number buttons and Enter). Other buttons are special (such as Play and FastForward), and these are the problem ones.


    I am sure there are a couple of superfluous files and steps that got entered here. Eventually I should be able ferret them out.



    First, install LIRC. Here is a list of my installed LIRC related rpms.



    I created the file /etc/udev/rules.d/10-lirc.rules with the following content.

    KERNEL=="lirc[0-9]*",	NAME="lirc/%n", GROUP=="disk", MODE=="0666"
    KERNEL=="lirc0", SYMLINK=="lirc"


    Next, for a Cyberlink Remote Control enter the following content in: /etc/lircd.conf

    I also entered it in the following file because it was there: /etc/lirc/lircd.conf

    begin remote
     name  CYBERLINK
     bits          32
     eps           30
     aeps          100
     one           0     0
     zero          0     0
     gap           135995
     toggle_bit_mask 0x0
         begin codes
             Back                  0x8001009E
             Pause                 0x80010077
             VolumeDown            0x80010072
             VolumeUp              0x80010073
             Record                0x800100a7
             Guide                 0x80010082
             Mute                  0x80010071
             ChannelUp             0x80010192
             ChannelDown           0x80010193
             Play                  0x800100CF
             SkipFoward            0x800100A3
             SkipBack              0x800100A5
             Stop                  0x800100A6
             Menu                  0x8001008B
             Fwdwind               0x800100D0
             Rewind                0x800100A8
         end codes
    end remote

    For a different brand of remote, you may be able to find the appropriate information to copy to these files from a subdirectory of /usr/share/lirc-remotes

    Or else look here: http://lirc.sourceforge.net/remotes/'>http://lirc.sourceforge.net/remotes/


    To find the appropriate scan codes, enter the following in terminal and look at what is displayed with each keypress.

    Note that your event# could be different.

    # hexdump /dev/input/event8

    Here is an example. For keypress Play, I get the following output...

    [root@localhost dkb]# hexdump /dev/input/event8

    0000000 7d1e 4ada 5887 000e 0004 0004 00b0 000c

    0000010 7d1e 4ada 58a1 000e 0001 00cf 0001 0000

    0000020 7d1e 4ada 58a8 000e 0001 00cf 0000 0000

    0000030 7d1e 4ada 58b1 000e 0000 0000 0000 0000

    I highlighted the relevant section in red. This button press would go in the files below (i.e.:Play 0x800100CF)




    If you have trouble getting the hexdump, try the following in terminal as root...

    # /etc/init.d/lircd stop

    # lircd -d /dev/input/event8 {lircd -d device [read from given device]}

    Now press the special keys such as Volume Up, Volume Down, Mute, etc.

    When done pressing each of the special keys, then enter the following in terminal as root...

    # /etc/init.d/lircd start

    Now the hexdump will hopefully work. Fixed it for me.

    I now have an on screen display of the volume level. The volume control and mute buttons of the remote seems to work with most apps.



    You can run $ irw in terminal to see your keypresses after they are configured.


    Next edit /etc/sysconf/lircd as appropriate.

    The important lines for the Cyberlink Remote seem to be...


    Reference: http://cjo20.net/remote.htm'>http://cjo20.net/remote.htm


    To find the appropriate /dev/input/event#, enter the following in terminal:

    grep -l 'TopSeed' /sys/class/input/input*/name | tail -n1

    Take the number from the output after input: /sys/class/input/input8/name

    In my case it was 8, so the DEVICE=/dev/input/event8

    Note that your event# could be different.


    Alternatively to get the event# you can try $ cat /proc/bus/input/devices in a terminal.

    TopSeed Tech Corp. USB IR Combo Device is my Cyberlink Remote Control

    Notice the event8 entry below. I don't know if this entry was after I created /etc/sysconf/lircd or not.

    Here is the relevant part my output from $ cat /proc/bus/input/devices

    I: Bus=0003 Vendor=0766 Product=0204 Version=0100
    N: Name="TopSeed Tech Corp. USB IR Combo Device "
    P: Phys=usb-0000:00:1d.1-1/input1
    S: Sysfs=/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1d.1/usb2/2-1/2-1:1.1/input/input14
    U: Uniq=
    H: Handlers=kbd mouse2 event8
    B: EV=17
    B: KEY=fc112 20d0c00 0 0 70000 0 18000 21f8 d001d804 9e0040 0 0 0
    B: REL=103
    B: MSC=10


    Here is my /etc/sysconf/lircd file. This is the critical file to get irw and lirc to work.

    When this file is set up properly, you will get output from all of the keypresses on your remote.

    # Customized settings for lirc daemon
    # The hardware driver to use, run: # lircd --driver=? for a list
    # Hardware driver module to load [found Module name in MCC > Hardware > Browse and configure hardware > Keyboard > USB IR Combo Device]
    # The device node that communicates with the IR device.
    # if you are using lirc_serial, set DEVICE to /dev/ttyS[0-9]
    # where 0-9 is the serial port your IR receiver is plugged
    # with devfs enabled
    # without devfs 
    # Serial port for the receiver (for serial driver)
    # COM1 (/dev/ttyS0)
    #DRIVER_OPTS="irq=4 io=0x3f8"
    # COM2 (/dev/ttyS1)
    #DRIVER_OPTS="irq=3 io=0x2f8"
    # COM3 (/dev/ttyS2)
    #DRIVER_OPTS="irq=4 io=0x3e8
    # COM4 (/dev/ttyS3)
    #DRIVER_OPTS="irq=3 io=0x2e8"

    You may need to reboot for changes to take effect.

    Alternatively you can try # /etc/init.d/lircd restart in terminal.


    Finally, I had to create the files /etc/lircrc and /home/~/.lircrc with the following content (relevant for VLC).

    There is a file: /usr/share/doc/vlc/lirc/example.lircrc that is helpful.

    Enter vlc --help in a terminal window to find the appropriate hotkeys for vlc.

       remote = CYBERLINK
       prog = vlc
       button = Mute
       config = key-vol-mute
       remote = CYBERLINK
       prog = vlc
       button = SkipBack
       config = key-prev
       remote = CYBERLINK
       prog = vlc
       button = SkipForward
       config = key-next
       remote = CYBERLINK
       prog = vlc
       button = Pause
       config = key-play-pause
       remote = CYBERLINK
       prog = vlc
       button = Menu
       config = key-nav-activate
       prog = vlc
       button = Back
       config = Escape
       remote = CYBERLINK
       prog = vlc
       button = Rewind
       config = key-slower
       remote = CYBERLINK
       prog = vlc
       button = Fwdwind
       config = key-faster
       remote = CYBERLINK
       prog = vlc
       button = Play
       config = key-play
       remote = CYBERLINK
       prog = vlc
       button = VolumeDown
       config = key-vol-down
       remote = CYBERLINK
       prog = vlc
       button = Stop
       config = key-stop
       remote = CYBERLINK
       prog = vlc
       button = VolumeUp
       config = key-vol-up
     prog = vlc
     button = ChannelUp
     config = key-toggle-fullscreen


    Currently I have the following buttons working in VLC

    Volume Up

    Volume Down




    Speed Up

    Slow Down



    Full Screen (toggle)


    This button doesn't work in VLC for some reason that I haven't figured out yet.



    Useful links:











    EDIT: I forgot. To get VLC to use the remote, start VLC with the following command: vlc --extraintf lirc

    EDIT2: I am making edits to this post as I discover new things.

  7. For both Linux and Windows, I installed the printer first as a USB printer and got that working. Then I added a wireless printer using the same drivers.


    I used the following steps for Windows XP. Vista was similar. I can verify the port settings later.

    1. Install the printer drivers according to manufacturer's instructions.

    2. Start Add Printer Wizard

    3. Click Next

    4. Choose Local printer attached to this computer, make sure box to Automatically detect is unchecked, and choose Next

    5. Choose Create a new port

    6. Choose Type of port: as Standard TCP/IP Port and choose Next

    7. Click Next

    8. Enter for Printer Name or IP Address - Port Name: should be IP_192.168.0.1 ( is the default gateway for my Netgear router)

    9. Click Next

    10. For Device Type, should be Standard, Generic Network Card

    11. Click Next

    12. Click Finish

    13. Complete wizard by choosing appropriate printer and driver

    14. Give printer a new name if necessary - I chose Networked Canon MP600 Printer

    15. Once printer is installed, right-click on printer and choose Properties

    16. Choose Ports tab

    17. Choose Configure Port... for the Standard TCP/IP port you just added

    18. I don't think this step is necessary, but I changed the Port Number to 515

    19. Change Protocol to LPR

    20. Under LPR Settings, for Queue Name: type in LPT1 and click on OK, then OK


    Regarding Vista, I had to go into printer preferences and under Spool Print Documents, change the setting from "Start printing immediately" to "Start printing after last page is spooled" for my printer to work properly.


    Windows XP and Vista do report an error about not being able to communicate with the printer, but the printer prints anyway.

  8. Something related that I saw today on the mandriva forum. http://forum.mandriva.com/viewtopic.php?p=720604#720604


    Users with a 4GB Flash, do not use this ISO it will destroy your Flash!


    Here's the story:

    I bit the banana and bought one of those nice and shiny external DVD reader/writer drives. Burned the ISO to a DVD. I had to change the BIOS settings to boot from the new external drive et voilà: the ISO booted to the prompt!


    I punched in 'upgrade', hit ENTER and after some loading the system asked me to insert my Flash. Did so and my 2008.1 4G Flash was recognized! After mounting the Flash, backing up all config files, user accounts and Firefox user data it started the transfer of the new system.


    After a while (8 minutes) the system showed an error, telling me there is not enough space on the device! Nevertheless it continued the routine and even told me that everything was successfully upgraded and I should reboot now. I rebooted but did not get far - black screen with the cursor blinking in the upper left corner. tty0 showed errors about not found directories and files, obviously due to the error message about lack of space during transfer.


    Of course my 4GB Flash was now totally hosed, thanks to myself I made a backup before!


    What happened here?


    1. The "splash screen" of the ISO showed all kinds of options to upgrade Flash sticks from 2008.1 on to 2009 Spring - but only for 8GB sticks!

    2. Although the routine recognized my usb key as a valid Mandriva Flash it did not recognize that it is only a 4GB Flash and started to transfer data. Here it should have stopped instead of hosing the exisating system by starting a transfer which could never be successfully ended.

    3. The system did not even stop after the error occurred, it told me that everything was successfully upgraded, which obviously was not the case.


    Although it is nice that the ISO upgrades all versions to 2009 Spring starting with 2008.1, it is useless for those who have a 4GB Flash.

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