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Michael Allison

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Everything posted by Michael Allison

  1. Well, from what little experience I have with Mandrake, it appears to me that it's greatest trait is simplicity. :) Linux for humans is Ubuntu, but Ubuntu runs on Gnome. When you compare Mandriva and Kubuntu, Mandriva comes out on top. That's it's strength. Linux for business should be Red Hat.
  2. Thanks everyone, especially Greg, for explaining what I failed to understand from Scoonma's message. Ahh, thanks Neddie ROFL. I would have thought of that eventually, after seeing Spanish words in the suggestions, LOL! That's weird- wonder why it would install Spanish Firefox on a fresh installion of Mandriva. Yeah, I understand what you're saying about the Google repository, but the problem was caused by the duplicates; thanks for pointing them out! :D Until Google's repository causes a problem, I see no reason not to keep it in there. The version of Mandriva shouldn't effect it. In the end, all the repository holds is a bunch of RPM files. When you download and extract the RPM, it's the same as running the source code for that program. Thanks! Problem solved.
  3. I simply claimed that it was a working repository, when a so called "experienced user" whos advice is "top level" said it wasn't. Google's repositories hold Google Desktop, Picasa, and other Google-supported software. I meant no offense by informing you of your mistake, but no one seemed to answer my question- why isn't it updating? I guess I'll throw this out there: I took off Google and put it back on, but some official updates still didn't come through while it was off. lx- I'm not experimenting. I never said I was an inexperienced Linux user, LOL. This is one of my first times using Mandriva specifically, but I'm fairly sure I know how to correctly add an outside repository when given a tutorial by a reputable source. And when you said not to pass the buck on Mandriva, I think you misread me. I meant I didn't know whether the double repositories under all the update repositories (an error pointed out by Scarecrow) was an error at my fault, or a confusing part of rpmdrake. It just so happened it was my fault, although I suppose I didn't make that clear enough. My question was simply about why my updates weren't coming in, I did not ask your opinion on whether my choice of outside repositories was good. If you were an "experienced user", scoonma, you would know that it's not very likely that my official updates would be hindered by a completely unrelated repository ;). In addition, I thank all the three of you for trying to answer my question! Alright: let's be civil now, shall we?
  4. Google is a valid repository for Mandriva, unless Mandriva has decided no longer to support custom repositories (contrary to the GUI) since Spring Edition of 2007... I assure you the repositories themselves are still up and running, and I'm fairly sure they should please rpmdrake. Either way, having a useless repository should in no way contribute to my problem. Ahh, thank you :D I didn't know whether that was my fault, or the OS's fault, but I thought that was a bit weird as well.
  5. http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2017/205020...925a792_o_d.png Am I missing a repository, or something? I get an error when trying to download my updates now... Also, are there any other repositories or software you would suggest getting? I'm sorry my first post was a request, LOL, but that's the main reason I came here. I will, however, try to remain active and help other people in return :). And why does it say everything I write is not a valid word, other than is, does, and a?
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