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Posts posted by xboxboy

  1. KDE4.3 is released today!


    I've scoured around, but haven't come across anything packaged for Mandy yet :P


    It will be interesting to see how this version is received, especially given the progress made since KDE4's introduction.

  2. Great job on the new site guys, to all involved. I've been busy so haven't been in much, or added any input.


    :oops: After all it is a community...


    The old site was very formal and ridged, this is more playful. Thats IMHO.


    Only thing, has MUB done away with the "view new posts" link? I used to log in to the main page, see new portal news then 'view new posts'. That way I was always upto date.


    Once again, nice job to all involved :thumbs:

  3. Less than 2 weeks until KDE4.3 is released.


    Admittedly Kde4 has been unstable at first.

    Strange to use at first.


    I now have kde4.2.4.


    And I love it.


    Only after I read the documentation on kde.org did I understand what it's all about.

    Kde4 has been built to be the leading edge of desktops, and I think they've done well. Is it the leading edge? I don't know, haven't used a mac for years, vista (well just like felt a flash xp, to be honest) and gnome, well I haven't touched that for years either.


    For me, KDE4, particularly my 4.2.4 version, is rock solid. Very functional. Sure I miss konqueror over dolphin.


    I guess I'll have to wait and see if 4.3 gets packaged up for Mandriva.

    Is anyone else looking to upgrade to the latest kde when it arrives?

  4. Ok. so I found out it's a window decorator issue.

    KDE4 window decorator would not work at all.

    GTK did, but it was a gnome package, and was the reason for the large text in title bars.


    So I installed emerald, and it works perfectly. Just the title bars are too transparent. Once I work out how to change that it will be fine.

  5. I managed to find this command:


    gtk-window-decorator --replace &


    and I now have borders but they are large and clunky lol


    EDIT: They also fail to show upon logging in again. The font was large and the minimise, and close buttons were huge. Any ideas?

  6. Well I've done the update. It seems to have gone well.


    EXCEPT....Windows that are full screen have no window borders or title bars. When I disable compiz this does not occur. IE. when operating in 2d mode everything is ok.


    Is there a work around for this?

  7. Thank you everyone. I'm going away tomorrow night so I will tackle the update when I get home next week. When I upgraded to KDE4.2.1 from non-official repos I had a lot of dependency issues. So I'll make sure I have got time to sort it all out.


    Thanks again all.

  8. Regarding the modem, we need to know if it's a 'hardware' type or a 'software' type. If it is software, getting drivers maybe difficult. IIRC the conextant driver is limited to 14K with the free driver, if you want to use 56k, you need to buy the driver.


    I think most external, or serial dial up modems are hardware type. Hardware modems aren't limited in use IIRC.


    As for the printer, As Daniewicz says, use the tools in "configure your computer", usually an icon in the tool bar.

  9. No. I' sure they won't be packaged- at least officially.

    And- anyway, if you're a laptop user, this release has some weird issues with the power management deamon. They will likely be fixed post-install, but ATM this is a showstopper for all laptop users.


    The packages from:




    aren't offical are they?

  10. Ok guys, I'll run through how I did it.


    Downloaded firefox-3.0.10.tar.bz2 to my desktop


    as root

    cd /usr/lib
    tar xvjf /home/matthew/Desktop/firefox-3.0.10.tar.bz2


    Then in konqueror as root renamed /usr/lib/firefox to /usr/lib/firefox-3.0.10....I should have done this through CLI, but I was unsure how to do it..Would "mv firefox firefox-3.0.10" work for a directory?


    I couldn't link this to /usr/bin/firefox for some reason, so again in konqueror as root I renamed /usr/bin/firefox as firefox.old

    ln -s /usr/lib/firefox-3.0.10 /usr/bin/firefox
    cd /usr/lib/firefox-3.0.10
    mv plugins plugins.old
    ln -s /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins /usr/lib/firefox-3.0.10/plugins


    The firefox icon opens firefox3.0.10, and all my bookmarks are preserved. Home page isn't right, but I'll look into that.


    To get the home page up

    mv browserconfig.properties browserconfig.properties.old
    cp /usr/lib/firefox-3.0.8/bowserconfig.properties /usr/lib/firefox-3.0.10/browserconfig.properties


    Logged out, logged in, and the desired home page was up. If anyone knows if this can be done easier, please advise.

  11. Ok guys, I'll run through how I did it.


    Downloaded firefox-3.0.10.tar.bz2 to my desktop


    as root

    cd /usr/lib
    tar xvjf /home/matthew/Desktop/firefox-3.0.10.tar.bz2


    Then in konqueror as root renamed /usr/lib/firefox to /usr/lib/firefox-3.0.10....I should have done this through CLI, but I was unsure how to do it..Would "mv firefox firefox-3.0.10" work for a directory?


    I couldn't link this to /usr/bin/firefox for some reason, so again in konqueror as root I renamed /usr/bin/firefox as firefox.old

    ln -s /usr/lib/firefox-3.0.10 /usr/bin/firefox
    cd /usr/lib/firefox-3.0.10
    mv plugins plugins.old
    ln -s /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins /usr/lib/firefox-3.0.10/plugins


    The firefox icon opens firefox3.0.10, and all my bookmarks are preserved. Home page isn't right, but I'll look into that.

  12. I've got it downloaded now and installed manually in Debian since Iceweasel (theoretically Firefox rebranded) doesn't work correctly.


    However, if Mandy haven't packaged it and your system hasn't updated, then you can do this.


    Download the tar from mozilla website for the version of Firefox you want - US, UK or whatever language. I downloaded to /home/ian/Downloads for the sake of this post.


    Open console window and do:


    su (enter root password when prompted)
    cd /usr/local
    tar xvjf /home/ian/Downloads/firefox-3.1.0.tar.bz2


    this will create firefox directory in /usr/local. Then just do:


    file /usr/bin/firefox


    to find out if there is a symlink here, you can then rename this or remove, and then do:


    ln -s /usr/local/firefox/firefox /usr/bin/firefox


    and then you have Firefox up-to-date. What you can then do is:


    cd /usr/local/firefox
    mv plugins plugins.old
    ln -s /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins /usr/local/firefox/plugins


    that way you can use the Mandy repos for installing plugins, and they will be accessible in your manually downloaded Firefox. You may need to check if it is actually /usr/lib/mozilla or another name since a few exist - just check where all your plugins exist right now for Java, Flash etc in your existing Firefox install.



    Ian, I presume that by installing manually like this, that there will no longer be updates through the Mandriva repos to suit MY install? So, it becomes my responsibility to watch for further updates?

  13. Hi all.

    I have a P5Q Pro Asus motherboard with the P45 chipset.


    I installed lm_sensors from the repos, version no 2.10.7. I installed and ran ksensors, but I have very few sensor outputs.


    Should I be installing and using lm_sensors3, version 3.0.2?

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