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Everything posted by jeanrev

  1. hi all, I would appreciate to find a good guide to start using xcdroast in a simple way to burn some data cd's
  2. In fact I need the correct procedure to install the 2.0.6 version of Abiword with dependencies, the spelling check and the doc availables in the help menu summary What shall I do to get it all ? thanks again
  3. Thank you Chris for this complete answer which solve the problem thanksagain
  4. I did the install and the problem is over thanks
  5. I tried to install the main RPM but it was refused cause of dependencies I don't know how to get all the proper dependencies
  6. I have downloaded the abiword main rpm but I have no documentation and no language check I would like to know which plug-ins are necessary to have a documentation and the french & english spelling check thanks for your attention
  7. this is the window where I get lost
  8. I will try abiword and let you know if it is as good as my still favourite MS Word 97
  9. The simplest thing to do is to install the package numlock from the install CD's of mandrake 9.1 (with the mandrake control center) it belongs to the data base installed this package has been obviously forgotten by the developpers when we choose to install KDE and/or Gnome at the first install thanks for your attention
  10. In fact I don't know how to use the window you get by : K/configuration/kde/components/files association/ to link the plain text files to Kwrite by default there are linked to Kedit with MDK9.1 thanks
  11. I want a word processor that is able to eliminate the extra linefeed I get when I copy a web page into that word processor in order to arrange the text before printing it to on paper I used to do it with MS Word via the feature "find and replace" if I ask to find the linefeed and I leave the replace field empty MS Word erase all the linefeeds automatically that is what I want any linux word processor to be able to do I could not succeed with Kword and thought I didn't know the trick but if Abiword can do it i would prefer a light Word processor of course
  12. I am with Mandrake 9.1 and there is not any numlock service in Drakexservices that we can activate the result : we have to activate the numlock with the keyboard numlock key after the boot ! how can we change this ?
  13. You wouldn't advise Kword ? looked fine to me but I cannot paste a plain text and then remoce some special characters ... "linefeeds" in fact i tried the "find & replace" option but couldn't get it to erase automatically all the linefeeds somebody has the answer ? can Kword skip the linefeeds in a text ? that is the question Thanks
  14. Yes I mean plain text what is the difference using Kedit or Kwrite ? It is not in order to process the text, it is in order to view it in a convenient manner on my screen the text in Kwrite can adapt to the width of the window where it appears and this is not the case in Kedit dis you noticed that ?
  15. Hi all, I want to replace my favorite word processor "MSWord 97" with a Linux word processor I need something simple and user friendly that can suppress automatically the extra linefeeds I got when I copy a web page and paste it into Kword for example I would appreciate Kword to do the job for me really so that I could print the page reformatted ! I hear kword has a text importer but don't know how to use it ยง
  16. Hi all, how can I associate the text files with Kwrite ? At the moment they are opening with Kedit and I would like to use the Kwrite ability to adapt the text to the width of the window so that I can read a help file or whatever information from the Net in the corner of my screen while I am doing the job concerned I tried the K/configuration/Kde/components/associated applications but in the opening window "Associated applications" I cannot find the way to implement this association thanks for your help may be the operation is quicker in console ?
  17. OK I am going to explain : When you copy/paste a web page into your favorite Word processor, you want to process it so that you have the text fitting your page at best And the first thing I do is to eliminate the carriage returns (line feeds) so that I can put the line feed where I want afterwards So I just want to eliminate all the line feed in the text at the start of the process in MS Word you can use the find and replace menu from the edit menu to do this if you leave the replace with field blank then the line feed are not replaced which is like deleting them automatically I would have thought that Kword could do the job (looks nice and tidy) but I couldn't find the way i hope you get my point now : I would be glad to find any word processor to replace my no more favorite "MS Word" processor thanks
  18. "everything you do on Windows sys you can do on Linux " is that right ? so my question is now : which word processor can find and replace the "paragraph end" given from the keyboard "enter" tab same question for the line feed mark I tried without succes with Kword thanks to all
  19. and all my lines will be completed then I can process my document as I want with the help of the word processor Kword
  20. thanks, i just want to erase the carriage return in my document so that Kword will put an automatic carriage return at the end of the lines
  21. sorry to say it but I cannot make any sense out of your answer ... what do you mean ? am I on the wrong forum ? I am using Mandrake 9.1 since last year and would appreciate to be able to use the attached application thanks for your reply
  22. Hi all, I am now discovering Kword and trying to erase the linefeed from a text inserted by copy/paste I read the description but no special information on the subject (deleting a selected character from the text without replacement) i could enter \r in the "find" window but couldn't find the way not to replace this character anyone using Kword should know it thanks
  23. Good morning all, Since a few days I receive unwanted messages with *.scr attachments Is there any way to eliminate those messages with a Kmail filter or should I change my mail address again ? thanks
  24. Hi all, Is there a "howto connect to your ISP from the command line" (without X) I installed MDK 9.1 in text mode on an old PC in order to use my mail with sendmail, procmail and mutt I tested my external modem OK and I want now to connect to the Internet (probably with pppd) but the man pppd with its 1630 lines is not much help to me I would like to know the last steps to carry on thanks for your help
  25. is there any howto to show you step by step how to install your connection in the command line to your ISP ? I am trying to do it but I must have done the drill first thanks
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