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Posts posted by yossarian

  1. You could use the Free dual arch CD or you could use one of the Mandriva ONE CDs, see also here for a description of each ISO:


    Are you sure I can upgrade from the dual arch? Does it have all the required packages? Because I read somewhere it only has LXDE (no Gnome or KDE). And about One - as far as I know one can only have fresh install from the One, not upgrade.


    In the meanwhile I see I got the blue arrow telling me a new version is available, from the graphical interface. Did anyone try it?

  2. Hi all,


    I'd like to upgrade my system from 2009.0 to 2009.1. After looking at the mirrors, I realized I have a problem. My laptop is quite old (IBM X30), so it doesn't have DVD drive, and the bios does not support mounting from USB. Previously I used to upgrade from the Free CD's as I did not trust the network connection, but apparently this time Mandriva decided to drop this option and stay with the DVD. So as far as I can see, I don't have any other option but upgrading straight from the network.


    Does anyone see any alternative? If not, does anyone have any special tips before I try it (assuming the graphical upgrade procedure was dropped after 2009.0 release)?



  3. Actually you're just missing the qt developer files, since qt creator is using QMake. They are available in Mandriva repos, install libqt4-devel


    Darn, it works! You're a wizard! Didn't even have to set manually the path. Thanks.


    And for all the others that recommended me on other IDE's - though I'll stick to Qt creator for at least a few days until I find my arms and legs, I appreciate your help and reserve the right to try your recommended environments some other day. So watch out. :)

  4. Although I have not used the Qt ide. The ones that I have used the compiler has to be able to find the headers for your code. This is done by supplying options as to 'include' directories. As you discovered your code could not find the *.h files needed to include.


    From what I read I understand it's not about header files, but about using qmake instead of cmake. That's what Helio was working on and should be solved in 2009.1, but maybe I understood wrongly.


    It would be fair to say I feel you are on a steep learning curve here just to do what may seem like a simple task.


    No doubt about it! Actually most of the program is ready, I just need to do some minor fixes I can easily do with CodeBlocks or from text editor. It's just that I really enjoy playing with these things. I also like to be able to use and control various tools. So it's more for the sake of learning than the sake of being able to finish the project.

  5. If you choose File->New and under projects choose "Qt4 Console Application", click Next and then choose a project path and name.


    Thank you, I did as you suggested. I got the following error message:

    Running build steps for project HelloQt...
    Creating gdb macros library...
    No valid Qt version set. Set one in Tools/Options 
    Error while building project HelloQt
    When executing build step 'QMake'
    Canceled build.


    Under Tools -> Options -> Qt4, I see that the path of the auto-detected Qt version is "<not found>". I have some Qt packages installed on my machine, but I don't know which one I need or where it is located.


    Anyway, according to Helio Castro's blog, Mandriva is packaging Qt creator, so I guess it will be available in 2009.1 with all the dependencies resolved. Maybe it's even already somewhere in the repositories, but I couldn't find the rpm file itself. So I might just wait another couple of weeks and hope for the best.

  6. But it will compile C code just as Eclipse does.


    Are you sure? I'll be glad to know how, because I liked Qt-Creator.


    After Clicking File -> New... Under Projects I choose "C++ library" (No option for C). Next screen I choose "Shared library", and in the next screen I am required to type in Class name (Field cannot be left blank). Plus it only creates files with cpp or h extensions. So I'll be really glad to hear what I'm doing wrong and how I can create a stand-alone program in C (not a library, a simple Hello World program. From there I'll manage).

  7. Wow, I'm touched. Really, you shouldn't have. Here I am, sitting and playing around with IDE's for this minor project I'm doing as a favour to a friend, and you spend your time trying out things for me. :angel:


    In the meanwhile I found in Qt-Creator's website FAQ section that it supports C++ only. Which is really a shame, because it makes a good first impression. With Nokia's support, I hope they will develop extensions to other languages.


    I do not need GUI, and strong documentation is a good thing (CodeBlocks' is poor). So I may give it a try.



  8. Hi all,


    I have this small project I'm running at home where I need to develop a program in C. About a year and a half ago I worked with Anjuta 1.2 and was generally pleased. When I lately installed Anjuta 2.4 from the repos, I was surprised to see so many things are not working properly (for example, if one wants to open an old project generated in Anjuta 1.2, one gets an error message).


    I decided to give Eclipse a chance, so I installed Eclipse and Eclipse-cdt packages. I couldn't compile C source, so I tried to install the C plugin also from Eclipse itself (the plugins manager in the Help menu). That didn't help also.


    Finally I decided to work with CodeBlocks, which is nice, but doesn't have community support as much as Anjuta or Eclipse, and also doesn't have all the plugins compiled for mandriva.


    Has anyone been developing in C with Anjuta or Eclipse on Mandriva successfully? If so, I'll post more details about the specific problems I encountered (I do not want to exhaust you...)



  9. Wait-wait-wait. I did Greg's trick again, and this time it magically worked. I'm not sure what I did wrong the first time. So I'm going to put Solved on this topic.


    Still, just out of curiosity, if anyone knows a way to manually configure the servers to which the package manager synchronizes, I'll be happy to hear.


    Thank you for the help!

  10. I'm sorry if this appears to be a foolish question, but after you opened > software management > options > media manager > and ticked Main/backports, (before you closed the media manager) did you open > file > update > and tick Main/backports then click update?


    No, I didn't know I should. :unsure: But I got the "Listing available package" bar running after clicking OK the first time, so doesn't it update from the repos? Anyhow, I did as you suggested now, and it still doesn't solve the problem. I suspect the main/backports repository just doesn't exist on the server.

  11. Hi all,


    I've been looking lately for updated versions of packages I have already installed on my machine. After I couldn't find them in the package manager in the MCC, I foolishly reported a bug (request for package). I was answered that these were available in Maiin/backports.


    My problem is that even after I ticked Main/backports in the package manager, I still couldn't find the updated versions. In 2009.0 the package manager finds automatically the server from which it is updated, and apparently the server I'm connected to doesn't have Main/backports repository (I suspect it's http://mirror.isoc.org.il/pub/mandriva/).


    So my question is: can I configure to which server to connect from the MCC?



  12. Hey Arctic,


    There is this site, www.obamicon.me, where you can upload pictures and prepare posters in the spirit of Obama's campaign posters. So I took the liberty to play with your avatar. Hope you like it.


    (I know it has nothing to with the Show Your Desktop topic, but I don't have my laptop with me at work and I don't feel like diving into code I need to revise right now, so you will have to take what there is.)


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