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Everything posted by peckinpah

  1. Thanks, I will look into this. Any ideas on where to get started? I looked around and saw nothing obvious. I wish these distros and applications would stop assuming everyone has a broadband connection.
  2. I am using Firefox with Mandriva 2007 Free. I'm on a dial-up connection so my bandwidth is precious. What happens is that after about 15 minutes of web surfing using Firefox, something in the background starts downloading. The activity continues (at around 3 kb/second) even after I close Firefox. After I click "disconnect", using the Network Monitoring app, it says I'm disconnected but I'm still connected. I have to physically unplug the phone cord from the modem to get it to actually disconnect. I have already disabled updates in Firefox. I also unchecked the box that says "tell me if websites are fake" because I have found that feature to cause a lot of background downloading. Anything else I can try? Once the downloading starts, I can't get any websites to load, or if they do it takes about 2 minutes to bring up the web page. HELP!
  3. This is how I set up my Amigo serial modem ->network & internet -> set up a new network interface (...) -> modem connection Except my modem was already identified by name, so I just clicked next, next, next and was done. No need to select a com port or anything. So the modem should have been detected on boot. Is the AC adapter plugged in? Have you confirmed that the modem works by installing it in Windows? Installation should be really easy, so if you are having problems, I would suspect something hardware-related. Good luck and let us know how it goes. If your modem turns out to be defective, Newegg has a really good cheap one $23 made by Amigo that I am currently using and can highly recommend.
  4. In Suse they have Zen Updater which caused me tons of stress and almost made me lose my mind. So I switched to "Smart" which over my dial-up connection took 3 hours to get a list of available updates. Then downloading them took me a week of downloading all night to get 2/3rd's of the way done before I finally just gave up. So what I do now is just send away by snail mail for the new distros as they are released, and hope my system is reasonably secure unpatched. I am reinstalling right now on the machine from the original post. After I got Firefox 2 and urpmi libstdc++5 installed, my modem would not disconnect, and would continue downloading something at full speed long after I closed my browser.
  5. Thanks! That did the trick. I was beginning to think it was impossible to modify the original software configuration of this distro. However, I'd still like to get a copy of libstdc++5 so I don't have to use the package manager at all when I reinstall. This is because it seems a little unwise to be opening up my system to dozens and dozens of repos in different countries. I'm sure they are operated by very nice people, but if you trust enough of them, I think it's inevitable that one of them will try to install something "un-kosher" on someone's machine. It's just my nature I guess, to try to minimize my exposure to potential harm by keeping the number of trusted people to an absolute minimum.
  6. Thanks! I did the above and here's what I got: ./firefox-bin: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
  7. Hi everyone! I am a Suse user for the past several months. I have upgraded Firefox several times in that distro without problems. My usual procedure is to download the tar.gz file from the Mozilla site, and unpack it using Ark to my Home directory. When I navigate to the folder I open the folder and click the file named "firefox" and the updated version starts up and I'm done. Here in Mandriva, if I follow the same procedure, nothing happens when I click the file named "firefox" in the extracted folder. And I mean nothing, no error messages or any clue as to what went wrong. I also logged in as root, and extracted the file into /root/home and tried executing it and nothing happens there either. I tried following the instructions on the Mozilla site, and they did not work either. I should mention that I'm unfortunate enough to be on a dial-up connection, so updating through a package manger is not a realistic option, and since I already have the tar file I should not need to. Thanks in advance! [moved from Software by spinynorman]
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