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chris z

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Posts posted by chris z

  1. do you have a static or dynamic IP address? if it's dynamic, a simple fix that sometimes works is shutdown the computer, turn off the ADSL modem, let it off for a minute to clear & reset itself, turn it back on, then reboot. might be worth a shot. i've had to do that already & it worked for me........... :unsure:


    EDIT: i don't have a network, so i don't have a router. but, i chose the "upgrade" option when i moved from MDK9.1 to MDK9.2 & it worked flawlessly. but for some reason, i did have to re-enter my ISP info in the final setup configuration screen. after i did that i had nary a problem connecting & staying connected.



  2. not sure what you mean, exactly........ you had internet connection to dload Mozilla, but now you don't? or, you have internet connection, but you want to know where to click to get it started? in either case, you can try either of the following to get internet connection configured or started if configured already. go to Kicker->configuration->network->drakconnect & set things or start things from there. you can also use Kicker->network->KPPP & do the same. i use DSL, so unfortunately i don't know the command line syntax to start a dial up connection. if that's what you need, i'm sure somebody else will come along & provide that for you.



  3. not really sure on this one...... :unsure:


    for starters, to get some more info, try this if you haven't already......


    open a terminal & run konqueror from CLI as the user you are having the freezes with. just type konqueror, then hit enter. try going to some web sites. report back with any error messages it spits out. or, maybe the messages will give you the clue yourself.



  4. did you try running sndconfig? it tends to be for older cards, but it might be worth a shot. in terminal, su to root, type sndconfig, hit enter, follow the prompts & wait. (it takes a while to find the card) if you get an error when you try to run it, that means it isn't installed, so just go to MCC->install software & search for sndconfig. it's on one of the MDK cd's. install it, then run it again.



  5. a few other useful Kmail tips, if ya don't know them already........


    if you want Kmail to automatically check for new mail & download it when you open it, do the follow.........


    right click on the Kmail icon in the kicker tool bar, choose "properties", choose the "execute" tab, look in the execute command (it should say something like "kmail -caption (some symbols) ). make it read like this "kmail --check -caption (some symbols)", click "apply", click "ok". now, every time you open Kmail from the kicker tool bar shortcut, it will automatically check for new mail & download it. you can add the same command in KMenu editor (or MenuDrake) for the Kmail kicker application link.


    if you want to have a visual notification when you get new mail, try the app called Korn. if it's installed, it will be in kicker->networking->mail. if it isn't installed, run MCC->add software->type Korn in search box->install it. it's a very small (KB wise) app. once installed, run it from the kicker shortcut, or as normal user type korn, then hit enter in CLI. this app is quite handy if you want to poll your mail at intervals & be alerted to new mail arrivals without having to keep Kmail open & chewing up memory.


    Korn is very easy to set up. for the average smtp POP3 mail account, choose "configure Korn", remove the default "inbox" account, click the "add" button to set up a new account, choose "POP3" from the account type options, put your incoming mail domain in the mail isp box (EX: incoming.yourispmailname.net, com, org, etc), add your user name & password, choose the actions tab to set default colors/look for no mail & new mail settings & to set an amount of time to poll for new mail at intervals, & in the execute area choose a name for your inbox & where it says "click" type kmail --check to enable single click & automatic download of new mail on the korn kicker icon. after you have all your settings, click "apply", "ok" & you should have an icon for Korn by your clock. if your mailbox is currently empty of new mail, send yourself an e-mail to test how it works.


    please note i'm writing all this from memory, so if i have some of the setting options named wrong, excuse that. once you get to configuration, it's easy enough to figure out based on the info i provided.



  6. to add to what tyme said, you can do the same thing to add shortcuts to your kicker bar if you like. right click on the bar, choose "add", choose the appropriate selection to add (application, link, device, etc), & it will add it to the kicker. to move it, right click again & choose "move". a crosshairs arrow will appear & you can drag it to the location you like.



  7. just to clarify my position a bit, so it isn't misconstrued as a slam on Texstar.......


    i was in awe, also, as to how well PCLinuxOS & Knoppix worked. and, i do realize that Knoppix is way ahead of PCLinuxOS, developement wise. so, you're correct, i guess it wasn't really fair to compare the 2 just yet.


    but....... i hope Texstar does get PCLinuxOS to detect hardware & get the internet configuration a bit more automatic. my reason being is this......


    if i'm gonna try to convince my Windows user friends to give Linux a test run, i want it to be as easy & as painless an experience as possible. i also realize that installing a full blown Linux distro, any distro.....no matter how user friendly.....will involve some setup & tweaking. but........ at this stage, i just know i can give somebody a Knoppix CD, tell them to hit "enter" at the prompt, choose "configure internet" when the DE loads, & have them on their way to explore the wonders of Linux. with PCLinuxOS (at this stage), i can't do that. and, that would be enough to make most of the Windows users (that i know, at least) start grumbling & not wanting to go much further with Linux. or, they'd be on the phone calling me crying that their internet don't work, i can't hear sound, blah, blah, blah.


    so, to summorize, both Knoppix & PCLinuxOS are excellent live distros. both work wonderfully, both are works of art (IMHO), but Knoppix gets the nod (right now) to use as a tool for conversion to Linux for the non believers.





  8. gonna stray a bit off topic here, but it'll all tie together in the end......


    i tried pclinuxos out over the weekend. check out my sig for the computer i tried it on. i was quite impressed with it, especially for such a new "live" distro. i have been playing with some live distros in hopes of turning on some of my linux skeptical friends away from MS. so far, i've tried out of linux-bbc, knoppix, & pclinuxos. while all of them worked, i still think knoppix is the best choice to try to convert non believers. some comparisons/reasons through my tests.....


    boot times:

    knoppix-3 minutes

    linux-bbc-3 minutes

    pclinuxos-5 minutes


    ease of booting:

    knoppix-just hit enter, choose DE, bingo

    linux-bbc-just hit enter, choose DE, bingo

    pclinuxos-just hit enter, get a root or guest login/password prompt, take several minutes to figure out the the root password is "root" & guest password is "guest" (no help docs with this). once you figure out how to login, choose DE, bingo


    boot messages:

    knoppix-no errors, detected everything

    linux-bbc-didn't detect eht0 or sound card

    pclinuxos-didn't detect eth0 or sound card



    knoppix-sound was working out of the box

    linux-bbc-needed to run sndconfig

    pclinoxos-needed to run sndconfig


    internet: (note: this is using adsl)

    knoppix-click internet configuration from the kicker apps, follow the wizard, everything detected & up in running in a minute

    linx-bbc-click internet configuration, played with it for several minutes, couldn't get eth0 detected properly, couldn't connect, gave up after several minutes due to lack of time. i'll try again later.

    pclinuxos-first realize that it uses MDK's MCC, then you know to use DrakConnect, manually add your isp & eth0 info, type adsl-start as root in terminal.....several minutes, with the caveat being that you already know about DrakConnect


    ease of use/layout:

    all of these were very intuitive as to layout & being able to find things. i used a KDE environment in each, so that may have been an advantage since i'm a KDE user. but, even without that edge, it's all basically like a basic Windows layout.......desktop with labeled icons, toolbar with quick links to apps, kicker/start button with all the apps in easy to maneuver sub catagories.


    ok, so i went a bit off topic here. basically, pclinuxos is very nice & shows lot's of promise, IMHO. i'll give it the benefit of the doubt for being in the new stages right now. BUT......... given the fact that i had to have some knowledge of Linux in order to get pclinxos up & running (internet & sound wise) vs. knoppix being able to handle everything automatically, i give the nod to Knoppix for anyone trying to convert the unfaithful.



  9. hmmm......


    i'm not understanding, perhaps. when you say.....


    I don't have a menu for rpmdrake and it won't do any updates through a terminal.


    what exactly are the commands you are using? if you want to get updates, in terminal, as root, type MCC then hit enter. this will bring up Mandrake Control Center. go to package installation (or software packages manager, whatever it's called) then click on "updates". choose a mirror if it gives you a choice, then get all updates it offers. if the mirror comes up empty, or won't connect, choose "sources manager" & remove the mirror you selcted, close that, then go back to updates & select another mirror until you find one that works.



  10. Uiler........


    Java in Konq is very easy. no symlinking, no muss, no fuss. just do the following........


    open Kontrol Center (KCC).......




    where it says: "path to java executable, or 'java'" make sure the path to your Java installation is correct. mine looks like this:




    if your Java install is in a different directory, then just adjust the above path to reflect your Java installation.






    close KCC.........enjoy Java in Konq.


    (NOTE: do the above with Konqueror closed, then start Konqueror after you enable the Java)



  11. have you gotten the security/bugfix updates for 9.2? if i'm not mistaken, somewhere in those updates is a fix for the menu problem. if you've done that already, then have you tried opening up the menu editor (right click Kicker icon->menu editor)? it should show all your menu items intact. just click "save" & let it rebuild the menus. you may have to reboot or restart KDE to make them viewable.



  12. hi ocaddict.....


    yes, you can install Mozilla1.6. and, yes, you must first get rid of the older version of Mozilla first. if it is the default Mozilla install from the MDK installation cd's, the easiest way to get rid of it is open Mandrake Control Center(MCC for short)->Packaging->Remove Software. type mozilla in the search box & click search. put a check in the box when it finds your Mozilla install & click remove. quit that & close MCC.


    i'm assuming you already have the Mozilla1.6 tar.gz file downloaded. if not, get the file called "mozilla-i686-pc-linux-gnu-1.6-installer.tar.gz" from the Mozilla Linux download section. once you remove the old Mozilla, install the new version per the instructions at the Mozilla web site. in a nut shell, to install the Mozilla1.6 tar.gz file, open a terminal, su to root, then type........


    tar -xvzf mozilla-i686-pc-linux-gnu-1.6-installer.tar.gz --directory=/usr/lib


    hit enter


    that will put the /mozilla-installer folder into your /usr/lib directory. cd to that folder & type...




    hit enter & follow the wizard instructions to install.


    NOTE:by installing a new version of Mozilla, you will have to reinstall & relink your various plugins (Java, Flash, etc.). if you are unsure how to do this, please read through this thread Mozilla Java Help. go to page 2 or 3 of that thread & look for mine or ZeroOw's help info. the info i listed on page 2 of that thread has several good links explaining all of the above.


    and, welcome to the board!



  13. Do you have Desktop Wheeling enabled in your fluxbox-configure menu? Without that the mousewheel won't change between desktops




    ya know, i'm not 100% sure, but i don't think i do. i remember seeing that option, but didn't know what it meant. (see..........FluxNewb, here :P ) i'll check that tonight & post back if that solved the problem or not.



  14. hi folks........


    i've been playing with Fluxbox lately, from time to time. i just installed (upgraded to) Fluxbox-0.9.6-0.pre9.1mdk.i586rpm. the reason i upgraded was, i had a Texstar version of Fluxbox installed & since he's no longer supporting Mandrake rpm's, i wanted to get an non Texstar version. i got this current rpm from the contrib section here at the forum. it installed fine & works fine, except for one problem. the tool bar only shows 1 desktop & won't let me access any more than that. i have checked & tried the following so far........


    i made sure that i first uninstalled Texstar's Fluxbox. i also manually deleted the remnants of that install from /usr/share & from my /home directory. using fluxconf, i have checked the entry for multiple desktops. it is set to 4. i have saved that configuration & restarted flux.....didn't work. i have manually edited the init file in the ./fluxbox directory to show 4 desktops, saved it, restarted Flux..........didn't work. here's the weird part........when i right click the tool bar & check to see how many desktops are enabled, it says 1. but, when i try to set it to any other number, it won't budge. the right click setting always stays at 1. also, in addition to restarting Fluxbox after making the above changes, i have also restarted X.............didn't work.


    a few other notes.......i have also tried installing Fluxbox from the tar.gz file. it gives me errors about something called B_AmericanDate during make & then bombs. i have also tried using the src.rpm, but that errors out with mulitple errors during the build. (some of you musb regulars who have tried to help me with this know this stuff already) so, that's why i went for the mdk rpm.


    anybody have any ideas or thoughts on the matter? please note.........i am at work as of this posting, so i won't be able to try out any suggestions until later tonight. also, this isn't of the utmost urgency, since i'm just in the "playing around with" stages of Fluxbox. i have a loooong way to go before i can decide if i want to use it on a regular basis. and, along that last line of thought, since i have very little experience with Fluxbox, please post any answers/suggestions in a way that an utter Fluxbox newbie can understand.





  15. what exactly did you edit in /etc/inittab? are you sure you didn't accidentally edit anything else besides the run level? the problem you are describing (starting to login, blue background screen, then frozen mouse pointer) usually means something is wrong with video settings. (incompatable or wrong video driver, monitor refresh rate, screen resolution, etc). check into what BooYah said & post your inittab & the log files BooYah mentioned for better trouble shooting, please.



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