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chris z

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Posts posted by chris z

  1. just adust them until you get a set up you like. you need to restart KDE for the settings to stick. i have my fonts customized, so my font styles are probably moot to you, but the size settings may help..........


    from "look n feel->fonts"............


    general: tahoma 10

    fixed width: monospace 10

    tool bar: love 12

    menu: pristina 13

    window title: chiller 18

    taskbar: pristina 13

    desktop: love 12

    use anti-aliasing for fonts is checked


    from "components->file manager".........


    standard font: tahoma 10



  2. don't know if anybody would be interested in this, or if it's been mentioned before. (if it has, then please delete this post, oh Mod Gods :P )


    here's a link to a Tutorial on how to add options to the drop down menu's in KDE when you right click on something. i followed the example they give & it worked like a charm.


    following the tutorial mentioned above, i wrote 2 service menu scripts that might be useful for the GUI addicted, lazy folk (like me). feel free to modify them as you wish.


    this one will add an "open as root" option under "actions" in the right click drop down menu. no need to go into konqueror superuser mode anymore if ya don't want to, with this.........


    [Desktop Entry]
    [Desktop Action Openassu]
    Name=Open as Root
    Exec=kdesu "konqueror --profile filemanagement %U"


    and, this one will add a "run as root" option in the same place...........


    [Desktop Entry]
    [Desktop Action runassu]
    Name=Run as Root
    Exec=kdesu -c


    copy & paste those (seperately) to a text editor (kwrite, etc.) do "save as", name it whatever you like, but just make the file name end with .desktop. (IE: "save as", runasroot.desktop) then, save the file into /home/(username)/.kde/share/apps/konqueror/servicemenus. note, the /.kde directory is hidden by default, so you need to go to (in konqueror file manager) "view" in the top tool bar & put a check besides "show hidden files".





  3. in Mandrake Control Center->system->time & date set your time to UTC & answer "no" to "are you using GMT" (unless, of course, you're on GMT, then answer "yes"). if you're using KDE, do the same in Kontrol Center->system->time & date. reboot, & during boot check your BIOS clock to make sure that has the correct time setting before booting into MDK again. if it doesn't, correct it there too.


    i had the same problem in Kmail a while back & that's what fixed it for me.



  4. depending if you have supermount running or not, makes a difference with how to add a CD source.


    if you have a supermount.........


    put the CD in the drive, MCC->media manager->add. select "removable media". use the browse button to browse to the CD. give it a name, leave the hd/cz list path blank, click add.


    without supermount..........


    same method, but after you insert the CD, mount it manually first, then proceed with the other instructions. when done, unmount the CD.



  5. are you trying to burn with K3b as normal user or root? if it's giving you the error as normal user, try burning as root. from a terminl as root type k3b (enter). if it burns as root, then it's a permisions issue. type userdrake from terminal as root & edit user to add to cdwriter (& possibly other cd related) groups that may exist. if that's not the case.........


    you say you had scsi emulation under the old 2.4.X kernel. do you still have an scsi line in lilo under the "append=......." section. open lilo.conf with a text editor (it's in /etc/lilo.conf). you'll need to be root, so in terminal as root type konqueror (hit enter) to open konqueror file mananger in superuser mode. open lilo, remove the scsi line, then run lilo -v (in terminal as root) & reboot. here's an example of the line to remove......


    append="devfs=mount splash=silent hdd=ide-scsi acpi=off resume=/dev/hda6"


    it should like...........


    append="devfs=mount splash=silent acpi=off resume=/dev/hda11"



  6. ......... or use aumix to set system wide volumes. Kmix is KDE specific. aumix will set & save sound volumes for the whole system. go to kicker->multimedia->sound->aumix. if it's not there, install it with either urpmi aumix (in terminal as root) or use Mandrake Control Center->software management->install software. (aumix is on the install CD's). once installed, run it, set things, save the settings.



  7. go to Mandrake Control Center->software management->remove software. type either kdict or aspell (not sure which one it is at the moment) in the search, then remove any language packs associated with either of those you don't want. you'll be able to tell by clicking on a search entry & looking in the right information panel. set it to maximum info if nothing there is helpful.



  8. are you sure it's locking & not still searching? if you're sure it's locking up, do you (by any chance) have supermount enabled? i ran into that when i used to use supermount. in a terminal as root type........ supermount -i disable (enter) then try the search. if that's the cause, you can always re-enable supermount with......... supermount -i enable.


    there's also several other ways to perform a search. my favourite is in terminal as root type......... find / -name (name of search here). example......... find / -name k3b. the / switch tells it to search the whole hard drive, -name tells it to look for the exact name you type. you can also limit the search to a specific partition by defining it (IE: instead of just /, you can use /home, /mnt, etc.....). and, it supports wild cards, such as find / -name *.tar.gz (would find all .tar.gz file on the hard drive). see man find for all info.



  9. for what it's worth, here's how i go about installing Nvidia drivers. basically the same method as in xbob's link, but written a bit more "step by step".......


    you need to install the nvidia drivers. you can get them HERE.


    download the file called NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-XXXX-pkg1.run & save it to your hardrive somewhere, then follow the instructions below to install............ (XXXX=current version number)


    PLEASE NOTE:you must have the kernel source installed in order for the nvidia drivers to function!


    (if you can get to a GUI/desktop, then you can ignore steps 1 & 2 & just open a terminal from the desktop & start with step 3.)


    1. start the computer & choose the "failsafe" option to boot from. (this will boot you into text mode & dump you at a login prompt)


    2. at the login prompt, type your user name (enter) password (enter)


    3. type su (enter) password (enter) this will put you in root mode. then type...... init 3 (hit enter) to kill xserver. relogin as root.


    4. navigate to the directory where you have the nvidia installer script.


    5. type ls (enter) that will list the contents of the directory (in case you have more than one file on there. you're going to need to know the install script file name, in full.)


    6. type the following. this is CapSenSItIve....... sh NVIDIA-LINUX-x86-1.0-XXXX-pkg1.run (XXXX=current version number)


    7. accept the agreement, then answer yes to the prompts. it will load the drivers & when it's done it will dump you back at the prompt.


    8. we're going to use VI to edit your xf86config file. follow the steps exactly as i type them. again, it's CapSensiTIve.


    9. type vim /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 (enter)


    10. type i (this is for insert mode so you can isert the proper driver line)


    11. use your arrow keys & scroll to the section where it says Section "Module". under that, make sure there's a line that says Load "glx" # 3d layer . if there isn't, add it as the last line, then hit esc .


    12. if it says either or both of the following under the "Module" section (Load "DRI" Load "Glcore"), remove them by typing i & using the arrow keys to navigate to them & the space or backspace bar(s) to remove them. hit esc .


    13. type i & use your arrow keys to navigate to where it says Section "Device". navigate to where it says Driver "nv" or Driver "vesa" & make it read Driver "nvidia" .........that's Driver(space)(quotes)nvidia(quotes)


    14. hit the esc key.


    15. type :wq (enter) ..........that's (colon)wq then hit the enter key.


    16. type reboot


    you're computer will now reboot, choose linux from lilo as you normally would. if all went well (& it should have) you'll see a nvidia splash screen just before your GUI login.


    also, one note. sometimes the nvidia drivers can cause random lockups. if you find that happening, use your favourite text editor, open that same XF86Config-4 file, & directly under where you changed Driver "nvidia", add the follwoing line..........


    Option "NvAGP" "3" (that's Option(space)(quotes)NvAGP(quotes)(space)(quotes)3(quotes).


    that will try to use the kernel agp drivers first, then nvidia agp if the kernel drivers don't work. other numerical options you can use with that are........


    "0" (uses no agp support)

    "1" (uses nvidia agpart only)

    "2" (tries kernel agpart only)


    save it, then restart X or reboot. smoke 'em if ya got 'em.


    also, here's my "module" & "device" sections from XF86Config-4 that you can use for comparison. not sure if it matters, but thesesections in your post are missing some options (3d layer for glxgears in "modules" section, & vendor name/board name in "device" section.)


    Section "Module"
       Load "dbe" # Double-Buffering Extension
       Load "v4l" # Video for Linux
       Load "extmod"
       Load "type1"
       Load "freetype"
       Load "glx" # 3D layer


    Section "Device"
       Identifier "device1"
       VendorName "NVidia"
       BoardName "NVIDIA GeForce4 (generic)"
       Driver "nvidia"
       Option "DPMS"
       Option "NvAGP" "3"
       Option "NoLogo" "1"



  10. in the file associations dialogue you must use the "add" button to add firefox as your default html application. i can't remember right now if it will opne up a box of available applications to choose from, or if you have to browse to the executable. if it's the former, then just choose firefox & move it to the top of the order. if you have to browse for it, it should be in /usr/bin (or maybe /usr/lib).



  11. for lack of a better idea, i can tar my /icons/large directory & e-mail it to you. shouldn't be more than a couple hundred KB in size. PM me & let me know, & also let me know which version of MDK you're using, 9.2 or 10.0. i have both installed currently.



  12. not exactly sure, but 2 things you could try..........


    open KDE Control Center (kicker->system->configuration->configure your desktop), go to components->file associations & type htm in the search box. make sure firefox is at the top of the "application preference order" & "apply".


    also, in components->session manager, check "restore previous session" if it sin't already, "apply".



  13. a few other things........


    have you tried burning at a lower speed?


    have you tried turning off DAO (disk at once) if it's enabled?


    do you have enough room in the k3b temp directory? i forget the exact default path, but it's somehwere in the /.kde directory in your /home directory.



  14. if i'm understanding correctly, since you changed /root to hda6 your /swap has now changed also to hda6, unless you have /swap on a partition other than hda6. you would need to also change any of the entries in lilo that read.............








    make sure you sun lilo -v after saving the changes.


    if you want to copy fstab to a floppy, you're gonna need to mount the floppy drive first. to mount the floppy drive, insert a blank floppy & at the terminal prompt, as root, type...........


    mount /dev/fd0


    then to copy fstab type............


    cp /etc/fstab /mnt/floppy



  15. no, more fonts won't put stress on memory load in Linux. Windows & Linux are like apples & oranges when it comes to memory management. so, feel free to knock yer socks off with as many fonts as you like. :P



  16. i've had that happen to me several times. that's usually indicative of a mirror being down. i would suggest try using an alternate mirror if/when you run into that problem. you can choose one using the easyurpmi method mentioned above, or in your MCC->software manager, open the media manager, click "add", choose update source, choose a mirror from the list, let it overwrite your existing source when it gives you the warning that an update source already exists.



  17. try this..........


    right click on the KDE desktop, choose "new"->"icon"->"device" (or something similar to that path. i'm at work & going from memory, but you want to end up with "device" or "link to device", whatever it's called). for the device, browse to your cdrom device, name it, choose an icon for it, "apply". see if the new icon works. if you have magicdev installed you should be able to just click on the icon & the drive will (provided you have a cd inserted with media on it) open up. if you don't have magicdev, then right click the icon, choose "actions", then click "mount" to mount it. same thing to unmount it.



  18. if you want a desktop icon for Konq in superuser mode, do the following..........


    (please note, i'm going from memory here, so you may have to modify some of this, but it's easy enough to figure out)


    right click the KDE desktop, choose "create new"->"icon"->"application" (or something very similar to that) name it whatever you like, in the executable tab use the following as the command....... kdesu konqueror ............. then choose an icon of your own desire, "apply", "ok". now, when you click on it, a password dialogue box will open up asking for the root password. enter it & Kong file manager will open in superuser (IE: root) mode & you will be able to manipulate any file you desire.


    conversely, if you don't want to clutter your desktop with an extra icon, you can accomplish the same thing in terminal (or Konsole). as normal user at the prompt type kdesu konqueror (hit enter) & the password box will pop up, then open Konq in superuser mode. or, in terminal su to root & just type konqueror & that will open Konq in superuser mode without asking for a password.


    also, you can add a shortcut (if you like) somewhere in your Kicker menu using the same command for the executable. right click kicker "K" (or the star), choose menu editor, click the "add" button, fill in the blanks as you did for the desktop icon, click "save" when done.



  19. instead of Kaboodle, give MPlayer a try. see my post in This Thread about setting up sources & which packages to get.


    i tried Kaboodle (& various other players) early on, but i could never get any of them to play all files. MPlayer does this for me, both audio & video, Windows & non Windows file types alike. if i remember correctly, Kaboodle could never play a .wmv file. maybe that's supposedly changed with the latest version, but i haven't looked into it in a while since i've settled on MPlayer.



  20. the easiest way i've found to get MPlayer working flawlessly is to go to Easy URPMI & set up PLF, contrib, & main sources. then use Mandrake Control Center->software installer & search for Mplayer. get all the PLF Mplayer apps. then search for codecs. get all the codecs from PLF & a few you'll find in contrib. it will all set up itself. you might have to manually choose your audio & video drivers in Mplayer preferrences, but via the above method Mplayer should be able to play any file type you throw at it. the following packages are what's needed.......





    win32 codecs

    divx codecs

    xmms codecs


    there may be another one, i'm going from memory. basically, just get all the codecs packages that come up in the search.

  21. they meant to say symlink (IE: symbolic link). it's a virtual connection (of sorts) to an exectuable, without having to put the actual executable in the autostart directory.


    how to do it? ok, i'll give you three methods, from easy GUI to easy CLI........


    method 1 (GUI). you can just copy & paste the executable file that you want to start automatically in the ./kde/autostart directory. find the binary or script files that start those apps (they should be in the /usr/bin directory) & just copy & paste them to the /autostart directory.


    method 2 (GUI). if you want to do a symlink (preferred method) via GUI, open Konqueror file manager, go to file in the top menu bar (it might be edit......i'm at work so i'm going by memory), select "create new", then "file", then select "link to application", browse to the executable you want to link, click "ok"/"apply".


    method 3 (CLI). open a terminal (or Konsole). navigate to your autostart directory (type..... cd /.kde/autostart & hit enter) then for a symlink, type.........


    ln -s /path/to/executable (hit enter)


    where /path to executable might look like........


    ln -s /usr/bin/ksmoothdock.sh (or whatever the ksmoothdock executable name is)



  22. did you use system to make any changes hardware/graphics related? i haven't had a chance to test the theory, but i'm guessing if you use MCC to make a graphics related system change (especially XFDrake) that it's rewriting your XF86Config-4 file & possibly buggering up the edits you made to it for Nvidia.


    actually, now that i reread your post, you don't mention editing the XF86Config-4 file during your Nvidia driver installation. you must edit the "module" section for glx/3d & the "device" section for nvidia (& a few other options sometimes.). if you're not doing that, try doing so then make changes in MCC. if you don't know what i mean, post back & i'll explain in detail.


    if you are doing the proper editing, as a test, you can properly configure XF86Config-4, make sure the nividia drivers are working, then do a change in MCC to reproduce the situation, then check in /etc/X11 for a XF86Config-4.old or .~ file. that will be the automatic backup for that file created by MCC/XFDrake. see if it's changed from the current XF86 file.


    gotta go to work.........



  23. ok, check this..........


    go to the same place (look n feel->icons->advanced). there should be a box on the left that says "use of icons" with various entries in it. go through each entry & make sure the "animate icons" box is unchecked for each one. only "desktop/file manager" & "panel" should have that option, but check 'em all just in case yours differs. "apply", restart KDE if needed.



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