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Posts posted by igotnoluck

  1. Hi,

    i'm trying to connect to my ISP using PPTP connection.

    i've configured the following files / settings:


    1. i've installed the pptp-linux package


    and i've done steps 2-5 in this thread:

    Problem with VPN


    now my ifconfig is:

    [root@localhost peers]# ifconfig
    eth0	  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:16:17:BC:2C:84
    	  inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
    	  inet6 addr: fe80::216:17ff:febc:2c84/64 Scope:Link
    	  RX packets:247543 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
    	  TX packets:25100 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
    	  collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
    	  RX bytes:42039565 (40.0 MiB)  TX bytes:4021366 (3.8 MiB)
    	  Interrupt:23 Base address:0x2c00
    lo		Link encap:Local Loopback
    	  inet addr:  Mask:
    	  inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
    	  UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:1
    	  RX packets:67 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
    	  TX packets:67 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
    	  collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
    	  RX bytes:5206 (5.0 KiB)  TX bytes:5206 (5.0 KiB)
    ppp0	  Link encap:Point-to-Point Protocol
    	  inet addr:  P-t-P:  Mask:
    	  RX packets:9748 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
    	  TX packets:9805 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
    	  collisions:0 txqueuelen:3
    	  RX bytes:7002604 (6.6 MiB)  TX bytes:1534588 (1.4 MiB)


    using the pptp command:

    pptp pns.barak.net.il call barak


    and i've routed as following:

    route add -host pns.barak.net.il gw
    route add -net gw
    route add -net default ppp0


    now the thing is that the network is working fine BUT

    the connection is realy slow, i think its the DNS server, but how can i config the DNS for the ppp0 connection ?

    and the second thing is: can i change the to eth0 ?




  2. # Here you can specify the packages that won't be upgraded automatically
    # for example, to exclude all apache packages :
    # /^apache/

    thanks, i've looked up iun google and saw it was regular expressions, so i've managed :)


    the problem is a bug in xfdrake, not the driver. To work around the bug install the 100 version properly, check that is working (by restarting the x server or rebooting), uninstall everything nvidia related (especially the precompiled nvidia kernel package), now install the latest nvidia and nvidia dkms package (and your kernel's devel package), restart and know you should have the latest nvidia working




    i think for now i will stay with the 100 version with the dkms and try to fix it in a week or so,

    thanks :)

  3. Did you install it using the proprietary nvidia installer, or RPM's from the non-free repo?


    i've installed it through the dkms-current


    According to Nvidia, the new driver (169) works with your card. Why do you think you need to stay with an older driver?


    when i install this one i get no Xserver :( just finished to fix the problem a week ago, the problem was the version


    i'll try the skip list, but what do i write there ? the package name? or the package files ?

  4. Hi,

    i have a little problem with my 2008. my nvidia card (FX5500) needs the 100 version so i've installed it but since then when i try to update my packages i get the list and in the list there is no nvidia update but still when i push the update button i get an nvidia update.


    how do i tell urpmi or package update not to update the nvidia ?


  5. I suspect that a lot of new Linux users suffer from the Windows syndrome and the problems they had in Windows and actually look for a problem that doesn't really exist in Linux since Linux uses Memory quite differently.


    i think i'm one of this cases :)


    thank you all i will now try to reorgenize my partitions :)


  6. Hi,

    i want to change the partitions on my hdd from the current (not good paratitioning) to a better one, i have 2 questions:

    1. is there a program which allow me to change the partitions without remount / reinstall

    2. what is the best options for partitioning, now i'm using a bad one but i want to change to this:


    #1 /boot - 100mb

    #2 /swap - 2GB (my ram is 2GB)

    #3 / - 15 GB

    #4 /usr - 15GB

    #5 /home - 50GB

    #6 fat32 - 90 GB


    should i mount var ? tmp ? and if so how big should i make them ?

  7. i just finished 2 days of trying to install the nvidia drviers and finally i was able to do so.

    try installing the dkms-nvidia-current but install the 100.something version and not the 169 version becuase the second one bugged my X too.


    now do you have the X server working or it does not load ?

    if not try this:

    change the /etc/X11/xorg.config file like this:

    the line where you have Driver="nvidia" to Driver="nv"

    then reboot (init 5 didn't work for me :( )

    then the Xserver should work back with the default driver

  8. well thank you thank you thank you

    success if finally here :)


    i've managed to install it. thanks filochard and dark

    by the combination of both of your suggestions i made it.

    in the new testing HDD i've installed i was able to install it and everything is ok. and now for the non testing HDD :)


    and again thank you

    the problem was the kernel after all.


    thank you all

  9. thanks for the reply

    i read what you wrote but i have some problems:

    you need to have the source packages for this 2 kernels

    where are the so called packages ? and how do i link them to the dkms ?



    you said i need to choose the desktop. kernel in grub then install the dkms packages but only the 100.14.19 version of each

    packeage that i need (like Dark said) or only the dkms-nvidia-current-100.14.19-1mdv2008.0 ?


    thanks, and sorry for the low knowledge i'm new to linux in that filed (until now all i needed was programming but now i want to move from windows)

  10. could it be that the kernel is the problem ?

    i mean, i've installed the newest kernel but still it loads the instead ?

    maybe this is the problem ?


    i can only start the kernel if i choose it in the GRUB menu (now i've chosen it as the Default option)

    i'm now going to buy a new USB Adapter for my IDE HDD and backup everything and reinstall the linux from scratch.


    i will then try to create my own testing version of linux to try and abuse it :)

    wish me luck i'm going for it,

    i'll report back when i'll find out more

  11. OK i've this things:

    1. iv'e restarted my computer and chose the kernel of

    2. then i've uninstalled every nvidia package i found then reinstall it

    3. after the installation ended without any errors i opened XFdrake

    4. i rechose the nvidia driver for my card

    5. when the system asked if i want to use more options i said yes and saw that the linux is installing some nvidia packages

    6. after that if i do test i get this error:

    drakx11: Fatal IO error 104 (Connection reset by peer) on X server :9.0

    and in the window the error is a bit different but the same


    if i choose quit then save when i restart the Xserver won't start until i change the /etc/X11xorf.config file

    from driver=nvidia back to nv

    but then the driver is the same and i still don't have any nvidia drivers :(


    any suggestions ? please ! :huh:

  12. OK, i made some progress, i searched google a little more and found sometihng anout putting links inside the kernel directory (build and source)

    so i did it and then i got this:

    [root@localhost ~]# urpmi dkms-nvidia-current
    installing dkms-nvidia-current-169.07-1mdv2008.0.i586.rpm from /var/cache/urpmi/rpms
    Preparing...					 #############################################
      1/1: dkms-nvidia-current   #############################################
    Creating symlink /var/lib/dkms/nvidia-current/169.07-1mdv2008.0/source ->
    DKMS: add Completed.
    Preparing kernel for module build:
    (This is not compiling a kernel, just preparing kernel symbols)
    Storing current .config to be restored when complete
    Running Generic preparation routine
    make mrproper......
    using /proc/config.gz
    make oldconfig......
    make prepare.....
    Building module:
    cleaning build area....
    make KERNELRELEASE= SYSSRC=/lib/modules/ module......
    cleaning build area....
    cleaning kernel tree (make mrproper)....
    DKMS: build Completed.
    Running module version sanity check.
    - Original module
      - This kernel never originally had a module by this name
    - Installation
      - Installing to /lib/modules/
    DKMS: install Completed.

    i think its ok now, i will do a restart and check :)

  13. i get this:

    [root@localhost ~]# urpmi kernel-desktop-latest
    Package kernel-desktop-latest- is already installed
    Packages kernel-desktop-latest-, kernel-desktop-latest- can not be installed

    i don't understand why sometimes it install things for and some time for ?

    maybe this is the problem ? and i don't think the problem is for cooker section can someone from the administration could please move the topic back to hardware or software :)

  14. after i fixed the misspell i get this:

    root@localhost ~]# urpmi dkms-nvidia-current
    Package dkms-nvidia-current-169.07-1mdv2008.0.i586 is already installed
    Package dkms-nvidia-current-100.14.19-1mdv2008.0.i586 can not be installed

    and after removing it and trying again i get the same error as before:

    DKMS: add Completed.
    Error! Your kernel source for kernel cannot be found at
    /lib/modules/ or /lib/modules/
    You can use the --kernelsourcedir option to tell DKMS where it's located.

    what am i doing wrong here ? the output for uname -r is:

    so this is the right kernel ? ihave another kernel in /lib/modules

    which is and it has the build@ directory ? the 22.9 doesn't have?

    i'm a newb so maybe i'm just shooting blind here :wall:

  15. By "2008.1" you mean Cooker- or is it a typo?


    typo. sorry i mean 2008.0 :)


    when i try to run what you said i get:

    [root@localhost nimrod]# urpmi dkms-nvidia-current
    installing dkms-nvidia-current-169.07-1mdv2008.0.i586.rpm from /var/cache/urpmi/rpms
    Preparing...					 #############################################
      1/1: dkms-nvidia-current   #############################################
    Creating symlink /var/lib/dkms/nvidia-current/169.07-1mdv2008.0/source ->
    DKMS: add Completed.
    Error! Your kernel source for kernel cannot be found at
    /lib/modules/ or /lib/modules/
    You can use the --kernelsourcedir option to tell DKMS where it's located.


    do i need to run this after i init 3 ? (stop the X server ?)

  16. Hi,

    well I've searched a lot of time and still i can't install the driver, I'm using a FX 5500 Nvidia card in 2008.0 system

    my kernel is kernel-

    I've download the nvidia-current-kernel- - nvidia-current driver for kernel

    through the package installer but still it does not do anything (maybe i need to run something ?)


    please help :)

    thanks :wall:


    [moved from Cooker - arctic]

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