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Everything posted by alaa

  1. the bad signature thing probably means you don't have the PLF PGP/GPG key.
  2. this means mplayer cannot run in hardware accelration mode (xv extension). try to run it with -vo x11 option. BTW what kind of graphics card do you have?? cheers, Alaa
  3. alaa

    gnome vs kde

    PekWM, PekWM, PekWM PeeeeeeeeekWM :-) takes less ram than fluxbox and blakbox yet offers true pixmap themes. has window grouping (tabs), autoproperties, dynamic menus anda powerful keygrabber. combine it with a few dockapps and some launcher and you have a great looking, lightweight easy to use desktop. cheers, Alaa
  4. no hotmail does not support POP3. but gotmail is a script that goes to the hotmail website, logs in and grabs your emails for you, it reformats them as normal emails and puts them in a spoolfile. effectivly turning your dreaded hotmail account into a POP3 one (its much slower than pop3 really). I never tried this with Hotmail but my wife insists on using her Yahoo account so I did the same setup with fetchyahoo and sylpheed. >btw-alaa, i have an apartment mate with that same name well alaa is not a full representation of my name since Arabic has weird letters, your friend could have one of many names that are generally written as alaa. cheers, Alaa
  5. you can download the mail to a unix spool using a tools like gotmail @ http://www.nongnu.org/gotmail/ and getwmail @ http://www.btinternet.com/~fnarr.fnarr4019...9/getwmail.html then you can configure kmail to read emails for the spool file. this takes care of receiving, for sending you'll need to install a mailserver. urpmi postfix should do the trick, then configure kmail to use localhost as the smtp server. sorry I cannot be of more help, I don't use kmail or hotmail. cheers, Alaa
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