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Velichko Sarev

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Everything posted by Velichko Sarev

  1. Thank you. I did it and everythink is fine exept my PHP configuration. When I tried to open *.php file save dialog box is shown. in my opinion apache server can not recognized the *.php files. Do you have any idea how canI fix it?
  2. I have these packages: apache-mod_authz_ldap-2.0.54_0.26-3mdk apache-mod_auth_radius-2.0.54_1.5.7-4mdk apache-mod_kitchensink-2.0.54_1.1-2mdk apache-mod_php-2.0.54_5.0.4-4mdk apache-mod_auth_msfix-2.0.54_0.2.1-2mdk apache-mod_smtpd-2.0.54_0.9-0.r235759.2mdk apache-mod_auth_external-2.0.54_2.2.9-3mdk apache-mpm-peruser-2.0.54-13.3.20060mdk apache-mod_diagnostics-2.0.54_0.1-2mdk apache-mod_cache-2.0.54-13.3.20060mdk apache-mod_auth_kerb-2.0.54_5.0-3mdk apache-mod_clamav-2.0.54_0.21-2mdk apache-mod_layout-2.0.54_4.0.1a-3mdk apache-conf-2.0.54-12mdk apache-mod_auth_mysql-2.0.54_2.9.0-3mdk apache-mod_fcgid-2.0.54_1.04-2mdk apache-mod_disk_cache-2.0.54-13.3.20060mdk apache-mod_bwshare-2.0.54_0.1.3-2mdk apache-mod_dav_svn-2.0.54_1.2.1-6mdk apache-doc-2.0.54-2mdk apache-base-2.0.54-13.3.20060mdk apache-mod_coredumper-2.0.54_0.1.0-2mdk apache-mod_fastcgi-2.0.54_2.4.2-3mdk apache-mod_dav-2.0.54-13.3.20060mdk apache-mod_loopback-2.0.54_2.1-2mdk apache-mod_ssl+distcache-2.0.54-6mdk apache-mod_ip_count-2.0.54_2.0-2.r32.1mdk apache-mod_dnsbl_lookup-2.0.54_0-0.r239344.1mdk apache-mod_dosevasive-2.0.54_1.10-2mdk apache-mpm-prefork-2.0.54-13.3.20060mdk apache-mod_bw-2.0.54_0.5-2mdk apache-mod_authz_svn-2.0.54_1.2.1-6mdk apache-mod_geo-2.0.54_1.3.0-2mdk apache-mod_proxy-2.0.54-13.3.20060mdk apache-HTML-Embperl-2.0.54_2.0.0-1mdk apache-mod_log_sql-2.0.54_1.100-2mdk apache-mod_dnsbl_lookup-devel-2.0.54_0-0.r239344.1mdk apache-mod_deflate-2.0.54-13.3.20060mdk apache-mod_fortress-2.0.54_1.0-1mdk apache-modules-2.0.54-13.3.20060mdk apache-mod_file_cache-2.0.54-13.3.20060mdk apache-mod_auth_xradius-2.0.54_0.4.5-2mdk apache-mod_activex_filter-2.0.54_0.2b-2mdk apache-mod_injection-2.0.54_0.3.1-2mdk apache-mod_chm-2.0.54_0.3.1-2mdk apache-mod_globalerror-2.0.54_1.0.1-4mdk apache-mod_dav_repos-2.0.54_0.9.0-1mdk apache2-mod_auth_remote-2.0.53_0.1-5mdk apache-mod_auth_nds-2.0.54_2.0-2mdk apache-mod_cfg_ldap-2.0.54_1.2-3mdk apache-mod_benchmark-2.0.54_2.0.0-2mdk apache-mod_perl-2.0.54_2.0.1-6mdk apache-mod_auth_sdb-2.0.54_0.12-2mdk apache-mod_countm-2.0.54_3.0-2mdk apache-mod_dnsbl-2.0.54_0.10-2mdk apache-devel-2.0.54-13.3.20060mdk apache-mod_ldap-2.0.54-13.3.20060mdk apache-mod_auth_shadow-2.0.54_2.0-4.1.20060mdk apache-mod_auth_pgsql-2.0.54_2.0.2b1-3.1.20060mdk apache-mod_encoding-2.0.54_0.0.20021209-2mdk apache-mod_authenticache-2.0.54_2.0.8-2mdk apache-mod_ssl-2.0.54-6.1.20060mdk apache-mod_log_sqlite-2.0.54_0.08-2mdk apache-mod_auth_remote-2.0.54_0.1-3mdk
  3. I alredy install it, but when I tried to start it i get an error: [root@localhost httpd]# service httpd start Starting httpd: Syntax error on line 3 of /etc/httpd/modules.d/14_mod_auth_radius.conf: Cannot load /etc/httpd/extramodules/mod_auth_radius.so into server: /etc/httpd/extramodules/mod_auth_radius.so: undefined symbol: ap_snprintf [FAILED] Do you know what is the reason. If you know some guide how can I configure it with Mandriva , please let me know. Thank you in advance.
  4. I installed it by Mandriva control center. When I click on this rpm the description is: Description: This package contains the apache utilities such as Apache Bench (ab) for stress testing your apache installation and several tools for managing user databases, access control, the apache logs and more. In my opinion it is not a Version 2.0.54 of the web server(Correct me if I am wrong). So, based on this think in my opinion i have only one varsion of apache 1.3.33 Thank you.
  5. I could not found it :(. Please, let me know wha are you eaxaclly mean?
  6. Hi Everybody, I would like to install Apache 2.0.54 on my Mandriva. I saw that current version in mAndriva 2006 is Apache 1.3(It is too old). I had updated my easy-urpmi but the current version for installing is still Apache 1.3. Do you know a solution how can I install version 2.0.54. Thank you in advance!
  7. Hi Everybody, I tried to update my Mandriva from Control center. I saw that there are some updates the I do not have them, so I decide to install then. Every time when I start the instalation I get the following question: The following packages have to be removed for others to be upgraded: libarts1-devel-1.4.2-2mdk.i586 (due to missing devel(libqt-mt)) libqt3-devel-3.3.4-23mdk.i586 (due to unsatisfied libqt3 == 3.3.4-23mdk) Is it ok to continue? My answer is yes.After that I get a message box ¨Verify package signature...¨. During this message box is shown I get the following error: There was a problem during the installation: devel(libartsflow) is needed by libkdecore4-devel-3.4.2-31.4.20060mdk.i586 devel(libartsflow_idl) is needed by libkdecore4-devel-3.4.2-31.4.20060mdk.i586 devel(libkmedia2_idl) is needed by libkdecore4-devel-3.4.2-31.4.20060mdk.i586 devel(libmcop) is needed by libkdecore4-devel-3.4.2-31.4.20060mdk.i586 devel(libqtmcop) is needed by libkdecore4-devel-3.4.2-31.4.20060mdk.i586 devel(libqt-mt) is needed by libkdecore4-devel-3.4.2-31.4.20060mdk.i586 devel(libsoundserver_idl) is needed by libkdecore4-devel-3.4.2-31.4.20060mdk.i586 kdebase-kcontrol-nsplugins = 1:3.4.2-55mdk is needed by (installed) kdebase-nsplugins-3.4.2-55mdk.i586 kdebase-progs = 1:3.4.2-55mdk is needed by (installed) kdebase-nsplugins-3.4.2-55mdk.i586 Do you have any idea why I get the problem during the installation? Thank you in advance!
  8. Thank you very match! I solve the issue and everythink works fine now :) . I used svnserve. The format is svn://ip or host/full/path/to/repository. I used CVS. For first time I will work with SVN .... however I add one folder that contains one txt file.When I check in the repository /db folder I did not saw the specific structure of the folder(with one text file inside),however I saw something like binaries files. How can I get the same file structure(Folder and one text file inside it)?
  9. Thank you verry match. I alredy installed and configured it. When I try to checkout my repository I ger an error "unable to open ra_local session to url". The checkout string is file:/// Do you have some idea how can I solve the issue?
  10. I already get easy-urpmi .... I have several rpm files: lib64subversion1_0-devel, lib64subversion1_0-static-devel, subversion-client-tools, subversion-doc, subversion-repos, subversion-repo-tools, subversion-server and zope-CMFSubversionBrowser. All of these files are version 1.2.1. The Mandriva that I have is x64. In my opinion I should install subversion-client-tools, subversion-doc, subversion-repos, subversion-repo-tools and subversion-server. Probably I should use the installation instruction here: http://geocities.com/firsttimelinux/progra...ioncontrol.html . Am I rigth? I would like to install it ,after that to create repository. I would like to use TortoiseSVN x64 as Windows client. I already download it.
  11. I am so sorry about my second post with the same descriprion!!! I double checked SVN web site but there is no installation for Mandriva.Which distribution shoud I use? I laso checked in Mandriva Control Center (insrall/remove rpm) , but there is no installation for SVN also. Can you show me a link where I can get SVN 1.2 or 1.3? Thank you in advance!
  12. Hi Guys, I looking for installable version of SVN 1.4 or 1.3 for Mandriva 2006. I founf a guide http://summersoft.fay.ar.us/pub/subversion...redhat-9.0/bin/ where is described the installation of SVN. I tried to installed it but every time I recieve an error (Some package requested cannot be installed: apr-util-0.9.5-0.1.i386 (due to unsatisfied liblber.so.2)). I download all of rpm files from this link, because I think that there is some dependency between then, but actioly there is no. Is somebody know how can I gat a installation of SVN 1.4 or 1.3 and configuration guide. Thank you in advance!
  13. OK I get the client fot windows, but I am not sure how can I install SVN on my mandriva. Do you know how can I do that? Can you refer me which file I will need to install?
  14. Hi Everybody, I would like to install cvn on my box. I saw in control center taht I have cvs, but I could not found svn. Do you kno how can I install and configure svn on Mandriva 2006 x64? I also looking for Windows client. I used Tortoise CVS, but I ma not sure, is it works with svn? Thank you in advance!
  15. Hi Everybody, I would like to onfigure my Database,DNS,FTP,Samba and Web Server(Apache). I tried to find a guide about it, but I could not. I pass a command in terminal "ps -ax" and I saw that my server is already installed.So, when I write http://localhost in my browser I get a message "Its work". So in my opinion my web server works properly. How can I configure and check that other servers works also? Thank you in advance!
  16. Hi guys, I tried to post this in other topic(weblink) but I get a error message something like this: you do not have a permision to add post in this topic?. Do you know what is the reason? So, I have a Mandriva account. I sign in http://kiosk.mandriva.com/ and I try to download this book (kiosk.mandriva.com/bundle/bundle-mandriva-doc-2006.0) in order to help me during server configuration DB, Samba and etc. , but I get an error ?You must have a valid Kiosk account to download this bundle.. Hid ow can I do a valid Koisk account? Thank you in advance!
  17. Thank you very mutch guys. I alredy execute the command ¨urpmi.update -a¨ but after its execution I try do download one packege .... so, the package is installed properly, but I get the same error messsage again :(. In my opinion these updates from easyurpmi are different from these which are located in MCC, because I installed these from easyurpmi on my computer this morrning ... When I checked for aviable updates before 5 minutes ago, the list of updates was not empty ...
  18. Hi, I used Mandriva 2006 x64.I tried to install some servers as MySQL, Apache and etc from Mandriva Control Center, but every time I get an error.The error message is ¨medium ¨updates¨ uses an invalid list file :mirror is probably is not up-to-date. Try to use alternate method.¨ Do you have some idea how can i solve the issue.
  19. I update my kernel version to 2.6.12-25mdk and everything if fine now :). Thank you Very match for your subserve! In my opinion some moduls was not attached to the kernel correctly. Thank yuo again:)
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