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Posts posted by spinynorman

  1. you should be able to fix up your keys.

    for bad signatures in security updates,you can import the security team keys with:

    # gpg --recv-keys --keyserver pgp.mit.edu 0x22458A98

    I haven't had any problems with the updates themselves, but even with the keys installed, I get bad signatures with the email advisories. :huh:

  2. The Register is offering free tools to make data hygiene more convenient:


    The WipeSwap script will automatically detect your swap device, stop it, wipe it securely, and re-create it. This usually takes only 20-30 minutes. The swap partition is a great accumulator of unforeseen and/or forgotten data, and should be wiped regularly. This makes it easy and safe.


    The WipeFree scripts will securely wipe un-allocated disk space, where the remnants of deleted files may remain. Again, this merely simplifies the process.

  3. I seem to be talking to myself on this topic  :lol2:  so

    if anybody wants me to just shut up, let me know and

    I will take it offline. I'm just sitting here playing with my

    mental blocks.  :cheeky:

    Don't be discouraged - at least you're providing a clear path for those who may follow you... bike.gif


    On an unrelated point - why do you have such wide margins? :huh:

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