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Posts posted by mateamargo

  1. I have just changed the permission, and now the file is green.

    But I'm still can't see the plugin.

    If I run the program through Konsole I can see this messages:


    libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3: no se puede abrir el fichero del objeto compartido: No existe el fichero o el directorio


    Says that cannot load the file from the shared object, because it doesn't exist.

    Can this affect to the plugin?


    EDIT: YES!!, I just installed this library and now I can listen VQF


    Thanks for the help.

  2. Well, if i run the command "amule" it says that is not possible run that. And there is no amule folder or file inside /usr/bin/


    I don't know what to do, because if I run the RPM appears a window saying that the package is going to install.

    I click "Install" and type my root password.

    The next window is a warning saying that can't access the file "hdlist" from <<update_source>> :mellow:

    After that appears a progress bar, when finish, a "Installation complete" messages appear.

  3. Hi, ok, first of all, I'm pretty new in Mandriva.


    I have downladed the last rpm of amule. I ran it and it says that has been installed succesfully.

    But my question is: WHERE.


    I can't find it anywhere.

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