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Everything posted by orts

  1. thanks, maybe it's time for me to get new glasses
  2. Hi Can anyone point me to a site where I can find the scheduelded release date for Mandriva 2007.1 Spring?
  3. Sorry, both my ears are warm and lightning red right now :woops: I only needed a reboot and my keyboard was working just fine again. You can set this to solved. Thanks for this great site.
  4. Now I have a KDE 3.5.4 installed and it's working about 90%, and it's only 90% because I don't have a danish keyboard, no it is a english setup and that pretty annoying, and more words than usually in KDe is in english not so iritating than th english keyboard. I have installed kde-i18n-da-3.5.4-1mdv2007.0 any one who has an idea to solve this problem? I have checked the setup in MCC language selection and in /etc/X11/xorg.conf and both places it's set to danish ( da and DK) Is there any more places to look? then please tell me. And please be pacient with me I'm haven't been using linux for very long
  5. I could not change from KDM to GDM in mcc in failsafe. But I did uninstall kde, move xorg.conf to another location and now I can login to Gnome, but with a keyboard that isn't reliable, it does now and then type something els than supposed to :o So I'll try to reinstall kde 3.5.4 and the next time I'll run an auto update, it will be without the MDE repositority. Thanks for your help. Regards Henrik
  6. It was already there. Is it possible to change from KDM login screen to GDM anywhere when I'm in failsafe?
  7. Hey. today I should out of the house for a couple of hours and needed to update my Mandriva 2007, so I wrote In the konsole and went away, when I came home I could see that my KDE was updated to version 3.5.5 from MDE, but I couldn't see all that was updatet. But how ever I shut down the PC 'cause I shouldn't use it for a couple of hours, then when I should use it again, I couldn't log in because my keyboard won't start. I really hope you can help me. Tell me which I files I have to find and where to change. But forst of all, is it possible to shift to GDM and GNOME by changing in some files when I'm in failsafe? If yes where? be cause I dont know how paste other files in this board when I'm in failsafe, and I really don't hope that I have to reinstall Mandriva again, I did it just this friday ( because I didn't use my head) Regards Henrik
  8. Thanks, just what I was looking for
  9. I've done it twice, the first time was 45 minuttes after I installed Mandrake 10.0 (my first linux dist.) 10 minutter later I startet to reinstall. The second time was last spring/early summer to show a friend how mouch more I/he could do when logged in as root, and the only reason that I did it the last time, was because I was going to give Fedora 5 a shot. Let the new Mandriva users try to log in as root one time shortly after they have installed Mandriva for the first time, and let them learn their first linux leason :P And now a little of topic does anyone now a site with a lot of commands for the konsole?
  10. Ok then I'll try that one. Thanks for your help
  11. Thanks, but can I use official, on a Free Edition?
  12. Hey I've just installed Mandriva 2007 Free Edition, but now I'm wondering is there any source's that I can use for the final configuration af my install? I'm pretty sure that I can't use the 2007 community source's or am I wrong? I'm really missing Quanta and Bluefish, but most of all I need Krusader.
  13. orts


    To be safe I'll suggest that yuo send them as zip-files, cause that if they don't have a thirdparty archive software installed, they can't open anything els than zip-archives. :D
  14. Thanks, but it wasn't needed this time. I tried the BETA2 (I think it was) and in that one I didn't succed the login, but tonight I have installed the RC2 livecd, with succes :D So now I'm back in Mandriva Regards Orts
  15. I know this isn't the most clever question, but how do I login on Mandriva One 2007 livecd? As far as I recall from Mandriva One 2006, I have to login as guest but I cna't remember the password and I can't find it anywere. I really hope that someone can help me, so I can see if Mandriva 2007 can go on the internet with my Ethernet card (Uli 1689) if it can, then I can come "home" to Mandriva again. Regards Orts
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