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Posts posted by Gowator

  1. My hack isn't graceful but works :-)


    I need to either buy a new cell phone or send it away for 3 weeks for repair. Be real careful with that volume button. Once you loose it you revert to minimal volume every time you switch off.


    p.s. Found it needs rebooting every so often. If not it refuses to dial out??


    I'm starting to dislike the phone. Its slow, you can speed it up apparently its underclocked to preserve battery life.


    Also my charging socket is damaged so sometimes it just stops charging. Eeek.... I wish Sony would bring some more extras out like Nokia do. Its annoying not being able to make my own theme or whatever.


    Software bugs too. Apart from the reboot issue, try and send a contact by SMS. You can't getto the address book so you have to write down the persons number your sending it to. Kinda defeats the object cos if you were going to do that you mightest well write down the one your sending....


    Also the sms memory is seperate to other memory. You can have lots left but still have to delete the sms's.




    Anyway, it beats my old motorolla menu's hands down but I might just get a Nokia to replace it.

  2. I finally got a phone line today :-)


    So I should be able to :

    Jeez the list is so long what will I do first.


    247 security updates (and counting).

    I had the same with squid after using the Mdk proxy wizard.

    Wiped out the Mdk config and redid it with webmin and it worked.

    (oh and created a squid user since mkd proxy wiz was setting it up as root.)


    The mysql stuff however won't start becuase it exists but I did try from Webmin :-)

  3. Firstly is it just the extraction to wav thats slow or the actual rip to MP3


    If its the latter then a different encoder might be better?

    Have you tried recomiling the encoder (LAME/....) for your processor. I'm not sure if this will help but possibly some MM processor functions aren't being enabled.


    Try benchmarking your CD and disk as well. If you have a reasonalbe amount of memory then you can just use


    time cp <largefile> /tmp

    largefile should be no more than 1/4 of the size of free mempry to prevent swapping.

    This should give a figure for reads.


    time cp /tmp/<largefile> /<differentname>

    Disk writes.


    Or you can do the job properly but this should give a ballpark.



    Did you add the IDE tuning in lilo???

  4. What connection ? Modem/cable/DSL?


    Is it just your conenction freezes?


    If your cable/dsl are you using usb or ethernet ...



    Have you tried a different bowser or even ftp from prompt, it it maybe

  5. edit: Still having the same problem in MDK although the e-smith install went perfectly. Checked the PHPBB forum too but only similar problem was with RH and the fix was to download updated RPM's





    Yep, I guess this is the place to ask.


    Last night I installed PHPBB2 from the install Cd's (Mdk 9.0)

    rpmdrake via urpmi found the deps for mysql.


    When I try and start mysql the daemon starts then dies ...

    Any hints ....

  6. First soulese, be really carefull with your volume button, they come off.

    Mine is f****d, i can't turn the volume up anymore unless I buy a bluetooth headset!


    OK, Ive got it working as a hack.

    The bluetooth dongle is autodetected and the relevant modules loaded.

    But I can't get it working as a modem although I haven't tried that hard.


    My hack is I run Win98 in vmware and use it from there. First you need to disable the modules with a rmmod. I think its bluez you need to remove and then start the virtual session. Its really cool for access on the train etc.


    Regarding the t68i though I can't transfer anything apart from addesses and agendas. I want to back up my text messages etc but no chance.

  7. Yeah, its starting to look like either bad luck or the boxed sets shipped to stores (or certain stores) were inferior quality.


    I tried them on several CD readers although to be honest they were all DVD readers in reality. The rough edges, roundness issue is still there though. They shake around when the Cd spins up and the edges are generally rough. I'll scan one and show you :-)


    I bought both 9.0 and 9.1 at FNAC becuase I work next to a massive one (la Defense for the french inhabitants). I wonder if they do there own repro of the Cd's???


    I don't like mail ordering becuase 9/10 the package gets retained at the PTT and I have to take time off work to collect it or it gets destroyed after 14 days if Im away.


    I wanted the DVD powerpack but I don't have a DVD-R so I couldn't make a backup copy ...

  8. 3lade, sounds like you were a 'fair weather windows user'. You know, if it stops working reboot and if it still doesn't work reinstall.

    This is largely normal for windows users becuause it just isn't documented but that is areally big difference in Linux.

    The ultimate documentation is considered the source code but that doesn't mean its all thats out there.


    Ive seen a book called Linux for Windows users but I haven't read it so I can't recommend it, perhaps you could find it in a bookshop and take a look before buying....


    In reality Linux is much simpler than windows, it's just a different way of doing things that you have been conditioned to do one way.


    The Windows registry for instance is a real scary place for a normal user as is playing with windows/system.


    The difference in Linux is config files are usually plain text and almost always in a directory /etc.


    I suggest learning the directory structure first, it will let you understand what is what. By this I mean


    /etc configuration files (aka registry and .ini files)

    /bin executable files for the system windows dir ?

    /sbin special executables usually for root only (windows system)

    /var logs, spool files, things that change all the time (temp)

    /usr user installed files (program files?)


    Subdirs especially X11R6 is the X windows stuff, not considered the core operating system therefore its here.


    /home personal documents etc. (My Documents?) but also like a desktop profile with .kde etc (a dot in front of a directory makes it 'hidden' but if you type ls -a you see them too)


    It may sound complicated but as everyone keeps saying putting the system together from scratch is the best way to learn. I'd recommend start off by using tools for configuring stuff (use the Mdk control centre, or linux conf or webmin) but then look through the files and try and work out what stuff is. You'll learn incrementally. typing man <command> will usually bring up the instructions. You can also use info <command> or look for documentation. /usr/share/docs contains a lot.

  9. Yep, I'm going to give it a go.

    I was going to do LSF and beyond LFS but perhaps this will come first.


    Now I just need to get my DSL connection!


    In all seriousness why knock it, have you tried it? Sound like yuo haven't yet.


    p.s. My first linux install was a slackware 2.0. :-)

    I'm pretty interested into trying the Gentoo for my new shiny XBox once I get a mod chip.

  10. This is a very cool device, especailly if you wanted an external drive anyway. 500 euros or less.

    Basically its a 20GB drive with USB 1.1 as standard and an option for USB2.0 or Firewire. (More later on that).

    It also has stereo out/TV out. So anything you can see on the tiny 1" screen you can see on TV or hear through an amp.


    It also has an audio in that rips to mp3 and a builyt in microphone.

    The whole thing works as a USB Mass stoage and is thus faultless under linux mandrake. The only problem for me at the moment is Im having problems getting usb 2.0 working properly so its being used in usb 1.1.


    You can stick as many mp3's as you have tinme for on there. you have 20GB after all. Of course you can play them too. Ripping is a bit awkward since you need to manually break by pressing a button if your recording a whole CD into seperate tracks.


    You can also watch movies but they must be in simple MP4 with sound in MP3. Video out cable direct to a hotel Tv is great.


    In addition it comes with optional accessories:

    Smart/mmc card readers. USB2.0 lightning fast transfer to/from your storage card. I use this facility when travelling to empty my camera on a daily basis. Once downloaded you can browse your pictures of course.


    Camera Module: Basically 1.1 MPixel camera plugs in, don't have one so can't comment further. Also decodes straight to MP4 for movies.


    Video Module

    Basically a video recording module with remote. Allows direct MP4 recording on the fly.


    Hold fire on buying because the newer ones are comiong out but an outstanding device. Basically it replaces a laptop for entertainment when travelling. download photos, watch movies on hotel TV, listen to music all on a 2 1/2" inch HDD.


    Will submit more as I get the time;




    I just ordered the MP4 ripping hardware for 50 euros.

    I'm pretty impressed all-round with the device and surprised they don't bother with saying it works under Linux....


    If you look at the NEWEST ... > it looks a lot like a QT interface on the frame buffer!


    Considering its about the same price as a portable DVD but with the ability of ripping your own stuff I still think its reasonablly priced.


    I ordered a spare specialist VIDEO/Steeo out cable because I thought I'd lost my old one and had a panic. ?5.99 is pretty reasonable (I think) I mean you'd pay the same for a non custom 1/8th inch to stereo RCA cable in a dept store so the fact this is custom and I'm not ripped off is pretty good.

    Also can't get over the 50?/$ price for the hw MPEG with remote...

    Its like the same proce as a decoder (hollywood/creative) but doing a lot more and comes with remote...

  11. I have a view the same as Steve's. Ive stuck with Mandrake for a long time after kicking RH ater 7.0.


    The bleeding edge stuff not working is one thing but myself and others have had lots of problems with the installation and configuation tools.


    I'm not complaining if the latest version of some minor but pleasant app isn't working but the installer and Mdk Config stuff is another matter. I upgraded fro exactly the same reason as Steve. Yeah, cooler interface and a few niceties but theres nothing wrong in 8.2 or even 9.0 for my purposes. I'd prefer to have gone back to 8.2 than change distro but I can't help feel let down by the sure amount of updates etc. that seem to indicate Mdk 9.1 was premature.


    Given the amount of updates they could have made a 9.0.1 instead and included a few tools on the old kernel. Most of my problems are urmpi or drak.... and its simply frustrating that Mdk released them too early.


    I know lots of people had no problems at all (good for them) but I don't know whether to be happy or sad that after paying for the Pwoerpack boxset the only reliable install comes on a magazine cover. I need to check but I'm presuming some of the rpm's are updated along with the install script.


    I'm finally getting a landline so Ill have DSL at home soon but its unreasonable to expect a newbie with the same problems not to be put off. It appears that broadband access is almost mandatory to get a working version but that isn't the idea when selling box sets.


    P.s. steve did start the thread with gotta rant... so thats what Im doing.

  12. Been away till today.

    You can tell which XF86Config its using from the log file in /var/log/XF*


    Right near the beginiing it should say which one its using.


    If you kept the Redhat install on a different non mounted partition you could try and find the XF86Config-4 on there.


    Alternatively override the generated timings with tthe ones from your montitor book.

  13. Were you using vi (???)


    try a wc -l on /etc/fstab as a quick check


    You etc directroy should have a file called RED-HAT.release or similar.

    This should be the version on mandrake your using ... if not you have the /etc from alt.


    I'm leaving in less than an hour but if you post your lilo.conf and output from lsparts I'll take a look.


    If not someone else might take over :-)


    Did you have a boot floppy for Mdk?

    If you did it should have everything on for Mdk. If you can boot from this then you can copy the lilo stuff from there and also fix your fstab.

  14. I picked up a magazine with http://movix.sourceforge.net/


    First looks are promissing....

    But I just bought an XBOX for 199 Euros.....

    Now I need to source a modchip.... Anyone got ideas....

    Ive seen them empty but how do you upload the cromwell bios?


    Anyway, it seems it will be a perfect TiVo type thing that will play DVD and music too, just gota get rid of the pesky M$ shit on there.


    Anyway, I'm thinking of getting a minimal distro working with the source headers (probably a debian) and compiling FreeVo for XBOX.


    Anyone got any thoughts????? Collaboration ????

    Its all in python and I don't have any python experience but Im willing to learn..


    edit:::Found this



  15. Unless you have cash to burn (in which case I can help) shouldn't you find out whats still working.


    You didn't say what CPU/Mobo you have.


    Personally I like to stay away from any built in stuff because sometimes it can just be a pain to get it working and then a bigger pain to actually disable it.

    (My exception is a shuttle cause its so cute)


    Your K6-2 400 sounds like a perfect file/backup server. :-)


    Anyway, if I were you i'd invest in a cheap multimeter (like 15$) and good for so many things....


    Strip out everything exept CPU/mem (incl. graphics.) have you got an internal speaker, if so couple it up if not already. You should at least get the POST message for video not found.

    Then add your video and check the memory is counting etc.

    If its your PSU its difficult to check, thereas a power-good line (but memory fails although I still remember where it was on the old AT boxes.) The point of doing this is if something is shorted (like the drive) it won't start up. If you just have your mobo, cpu and memory and it doesn't startits likely your CPU. Anyway, between the two machines (processor/memory you might end up with a decent second machine you can use for testing new distros....)

  16. <Esc>:q! (to quit without writing) or <Esc>:wq! (quit and save)

    Its always best to use a pure text editor when playing with lilo or most config files just to make sure you don't stick in any hidden characters.


    It sounds like you installed Alt Linux either OVER or alongside Mandrake.

    You can either reinstall from scratch OR try and fix it.


    The mount pounts it automagically mounts are I think from the lilo so you might still have them OK.


    To check out:

    Do the rescue disk thing but don't try and let it mount them automagically this time. At the console prompt use lsparts. This will list all the partitions on your disks. Write them down, especially the types!!


    Now create a temp mount point for each disk on /mnt

    Lets Say you have hda1 hda5 hda6 hda7 (you still have windows right)


    Windows will probably be in hda1 but CHECK.

    First we'll create mount points:

    cd /mnt

    mkdir hda1 hda5 hda6 hda7 .......


    mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/hda1

    mount /dev/hda5 /mnt/hda5

    mount /dev/hda6 /mnt/hda7

    mount /dev/hda7 /mnt/hda7


    You can use the up arrow and just change the numbers :-)


    Don't worry if one partitiion tells you isn't formatted that will be your swap.


    Now go and cd hda1 and have a look:

    If it looks like windows then write down win part or something in your list.

    Depending how you installed you will find







    You need to identifiy which these are and MAKE SURE they aren't Alt Linux files.

    IF you have a /boot it will be small AND will contain vmlinuz pointing to a MANDRAKE kernel.

    It might be easier at this point for you to say if you wanna try or reinstall.

    You can then post or email the info (If I guess everything its longer)


    Anyway, you just need to identify them, then you unmount and mount the correct ones under a different mount point then do a chroot it all depends if you wiped Mandrake or just put the Alt Linux boot loader over the MBR.

  17. I bought my FULL official one at FNAC in Paris.

    The edges of all the CD's are rough. By 9.0 was a bit that way but not so bad (Official Boxed set) and my 8.2 and earlier was perfect, just like a commerical CD.


    Who else bought the official boxed set, if so where (mail order (just joking your probably still waiting) or Store.


    The ones I got yesterday were from A French Mag that specialises in distro's 5 euros. Wheras I piad the full retail price for the defective powerpack.

  18. At install its lets you select which ever you want but then I can only start-up the last in the list (german).

    If I install just one and then try and install the localisation I get told it conflicts and needs to be removed before I install another.

  19. Ok

    Here goes.

    Having so much hassle with 9.1 I'd given up. Even expert text was still screwing up.

    I tried 3 sperate and completely different machines and everything kept falling over.


    Yesterday I got a magazine with disks 1-3.

    The quality of the boxed set CD's is awfull. They aren't even round and judder about in the CD like a jet taking off. The edges are all rough.

    Previous installations have failed to find packages or bombed out on seek errors on the CD (SCSI SENSE since its using IDE-SCSI).


    I installed 2 computers with a basic 9.1 yesterday from the magazine CD's which are much better quality.


    Now I have to update sources to get the powerpack stuff.


    Anyway, obviously the installer is crap if it gets errors. I know lots of people have successful installs, how many from boxed sets? Various previous fall overs included writing partition table and various RMP's.


    Has anyone else got crappy boxed set CD's (my 9.0 ones are nearly as bad). I ended up doing the download for those andwriting my own.


    Anyway, this worked for me, obviously Mdk need some work on their installer, mainly its failed on RPM's I could live without but it still screws the whole process and leaves the installer in an endless loop eating CPU cycles. A little more attention on the boxed sets would be nice too.


    Im in France in case anyone missed it so perhaps they rush out pre-press boxed sets of crap quality??? Maybe the ROPM's on the magazine included critical updates???

  20. OK this is a reinstalling the boot loader again.

    1) Boot off disk 1

    2) select rescue

    2a) Let it mount your partitions under /mnt

    3) Go to console

    4) chroot /mnt <enter>

    5) vi /etc/lilo.conf

    6) check the OS is there , if not its best to go back to the rescue and let it try, if it is then you should see the lilo stuff. Does it look rigght and do the files exist???

    7) Assuming /boot contains everything type <lilo>

    8) if it works it will rewrite the MBR


    If lilo has a problem with the ASP stuff you can overwrite it with a system formatted windows floppy using fdisk /mbr. This will write the default Windows boot loader .

  21. Do you by anychance have your RH7.3 XF6Config file????


    Did you try removing the frequency timings altogether?


    Delete all the other modes except 16bpp x 1024x768 ...


    ie. just

    SubSection "Display"

    Depth 16

    Modes "1024x768"



    Remove the modelines and try again.



    Alternatively, do you have a conventional monitor capable of 1024x768???

    If so plug it in and see if it will work. If so you know its monitr timings that are causing the problem. You might be able to then use xf86cfg to set the modeline for you that fits your range for the hansol.

    RestartX (CRTL+ALT+BKSPC)


    If your doing all this can I recommend you do it from Run Level 3 without dm (graphic login). Its much easier firing off X etc. with different XF86Config 's that way

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