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Posts posted by chris:b

  1. r e a d m e lol


    you'll find there how to install the rpm for specific distributions like RedHat ...


    RedHat 8.0 installations often include a specific version of the

        libGL component. (For example, provided by the rpm package

        XFree86-Mesa-libGL-4.2.0-72). Installing the ATI Linux driver package

        causes a conflict because the ATI Linux drivers include a custom-built

        libGL version providing extra pbuffer support. The ATI libGL is backward

        compatible to the respective XFree86 libGL version.


        Install the ATI Linux driver package and replace the existing libGL

        installation as follows:


        - Force RPM to use the replacement file of the ATI driver package:

            rpm -i --force <ati_package_name>.rpm

        NOTE: This includes overriding the rpm warning




    - Remove the existing libGL installation and then install the new libGL

      with the ATI driver installation.

      For example:


          rpm -e --nodeps XFree86-Mesa-libGL-4.2.0-72

          rpm -Uhv <ati_package_name>.rpm



            (1) Ensure that no OpenGL program is running during installation

            (2) You need the "--nodeps" option because some screen savers, qt-3,

                and some parts of XFree86 might depend on the libGL presence.

                Installing the new libgl from the ATI package will restore the

                required libGL presence.


      Perform the following steps after you have installed the driver files:

      - Run fglrxconfig to configure your XFree86 installation.

      - Respond to the questions of the fglrxconfig program

      - Save the settings to  /etc/X11/XF86Config-4.

  2. I went to that German site and altho it mentions ATI cards I couldn't find my specific one listed..


    You are not into reading readme files? In English, btw.

    And it *does* list your card.


    Good luck!

  3. Mahiles,


    because I could remember having read in German boards about linux driver for the ati radeon pro -


    go to this site:




    It's in German, though, you'll find drivers for Fire GL blala - which are working with Ati too.


    The one you need is probably (I am not sure, I know nothing about video cards ...):



    There is a readme too.

    If you need a translator for the site, just ask.

  4. - I boot Windows for transfering my photos from the digital camera. Have not got a card reader yet. And the camera does not work with linux.


    - Recently I worked with IrfanView to build websites for our holidays pic's - 4 clicks and the thumbnails and 40 sites are build. I was too lazy to write so many pages :oops:

    Then I found Kalbum - very nice, the web sites are even nicer, but it's limited to 9 pictures, and Kalbum is creating 2 sub-dir's :screwy:


    - I bought this computer with win xp pre-installed. I guess I payed for this stuff. Though my next pc will become a linux only one, I am not ready to delete stuff I payed for - maybe a silly argument, ok.

  5. I upgraded to 1.3.12 from the stable version and found that I can't rotate an image using Image-Transform-Rotate. Either it hangs until I close the image, or the image is rotated with a third cut off.


    Yes, here too. 1.3.12. But when I save the image it's saved rotated. Maybe a display problem. In the layers window I can see that the rotation is applied.


    I also find other applications run noticeably slower with Gimp open.


    Can't confirm this. Does it occur with all open app's?

  6. I've installed Gimp1_3-1.3 ... rpm. Works fine.

    You'll find it here in the MUB download section, contrib ...


    Download link at the top of this site.


    Or add contrib to urpmi/gurpmi.

  7. who's we?....I've never disabled sm.....not even once :wink: . BTW, Anna is my first born daughters name: (Full of Grace).


    we = ironical pluralis majestatis, as in 'We, Beatrix, Queen of lala, did tralala ...' 8)


    What a wonderful name for your daughter, bvc, I'd love to have this name, but helaas, I'm only Christiane.


    I hope the original poster got his problem solved, lol. So he doesn't mind that we are having fun using his thread.

  8. 1. I don't (never did) get an orange background, not in Mozilla, not in Konqui, not in Opera - your #fff5ee works for me, why not for you?


    2. The alt tag has for sure nothing to do with 'hovering mouse' - it's the 'alternative' text if the image can't get loaded. if IE shows the alt text at mouseover (does it?) then that's one more oddity ;-)


    0. Who's Eric ? :twisted:

  9. I had the same/similiar problem when i installed MDK 9.1 the first time. Even if you choose Lilo or Grub not to write to the mbr, it is already written, but not correctly. - if you are using the winxp bootloader at this moment. It's a mdk installer issue.


    You have 2 choices:

    using the winxp bootloader? ok, boot with your winxp install cd, go to the rescue (?) console, then write


    That should reinstall your xp bootloader.

    Then boot with your mandrake cd into mandrake. Write your bootsector to a floppy.

    Back to xp: copy the bootsector file to c:

    Change your boot.ini.


    Using Lilo - boot with your mandrake install cd. Write lilo into mbr. Lilo will show you that you can boot winxp or linux ... that's my solution.


    Does it help? It worked for me ...

  10. chris z:

    - no problems here with orange backgrounds in konqui or mozilla

    - as to the 'address field' as a small 'pop-up' within the site: you have to use the <a title ....> for mozilla and konqui,as aRTee said, it works fine without the 'title' in Opera - if you have not tried Opera yet, you don't know what you are missing :wink:

    - aRTee:

    <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage Express 2.0">

    haha, I saw this too - hey chris, there is a wonderful html editor: bluefish - GREAT software. With a build in validator: tidy.


    And artee, thanks for the internal opera validate-function!

  11. The new opera 7.20 B3 solved the java applet problem - everything is working now, just set the path in preferences/multimedia, no need to make changes to the script. It works with 1.3.1 and 1.4.2 ;-)


    And I found some very nice skins (themes) for opera on their site.

  12. Feeling with you chris z - followed your k3b problems. I don't know if this helps, but, here are my 'permissions' for the only user on my box, in fact its 'chris' (thats me), and k3b is doing very fine:


    [chris@localhost chris]$ id

    uid=501(chris) gid=501(chris) Gruppen=501(chris),80(cdwriter)

    [chris@localhost chris]$ su


    [root@localhost chris]# id

    uid=0(root) gid=0(root) Gruppen=0(root)

    [root@localhost chris]# ll /usr/bin/cdrdao

    -rws--x--- 1 root cdwriter 539176 Okt 20 2002 /usr/bin/cdrdao*

    [root@localhost chris]#


    btw MDK 9.1, as it came from the cd, but the newer k3b version (0.9), but the original version worked ok too.


    Is it possible that you are running into problems because you changed alot with your permissions? And the users and the groups? I would try to make a new user, innocent ;-), running k3b setup, add the new user ... restart the pc (yes, really, after k3b setup I had to restart) ... and look if it helps. It might be completely worthless, hm, what I am suggesting here.

  13. Today I installed XFce4 - and I like it very much. It looks really nice, is very fast (Opera starts within a second), the filemanager xffm is exactly what I needed, gnome and kde apps which I use don't have any problems - what can I say - I'll leave kde behind!


    For those who had problem installing it. I used the rpms from here:


    and followed the instruction: creating a 19xfce4 file, copy it to /etc/X11/wmsession.d/, copy the startxfce4 from /usr/local/bin to /usr/bin/, and edited the file /usr/share/config/kdm/kdmrc.


    After installing the menumaker rpm, I ran mmaker on a console:

    mmaker -v XFce4

    Now left clicking on the desktop brings up the applications menu.


    The only weird problem I have is: when I start kde, I got two panels (the kde and xfce4) and the xfce taskbar - and kde is complaing about it. Don't know what it is ...

  14. oberon, jamd is RedHat - but with KDE only and additional packages. Because you had already RH installed and (what I read) that did not solve your stability problem, its prob wasting your time to try another distro as long as you don't know what causes your problems. But I might be wrong here.


    Anyway, after playing a bit with jamd I must confess that it is very attractive, stable, fast, and there is something I can't explain: though using the same video driver it looks much nicer, sharper ... or so.

    I would love to see such a 'tweak' for Mandrake, one cd, reduced to the max, concentrated on a workstation and a home user, no matter if GNOME or KDE. If I could get a second life ... or a day could have 48 hours.

  15. I thought it's time for me to try another Linux distribution. So that I can say: I'll stay with Mandrake. I was looking for a one cd-distro, free to download, easy for newbies, ready for multimedia.


    JAMD 0.0.6b - based on RedHat. Reduced to KDE. Optimized for i686.


    1. Download. There are only a few mirrors. Had a slow download.

    2. Installation. I have chosen 'advanced', basically a standard RedHat installer starts - with modified grafics and packages. 20 minutes. The first problem was, that the jamd installer could not create a start floppy - kernel too big, was the message. Lilo had not been written to the mbr. The install procedure ended up with some strange errors about the video resolution. - I had to boot into mandrake and modify Lilo.

    3. No problem with the first booting of JAMD. In a few steps you are configuring a user account, network ... right into KDE, in my native language. First impression: the Acqua theme which was new to me. And a bit of a childish wallpaper as background.

    4. Packages: JAMD comes with Mplayer incl. dvd out of the box (if you know how to change the settings from /dev/dvd to /dev/hdx), xmms with mp3 support, preinstalled flash and java (you have to activate it, though), cdrw and dvd drives and floppy automounted. Our LAN was via samba immediately up and running. Internet via router the same. GIMP, OpenOffice, evolution ... and a LOT of games.

    5. Updating - I never saw apt-get and synaptic. So the first thing I did was updating JAMD, using synaptic which was very easy. Then I installed additional software which was not on the install cd: kmail, knodes, gftp. Very easy. - What about installing something manually I thought. Okay, downloaded the new Bluefish - and installed it the rpm -iv - way. Without problems. I have not figured out if and how you are able to install RedHat packages, I guess it would be quite easy to set up sources, or just download the rpm's ,a downloads' dir was alreday made under /home/$user/ by the installer.

    6. JAMD doesn't create entries in the fstab for other (windows or linux) partitions. You have to make mountpoints manually.

    7. On my system (Intel 4, 2GIG, 256 RAM, Nvidia Gforce4 64 MB) it's very fast. But I can't see a big difference in speed to mandrake.


    Now I am booting back into MDK ...



  16. hi turi,


    now that you -indirectly-solved my main problem with multisession cdrw's, I try to understand your scanner thing.

    I don't understand exactly: does your scanner work? Is it an usb scanner? Which model? Is it only an ocr problem? Do you have a usb camera? Sorry, lol.


    Ok, if your scanner is working.


    1.I might be wrong but I found a gocr package made for MDK:





    You'll find these rpm's on any ftp mirror of Mandrake software, in the /contrib part. Have you set up your urpmi sources yet? Do you use the MCC - software installation part for installing software?

    ( a personal note: this has been my first lesson in MKD Linux: if you are new, try to use basic or additional software that is made esp. for your distro - later on you are experienced enough to install all *rpm's or source packages - I have not reached this point yet)


    2. Another frontend for scanning is the package Xsane. Works for me :D You'll find it on your install cd's. Just use the Mandrake Control Center, software install, search for xsane. Or if you like the shell, urpmi. Besides - are all 'sane' packages installed?

  17. Glad that it works for you too :D


    I was not sure about the DAO thing - hey thanks for the clarification.


    As to deleting files.

    Using a cdrw like a 1.44 disk - I am not sure but I thought that you would need UDF packet writing (or something like this). In Nero that would be a separate software like InCD. Never tried it. Is there a Linux solution?


    Good Luck!

  18. Hi turi,


    1. Since april when I first installed ML 9.1 I was trying to burn a multisession cdrw or cdr - no success. Searching all forums and boards and google and stuff, finding hundreds of questions but no answers - they are ending up with: use the command line # cdrecord --äöü+# uö -[op} or something like this.


    2. I installed different cd burn programs, installed the k3b 0.9something rpm from texstar (ending up with terribly freezing my system), supermount off and on - different error's are showing up like yours.


    3. I thought, ok I give up. I have to clean the cdrw medium first and then write it. Takes time, but that can do it.


    4. I read your posting. Gave it another try. And now it works. Here is what I did so far.


    MDK 9.1, k3b: the version which came with the install cd's. Also installed: cdrecord, cdrdao, mkisofs, all versions from the install cd. Supermount: on. fstab in 'orginal' condition.


    k3b setup: I didn't change anything manually. My cd writer got detected, my dvd drive too. Three programs. I just said: go ahead. Let kb3 write to fstab. Save.

    Started k3b as user. Went into settings: I changed the option to 'manually choose the program' (this is a bad translation, your option has a different wording I guess). I changed the write speed of my cdrw drive to 24, because I know that it can handle it. I changed also the default cd medium to size 700 MB, because I use these.


    First session: A cdrw medium into the drive - to be sure I first cleaned it. Fast clean. Then I started a new data project. Added a 5 MB file. Hit on 'burn'. On the first tab window I disabled DAO - Disk at once and On-the-fly. Now it will write first an image to a /tmp dir.

    The speed I had set to '4' - that's what the cdrw medium could do.

    Choose as program to be used 'cdrecord' - that will disable 'standard' (cdrdao ?).

    On the tab 'advanced' choose: start multisession.

    Hit burn. Close k3b.


    Second session. Re-insert the cdrw medium into the drive. Start k3b. Start a new data project. Add files. When at the burn menu choose manually the same settings as in session one - one difference: 'go on with multisession' (different wording in your English version) is now the option. Burn.


    This worked for me. The first time. I could not believe it. This was the most frustrating challenge in Linux. I would like to thank you for your questions.


    --anna ( i am at work now, win2000, maybe I have to edit this posting due to missing steps ...) And sorry for my English ..

  19. I found a solution for the annoying problem that I could not add ms fonts to The Gimp. This workaround was posted on a mdk related list (can't find it anymore), but I had to add some things to get it to work. Here it is:


    1. Copy (as root) the fonts you wish to use to


    (I had done this before to use them systemwide - which worked ok but not for The GIMP.)

    2. Add for each new font 1 line into both the files fonts.scale and fonts.dir (same dir). For the fonts.scale you first need to set it 'writable'.

    The lines, some examples:

    arial.ttf -b&h-Arial Normal-medium-r-normal--0-0-0-0-p-0-iso8859-1

    tahoma.ttf -b&h-Tahoma Normal-medium-r-normal--0-0-0-0-p-0-iso8859-1

    comic.ttf -b&h-Comic MS-medium-r-normal--0-0-0-0-p-0-iso8859-1

    (the lines are the same in both files)

    You can play a bit with the lines, look at the fonts which are already included. Save the files.

    3. As root perform:

    # mkfontdir

    # xset fp rehash

    # service xfs restart

    4. Test with The Gimp, for example Script-Fu. It works for me.

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