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Everything posted by chris-tux

  1. chris-tux


    thanks anon, it's clearer now but still hurts
  2. chris-tux


    sorry, I give you all the info now :P . I want to dl MandrakeMove from MandrakeClub. If I follow the link https://www.mandrakeclub.com/torrent.php?f_=MandrakeMove-i586.iso.torrent It downloads the file /home/chris/tmp/mytorrent-chris.torrent then the gui asks for a place to save the file and everything is going rather nice except that the upload rate is too high ! It is the reason why I wanted to set a max upload rate. So I tried with btdownloadgui --max_upload_rate first then btdownloadheadless.py --max_upload_rate 12 /home/chris/tmp/mytorrent-chris.torrent It didn't work (see the errors above). So as I don't know well bt, I wondered if I had to enter the link from Mandrake club link. I tried btdownloadheadless.py --max_upload_rate 12 --url https://www.mandrakeclub.com/torrent.php?f_=MandrakeMove-i586.iso.torrent I didn't feel very confident with this command line :o It didn't work either ! Here am I now
  3. chris-tux


    hoops, you should read --max_upload_rate rather than --max_uploads; but the result is the same! Question is: does btdownloadgui accept --max_upload_rate ? I am not so sure now
  4. chris-tux


    Anon, I read the command lines concerning btdownloadgui, and already tested btdownloadgui.py --max_uploads 12 /home/chris/tmp/mytorrent-chris.torrent then I got when you run btdownloadgui.py you get a nice explanation I still don't understand why it doesn"t accept my command line
  5. chris-tux


    yes, but how do you limit max upload ? I can't manage to use max_upload option run and near the end of the downloading of the file, upload is so high that i can't do anything else and the dl rate is going down and down ...
  6. Much more easier the flash plugin 1-DL the Macromedia Flash Player 6 for x86 Linux Flash Plugin for Mandrake 9.2 2 - rpm -ivh flash-plugin-6.0.79-2.i386.rpm
  7. :D It's working now, thanks chris z I just summarize all the stuff 1- download the right java runtime from Java Run Time for mozilla 1.4 and mandrake 9.2 choose Download J2SE v 1.4.2_03 JRE then j2re-1_4_0_2_03-linux-i586-rpm.bin 2- CLOSE any instances of mozilla 2- cp j2re-1_4_2_03-linux-i586-rpm.bin /usr/java make the dir with mkdir /usr/java if you haven't such dir then cd /usr/java 3- chmod a+x j2re-1_4_2_03-linux-i586-rpm.bin 4- ./j2re-1_4_2_03-linux-i586-rpm.bin 5- rpm -ivh j2re-1_4_2_03-linux-i586.rpm 6- cd /usr/lib/mozilla-1.4/plugins/ 7- ln -s /usr/java/j2re1.4.2_03/plugin/i386/ns610-gcc32/libjavaplugin_oji.so libjavaplugin_oji.so 8- open mozilla, look in the about plugin menu, you should see details about java plugin 9- test some java web pages
  8. I have already done that (dl jre, make the symlink for moz plugin dir, the link was ok but no java plugin working...) but I had Mozilla open! So, I will redo all the stuff at home with moz closed. Will give you feed back. Thanks
  9. Hi all, I have mdke 9.2 and mozilla 1.4. I read all the threads concerning the installation of java with moz. I followed the given receipes but nope Am I the only one in this situation ? chris
  10. thanks dunno how I couldn't see it with a right click on the gnome-terminal thanks bvc, however i could not find the explanations concerning the options of --geometry believe it is sizeH x sizeV+offset H +offsetV (but with which units ??)
  11. hi all, Is there any possibility to fix the size of an opening gnome terminal window in order that the size fits a fixed part of the screen (want to have a look at the gkrellm window but don't want to stick gkrellm window always over the others!). Not a very technical question but very practical
  12. :P solved I dunno how (i just ran mcc to check hardware but no modif) but in /etc/modules.conf changed that and now everything is ok!
  13. euh... how do I know which plugin xmms is using (I am using gnome 2.4)? when I run it from a terminal it tries to open oss !! and can't fin /dev/dsp then ends .
  14. Hi all, Everything was working nice on my PC (mdke 9.2, ALSA support for aureal card 8810, xmms, xine...). Yesterday, no more sound with xmms but sound with xine. At boot, Alsa seems ok, it seems that there is no changements in the list of modules (lsmod). I don't understand what happened ? Do I have to deinstall xmms and reinstall it ?? Any help appreciated chris
  15. thanks for the help in fact proftpd is working fine but I have these 3 lines each time I connect as localhost ! and don't understand why ??
  16. Thanks DragonMage I didn'see any grabweather in /usr/local/bin but not also in /usr/bin. However I edited .gkrellm2/user-config to change /usr/local/bin to /usr/bin and it worked perfectly well ! gkrellm and gkrellm are in /usr/bin
  17. I have trouble making gkrellweather grabbing forecast info (ggkrellweather 2.0.6, gkrellm 2.1.16, gnome 2.4, mdke 9.2). Is it just specific to my config ? chris
  18. Hi all, I running proftpd 1.2.8 as a standalone server with mdke 9.2. Could anyone tell me why I have these messages when starting a session: ... 220 Server ready 500 AUTH not understood ------------------------------------>| why these lines ?? 500 AUTH not understood ------------------------------------>| KERBEROS_V4 rejected as an authentication type --------->| Name (localhost:chris): ... here is my /etc/pam.d/ftp auth required /lib/security/pam_listfile.so item=user sense=deny file=/etc/ftpusers onerr=succeed auth required /lib/security/pam_pwdb.so shadow nullok # If this is enabled, anonymous logins will fail because the 'ftp' user does # not have a "valid" shell, as listed in /etc/shells. # # If you enable this, it is recommended that you do *not* give theaccount required /lib/security/pam_pwdb.so session required /lib/security/pam_pwdb.so thanks chris
  19. hi! I have mdk 9.2 and the same modem. It was very easy to install with the Mandrake Control Center B) HTH
  20. chris-tux

    aureal sound card

    Hi all, With mdk 9.1, I installed my au8810 card via sourceforge (see post aureal 8810) I upgraded to mdk 9.2 and found much easier and faster to install ALSA (support au8810,8820,8830 aureal cards) Hope it will help
  21. Thanks Kuchwas :P Everything's ok now!
  22. Hi, No a lot of experience with Linux but I solved my sound pb first by probing the sound card lspci then I checked in the ALSA web page if my card was supported then installed ALSA package, popped up the volume :D Hope it will help Alsa-project
  23. Thanks Steve, I tried urpmi.update -a -f with no success. I have always the same complaints. I think that I will vi it but there is a lot of files in /var/lib/urpmi :unsure:
  24. Hi all, I have just migrated from 9.1 to 9.2. Everything seems ok except that i had to install ALSA drivers to support my Aureal au8810 snd card. I was just looking by curiosity with : [chris@tux chris]$ urpmf alsa impossible de prendre en compte la source « ftp.esat.net_ » car il n'existe aucu n fichier de liste [/var/lib/urpmi/list.ftp.esat.net_] impossible de prendre en compte la source « Installation CD 1 (x86) (cdrom1) » c ar il n'existe aucun fichier de liste [/var/lib/urpmi/list.Installation CD 1 (x8 6) (cdrom1)] impossible de prendre en compte la source « Installation CD 2 (x86) (cdrom2) » c ar il n'existe aucun fichier de liste [/var/lib/urpmi/list.Installation CD 2 (x8 6) (cdrom2)] impossible de prendre en compte la source « International CD (x86) (cdrom3) » ca r il n'existe aucun fichier de liste [/var/lib/urpmi/list.International CD (x86) (cdrom3)] impossible de prendre en compte la source « update_source » car il n'existe aucu n fichier de liste [/var/lib/urpmi/list.update_source] initscripts:/etc/rc.d/init.d/alsa initscripts:/etc/sysconfig/alsa ... It seems like /var/lib/urpmi has not been updated ? I checked the urpmi.conf file with cat /etc/urpmi/urpmi.conf (dunno any smarter way of ckecking the list of sources :unsure: ) . It seems ok to me: [chris@tux chris]$ cat /etc/urpmi/urpmi.cfg Workstation\ DVD\ (cdrom1) removable://mnt/cdrom/Mandrake/RPMS { hdlist: hdlist.Workstation DVD (cdrom1).cz with_hdlist: ../../Mandrake/base/hdlist1.cz removable: /dev/hdd key-ids: 70771ff3 } Workstation\ DVD\ (cdrom2) removable://mnt/cdrom/Mandrake/RPMS2 { hdlist: hdlist.Workstation DVD (cdrom2).cz with_hdlist: ../../Mandrake/base/hdlist2.cz removable: /dev/hdd key-ids: 70771ff3 } Workstation\ DVD\ (cdrom3) removable://mnt/cdrom/Mandrake/RPMS3 { hdlist: hdlist.Workstation DVD (cdrom3).cz with_hdlist: ../../Mandrake/base/hdlist3.cz removable: /dev/hdd key-ids: 70771ff3 } local { hdlist: hdlist.local.cz list: list.local } plf { hdlist: hdlist.plf.cz list: list.plf } Is it normal, how can i manage to have "clean" files ? Chris
  25. I think that it has something to do with the XFree86 config. I reinstalled the old packages and then everything is ok...
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