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Posts posted by iphitus

  1. at worst you could give it a shot :)


    and I suggest you put encryption on at least, otherwise your email passwords and web browsing is all flying through the air for anyone to read. I was messing with kismet once, and what did I find? my neighbour had no encryption and in rolled their email username, password, and the emails they were sending and receiving.



  2. If you are going to suspend or hibernate, you will need 2 x RAM. If you aren't, then you can reduce it. So, whilst some people think it's not relevant, it can be depending on your requirements.


    Try suspending/hibernating with 512MB of swap, or no swap if you have 512MB or more of memory. Ain't gonna happen. If swap space isn't being used, then you're lucky and it'll suspend.


    Hibernate only needs equal space, not double, and usually you can get away with less. Who runs theirs sytem with 100% ram usage?


    The double is an old rule that's irrelevant nowadays.

  3. ... and continue support M$'s claim that Vista proudly runs on 99.9% of desktops, because my desktop does not count as a non-Vista one!


    Edit: and of course in the end of financial year Dell will figure out (for the second time!) that their Linux initiative is not viable, as customers showed little interest in purchasing Linux systems.


    maybe, maybe not.


    From the media, it seems like it was decision spearheaded by Michael Dell himself, and the fact he claims that he actually uses ubuntu on one of his computers might offer some future to it. That implies some sort of vested interest, so even if initially it's not financially profitable, we could well see ubuntu around on them for a while.



  4. this is the new intel card, there aren't native drivers *yet* but there will be.


    for now, its a matter of using ndiswrapper, there's an articule on the ubuntu wiki, so it does work on other distros.

  5. Anything with a 2.6.17 kernel or higher on one of my machines at home, and it no longer shuts down properly with acpi. It shuts down, but then it reboots, so I have to power off manually. It does everything correctly, except power off. You get the click as if it's powering off, but it resets instead.


    man, that's a whole year that's been broken. Give 2.6.21 a shot, and if it doesn't work, just file a bug at bugzilla.kernel.org and they'll get it sorted out.



  6. Even more curious. The last release candidate of PCLinux works, but the final does not! I usually have 2 hard drives to work with, but I cannot logically understand what the difference is. I have tested the chipset and processor with bench tests, but no errors are happening. It feels like a hardware issue to me. I guess I just need a new computer! :lol: After all, if it will just run windows, what good is it?


    betcha it's a kernel issue.


    could you post the exact error? you know the drill.. :)



  7. After some research I came to the conclusion that the problem is probably caused by the BIOS, having trouble to handle a usb-keyboard connected to a PS/2 switch, connected by a converter to a USB port on the pc. It seems to irritate the system at the grub stage somehow. I don't know of a fix though and the BIOS has no extra options for handling usb devices (at least I haven't found one yet).


    see if it has an option for "legacy usb" or 'usb hid' as this tends to enable USB at boot time. If you can't find such an option, it sounds simply like your system BIOS does not support USB hid devices, or has very limited support. Unless your vendor has released a bios update, there's bugger all you can do short of upgrading the mobo, or the kvm.



  8. My GF's dad will be on national TV tonight .. I need to be able to record it...

    The TV channel itself has a web page with streaming asf...



    I can't see anything...???


    However we have TV over ATM and my ISP streams the channels in rtsp://

    I can record it in mencoder with for instance...

    mencoder -o fr3.avi -oac mp3lame -of avi -ofps 15 rtsp://mafreebox.freebox.fr/freeboxtv/stream?id=202


    (stream id being the stream for that channel)...

    This uses huge amounts of space and I don't wanna run out... (the segment is 30 mins)...

    Any and all ideas ???


    The above wmv stream works for me fine in VLC.


    If you still want to dump it with mplayer, if the computer has some processor power, set a different encoder for the output. mp4, Xvid or h246 might work?


    If you have enough ram to fit the whole video, make a ramfs, mount ramfs -t ramfs /some/place and dump it there, then copy it off later. Alternatively, just make a heap of space free, i'm sure you can spare a few gigs somewhere?


    Take a look at VLC too, it's great for streaming stuff, and has a good GUI.



  9. The swap is listed as available, so it doesnt need to be mkswapped. Even if you did that, it would have zero effect on the other distro.


    From what you say "device or resource busy" it sounds like for some reason, the mandriva boot scripts are attempting to mount the swap *twice*. The first time, as you can see is successful, the second time errors out.


    This is completely harmless.


    Just remember, this isnt an official mandriva board, so you'll have more luck getting rid of the error by filing a bug at the mandriva bugzilla.



  10. I'm using (albeit in real debian) and the ATAPI IDE drives (including CD/DVD) are still generated as hda, hdb etc. I think this is only SATA drives??




    In 2.6.19, libATA was merged. libATA is the new way of handling *all* drives, sata and IDE.


    They did not remove the old ide/ layer. So chances are you're still using that, and whatever distro you have, still uses ide as a default, rather than libATA, which supercedes it.



  11. adamw says on the page it was a purely economical decision. It also lists at least two other contractors that have had their contracts ended too.


    So... mandriva are cost cutting? Not a great sign.



  12. May I know what those showstoppers are? I'd be interested. I didn't try Bery/Compiz; for Metisse, AFAIC, I see two problems:

    - there is no "reset" action (*-rotation=0, scale=100%...) on windows,

    - 3D does not work (astronomy, games...)




    3D works fine. It only barfs out if you use XGL, which has always seemed pretty hackish to me.

  13. Did you build all the protocols in Gaim? I noticed in 2007.0 you got rid of Gadu-Gadu, which is a Polish IM program. That disappointed me, as I use gaim and required Gadu-Gadu. However, backports did have it fixed with all options available. Surprised someone made the choice to cut down what im's were available in the default 2007 though!


    That said, I've not tried 2007.1 though, so unsure if it's back to normal or not.

    file a bug on the bugzilla, that's what it's there for. though to be honest, you'll be lucky if you get a reply at all.


    adamw: might be good if mandriva recruited or assigned a dev to the bug tracker. In Arch we've got a guy who goes through, assigns all the new bugs daily and even closes some smaller ones. It doesn't take a ridiculous amount of time, but *really* helps cut down on bugs like you wouldnt believe, keeps the bug tracker sorted, and up to date. I get bugs assigned to me, and notified in my inbox on the same day as being reported, rather than a few days or a weeks later.



  14. These posts often don't go anywhere, the wireless cards out there change so often, it's hard to offer a solid reccomendation.


    Look at the cards available within your price range. Take a shortlist of five or so.


    Look them up one by one. Check the manufacturer's website, check the manuals on the site, and often by looking around you can find the chipset they use. Keep a close eye out for revisions and versions of the same card, as these can vary in chipset.


    The following chipsets (drivers) are reccomended:

    * atheros (madwifi)

    * intel anything (ipw*)

    * prism (prism54)

    * zd1211 (zd1211rw)

    * Ralink rt2500 NOT rt2570 (rt2500)

    * orinoco (orinoco_pci)


    Others that have drivers and work, but may be a hassle on some distros, or may be touch and go:

    * TI acx (acx100)

    * Atmel (atmel_pci)

    * bcm43xx (bcm43xx)


    And that's most of them off the top of my head.


    Some marketing terms that can indicate chipset, and thus a good card:

    Atheros: Super G: newer atheros cards that do 108mbit/s. Atheros are reccomended.

    Broadcom: 125 High Speed Mode, or Linksys SpeedBooster, features of newer broadcom chipsets. Avoid.


    given that information and a couple minutes of google work, and you ought to come up with a good card quickly.



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