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Everything posted by jlc

  1. jlc

    Mandrake a la Gentoo

    I guess it would have helped if I dropped some info in. The files look good, but there not rebuilding to my standards. Instead of Athlon, it appears to be using the old i586 initial setup.
  2. http://www.mandrakeusers.org/tutorials/lin...kster.php?CID=2 Has anyone tried this? I've tried creating the .rpmrc and .rpmmacros files but it doesn't seem to work. Anyone work out a better step by step for this process?
  3. jlc

    Athlon Kernel

    That was it, never mind.
  4. jlc

    Athlon Kernel

    I'm thinking when I installed the kernel it asked for shorewall, any ideas I think that might be blocking it.
  5. jlc

    Athlon Kernel

    I upgraded my kernel to athlon.rpm and now I don't have networking. I can see my eth0 I recieve an IP from my router/dhcp. but I can get out. Any Idea's?
  6. jlc

    Athlon Kernel

    Thanks for the warning, I do have an XP 2000 and I do realize the difference. I've run gentoo before, sweet system. Down side is it takes so long and if you need to install on multiple systems it's just not a good thing. Do you know when the src will be available? Thanks again for the warning tyme 8)
  7. jlc

    Athlon Kernel

    I noticed this on the ftp site>>> ftp://ftp.mandrakeusers.com/pub/Athlon/ Has anyone used this Multimedia Athlon kernel? Will it break anything?
  8. Has anyone tried to use this MOD: http://www.dayofdefeatmod.com/indexmain.html
  9. Oh, check this out for firebird. Just to many options. Very slick way of installing them too: http://texturizer.net/firebird/extensions.html#usage http://texturizer.net/firebird/themes.html#install Pretty painless, just click here and it intergrates it into the browser for you. EASY
  10. Thanks, I wish Bibletime could get a hold of the NIV mod.
  11. jlc

    nVidia auto update.

  12. Slow down..fubar::chi
  13. Has anyone played this, what do you think?
  14. Here you go, http://www.3dgamers.com/games/wolfensteinet/ Grab et-linux-test-2.32.x86.run
  15. jlc

    NWN Beta 5 Released

    Thank you,,
  16. From what I gather, you can run HL under wine/winex MDK9.1, is that correct? Do you just need the first HL CD, or what do I want to buy?
  17. jlc

    E-mail Preference

    Does anyone have a e-mail option they like better? Evolution Balasa K-mail Mozilla-Mail Syphead And why? Does one use less resources than the other but still provide great functionallity? Thank you,
  18. It's pretty good, some of the weapons aren't so accurate. DOlson, Do you know when they will have more maps?
  19. You should really look into APT, I've been running it for a long time and it hasn't broken anything for me. APT just helps install the software you want and doesn't miss any downloads you might not know about. PLUS, synaptic will give you a good Idea of all the software that has been built for Mandrake and keep it up-to-date. I would definatly look in to it. Peace! :lol:
  20. jlc

    NWN Beta 5 Released

    Do you need a CD to run NWN Beta? Is it a download install?
  21. Nope, but I have it installed under CrossOver Office. But, I use Firebird!
  22. Starts up fine and ask for root access for me, but as aRTee mentioned, I normally go the term: mcc way.
  23. Try FIREBIRD. you'll like it. :P
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