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  1. Hi, Today I was busy upgrading apache on my mandrake 10.0 machine, after installation I am having problems with all non-static php pages. When I visit a php file, a save as prompt pops up asking me where to save the application/x-php type. I checked the reference to the MIME file which initially was not correct in webmin, so I changed that. But now still php files are not being parsed. Any ideas or suggestions? Thanks in advance, Alex
  2. @ Chris Z The weird things is that if I put urpmi apache (or another very known binary) I dont get that GPG error. Is there a way to get those GPG keys and get rid of that message? @arthur How can I check if quota support is compiled in the kernel? And if not, is there any way I can update it into my kernel without downtime? Thanks
  3. Hi everyone, I have been reading up on the use of quotas under linux, unfortunately when I decided to start off I noticed that the command quota & quotacheck are not available/installed. When trying to run urpmi quota, I receive: The following packages have bad signatures: /var/cache/urpmi/rpms/quota-3.09-1mdk.i586.rpm: Invalid Key ID ((sha1) dsa sha1 md5 gpg GPG#26752624 OK) Do you want to continue installation ? (y/N) Obviously I choose no there, so how can I add this support? It's good to note that I am not in the position to access my server physically. Thanks, Alex
  4. Ok, well that at least gives me some idea's on what do do. I think I'll just update apache, mod_ssl and libpng then. What do you think about updating shorewall? Will it take over my old settings regarding the open ports? I don't want to lose my web, mail and ssh ports. I guess that the kernel package especially shouldn't be updated when you can't access your server?
  5. Hello everyone, I have been running Mandrake for some time now as mail and webserver and am very happy with the stability and functionality. Currently I have Mandrake 10 running and I'm looking into updating and patching of software. After renewing my urpmi files and databases i've punched in the following: [root@domain config]# urpmi --auto-select To satisfy dependencies, the following packages are going to be installed (292 M B): XFree86-4.3-32.1.100mdk.i586 XFree86-xfs-4.3-32.1.100mdk.i586 apache-modules-1.3.29-1.2.100mdk.i586 apache2-2.0.48-6.3.100mdk.i586 apache2-common-2.0.48-6.3.100mdk.i586 apache2-mod_cache-2.0.48-6.3.100mdk.i586 apache2-mod_disk_cache-2.0.48-6.3.100mdk.i586 apache2-mod_proxy-2.0.48-6.3.100mdk.i586 apache2-mod_ssl-2.0.48-6.3.100mdk.i586 apache2-modules-2.0.48-6.3.100mdk.i586 cvs-1.11.16-1.1.100mdk.i586 dhcp-client-3.0-1.rc14.0.1.100mdk.i586 dhcp-common-3.0-1.rc14.0.1.100mdk.i586 drakxtools-newt-10-34.3.100mdk.i586 ftp-client-krb5-1.3-6.2.100mdk.i586 harddrake-10-34.3.100mdk.i586 initscripts-7.06-49.1.100mdk.i586 kernel-source-2.6.3-15mdk.i586 libapr0-2.0.48-6.3.100mdk.i586 libkrb51-1.3-6.2.100mdk.i586 libphp_common432-4.3.4-4.1.100mdk.i586 libpng3-1.2.5-10.5.100mdk.i586 libpng3-devel-1.2.5-10.5.100mdk.i586 libsmbclient0-3.0.2a-3.2.100mdk.i586 libxfree86-4.3-32.1.100mdk.i586 libxfree86-devel-4.3-32.1.100mdk.i586 libxine1-1-0.rc5.1plf.i586 libxine1-devel-1-0.rc5.1plf.i586 mod_ssl-2.8.16-1.2.100mdk.i586 perl-Libconf-0.33-2.1.100mdk.noarch php432-devel-4.3.4-4.1.100mdk.i586 shorewall-2.0.1-3.2.100mdk.noarch telnet-client-krb5-1.3-6.2.100mdk.i586 Is this OK? (Y/n) So apparently, a number of packages need to be updated. At the moment I'm doing my placement in Malaysia while my server is running in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. This means that I wont have physical access to my server. At the moment everything is running perfectly so I'm doubting between "if it ain't broke don't fix it" and just keeping my software up to date. The second thing is that I've changed the configuration of apache, in stead of /var/www & /etc/httpd, I've created 1 partition /www where all my webserving files are residing. I think that after running the new package I'll be left with an broken apache configuration. I'm looking forward to hear your opinions on this matter, thanks Alex
  6. Hello everyone, I have been installing mandrake a few times over the last months to get a few features working the way I wanted. One of the most important ones was software raid 1 on 2 20GB drives. I have created md0 until md5 during the setup process. I was under the impression that everything worked fine until I checked the software raid section under webmin. It gave the following output: Device file /dev/md0 RAID level Mirrored (RAID1) Status Active and mounted on / Persistent superblock? Yes Chunk size 64k kB Partitions in RAID IDE device C partition 1 IDE device A partition 1 Device file /dev/md2 RAID level Mirrored (RAID1) Status Active and mounted on /var Persistent superblock? Yes Chunk size 64k kB Partitions in RAID IDE device A partition 5 IDE device C partition 5 (Down) Device file /dev/md3 RAID level Mirrored (RAID1) Status Active and mounted on /usr Persistent superblock? Yes Chunk size 64k kB Partitions in RAID IDE device C partition 6 IDE device A partition 6 Device file /dev/md4 RAID level Mirrored (RAID1) Status Active and mounted on /home Persistent superblock? Yes Chunk size 64k kB Partitions in RAID IDE device A partition 7 (Down) IDE device C partition 7 Device file /dev/md5 RAID level Mirrored (RAID1) Status Active and mounted on /www Persistent superblock? Yes Chunk size 64k kB Partitions in RAID IDE device A partition 8 IDE device C partition 8 (Down) So apparently stuff is going wrong, I was under the impression that the software raid would automatically initiate during boot. Does anyone know how I can turn on the partitions that are down. The second weird thing is that I have made a md1 where I mounted /tmp on during the install for hda3 & hdc3, now there is no md1 available under webmin and /tmp is available under my current install :o Hope some of you have some suggestions on how i could solve this. Alex
  7. Hello everyone, I am trying to get two 20GB hard drives set up as software raid, when I boot from cd and go to the partition module I get lost. If I toggle expert mode I find that I can make various partitions but no mount points. I also tried to set up and partition my hda and then setup hdc to clone, but this didnt worked out. Does anyone have experience with this part of the installation? Thanks, Alex
  8. As far as I know only qmail is installed.. I followed the guide @qmailrocks.org
  9. Hello everyone, Currently I receive two [msec] messages every evening around 4 AM with lots of info, these are sent to root@mydomain. I would like to have all these kind of administrative e-mail messages into my postmaster@mydomain mailbox. So I edited my qmail aliases with the value postmaster@mydomain, unfortunately I still receive these messages in my own account. Does anyone know how to change this? Thanks, Alex
  10. Hello everyone, I have been reading on the apache website, but i'm getting a bit confused of all the terms and possibilities there. I have 4 domains that I would like to serve, the problem is that I have only received one IP from my ISP. What I understand from apache site is that namevirtualhosting is a possibility but what is the command then? can I simply do something like: NameVirtualHost * <VirtualHost _default_> ServerName www.domain1.org DocumentRoot /var/www/domain1 #ErrorLog /dev/null #TransferLog /dev/null </VirtualHost> <VirtualHost *> ServerName mail.domain2.org DocumentRoot /var/www/domain2 </VirtualHost>
  11. changed default to exec, no change.. still the same (see attachment)
  12. Here's my fstab: /dev/hda1 / ext3 defaults 1 1 none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0 /dev/hda8 /home ext3 defaults 1 2 /dev/hdc8 /home/alex/home ext3 defaults 1 2 /dev/hdc7 /home/alex/var ext3 defaults 1 2 /dev/hdc /mnt/cdrom auto umask=0022,user,iocharset=iso8859-15,codepage=850,noauto,ro,exec 0 0 none /mnt/floppy supermount dev=/dev/fd0,fs=ext2:vfat,--,umask=0022,iocharset=iso8859-15,sync,codepage=850 0 0 none /proc proc defaults 0 0 /dev/hda9 /tmp ext3 defaults 1 2 /dev/hda6 /usr ext3 defaults 1 2 /dev/hda7 /var ext3 defaults 1 2 /dev/hda10 /www ext3 defaults 1 2 /dev/hda5 swap swap defaults 0 0
  13. Well, since I installed qmail with addons, I would like to make it run together with squirrelmail, the path to squirrelmail would be /www/www/html/webmail/index.php. Furthermore, my apache2 is up and running, no problems there. Also my 70_php file looks exactly the same as illogic-a's. As you can see from teh path posted above, I created a separate partition mounted to /www. Here I moved my /var/www and etc/httpd to. All references in all instances of httpd.conf have been adjusted to make sure everything points in that direction. I've also spent a considerable amount of time in making sure the include command were good and pointing to /conf.d hope this helps
  14. Well after trying all your suggestions I have to say that nothing has helped me.. Apache2 and Mandrake 10 Community Edition perhaps bite eachother. The strange thing is that a friend of mine has the exact same problem with Mandrake 10, but he chose to install apache 1.3 on his box. engine is switched on, all the essential elements are already in place, mandrake slits the httpd.conf in pieces so the php module is in a separate file. Of course I have checked if the include options were all ok, and also there nothing can be found. Now someone told me that this version 10 is still a Release Candidate, is this true? Alex
  15. Thanks Dr. But appearantly that has already been installed. I think the problem lies in the dact that apache 2 doesnt recognise this php stuff. Even though in http2.conf there is an Include 70_mod_php.conf It simply wants to save .php files rather than serving them.
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