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Microsoft Patents Sudo?


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Boy that is heavy bedtime reading. From what I gather from the limited reading I have done M$ have patented a GUI to provide SUDO functionality, not the underlying code. Maybe I'm totally wrong there as my knowledge of US law is about zero. :)

It certainly seems a hot topic none the less.

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You are right, but that's sort of the problem. Because they patented the GUI end, which then calls the underlying code, they could potentially use the patent against others who have a similar GUI device - think gksudo or ksudo or whatever they're called, the GUI front-ends to sudo for GNOME and KDE. Although the underlying code is likely different, what the viewer sees is arguably similar.

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Wouldn't it be the case that M$ are going against the sudo license, i.e. providing a patented gui using the underlying code and then selling that code as their own, thus making a profit out of it?

As far as a graphical front end goes all computers that display window type environments could be said to impinge on Microsoft patents. I believe that argument has gone on for years. I'm obviously out of my depth here, so I'll stop digging. :D

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