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Twinkle 1.4.1 in 2009.0 repository?


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I found Twinkle 1.4.1 in 2009.1/i586/media/contrib/release/ as expected, but shouldn't version 1.4.1 also appear in 2009.0/i586/media/contrib/backports/ ?


I am using 2009.0. Twinkle 1.4.2 was released on February 25, 2009. I have been waiting for it to update during one of my automatic package updates. When it did happen I eventually investigated what's in the repositories. Are the Mandriva 2009.0 repositories already dropped from current updates less that one year after it's release?

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Whether or not a package in /contrib is updated or backported is entirely up to the maintainer. Packages in /main are updated by Mandriva for significant bug fixes and security issues only, not version updates. Backports of packages in /main are also discretionary. 2009.0 is still fully supported (for packages in the /main repo):





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