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Grip in Mandriva doesn't do ID3v2 tags [solved]


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OK, nothing is too good for you Mandriva users. I've just packaged grip-3.3.1-11mdvg2009.0.i586.rpm with full id3v2.4 support enabled. It's using the latest revision 327049 from: svn.mandriva.com/revision=327049


It has no checkbox for ID3v2, but it is ID3v2.


If anyone would like to try it out let me know. This is just until it's officially available. :)

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Got it. Checking it out.


Hmm. I can't get it to write v2 tags unless I put '--add-id3v2' in the 'Encoder command-line' box. (which would be the behavior of the official repo version :huh: )


Maybe I am doing something wrong?


Please don't spend too much time and trouble on this, Greg. Your efforts are appreciated but there are so many other ripping/encoding options I don't want to see you waste your time on a program that may be used by very few people. You probably have better/more interesting things to do.


Plus I now know how to make the repo version spit out the proper tags. :thumbs:


Thank you.



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You're not using lame. In the Encoder tab change the encoder to lame. :)


Nah. I had lame selected.


Just now I uninstalled grip 11mdvg and deleted the .grip files in my home dir and reinstalled grip11mdvg. Now I see the proper commands in the encoder command line. Just checked it out and it works fine.


Edit: I went into my other user dir and had the same behavior. I then deleted all the .grip files in /~ and ran it again. This time it came up with the proper encoder line for lame. Seems I just needed to delete those files and all is well.


Thanks Greg.



Edited by angst
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