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KDE background flashes

Guest turi

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Anyone ever had the experience where the background flashes furiously? The icons, that is. I can put my finger on a patter after doing something. It's always different. Not very often, but I have to log off and back on to get it to act normal (doing nothing).

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just guessing here, so take this with grain of salt. could your monitor refresh rate be set too high? you might wanna try lowering it a bit. i use KDE & never had that problem. as i said, adjust refresh rate at your own risk. if you set it too low, you may not get any desktop at all, or it may hang. set it too high, you risk damaging the monitor. maybe somebody else will have another idea.



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Guest fubar::chi
I am using KDE 3.1.3. Why? Is that a known bug with them?

You're probably using texstar's version of KDE then. I know he patched his version with shadow text code and that's probably why this is happening. It happened to me too but it's not really a big deal so i didn't bother reporting it to him. It's not a mdk bug and technically it's not a kde bug but i'm sure they won't mind a bug report. just tell them it was an unnofficial package (and from where).

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Guest fubar::chi

you went to texstar cuz he's the quickest with mdk upgrades.

Does he have a homepage for what was included in his upgrade?
he must have. I read somewhere that he had the shadow text patch for 3.1.3 and that's the only reason i installed 3.1.3. I don't remember exactly where though. maybe the pclo forums.
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i checked out the MDKLinux link you posted. from what they were describing there, i'm still convinced it's monitor/video settings related. i also upgraded to Texstar's KDE 3.1.3 & have had no problems with my desktop, icons, or anything flashing. the behaviour described & screenshot provided in the MDK link are very symptomatic of incorrect or uncomaptable video settings. when i first installed MDK i had a very similar problem. KDE would start loading, the desktop would flash a couple of times, then i'd get thrown to the blue KDE bootscreen background & my cursor would alternate from an arrow to the "busy" timer. even though MDK told me that it found my correct video drivers during setup & they tested ok, what i ended up having to do was pick another video driver & lower my refresh rate. i have an ATI RagePro Mach64 video card that uses a 70hz refresh rate under Window$. that doesn't work for me under MDK. in MDK i had to use the ATI (Utah) driver & lower my refresh rate to 60hz to make things work. it might be worth checking out (IMHO).



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